RE: ADIC / Dell Powervault 120T changer problems under Linux (Pt 2)

2002-03-25 Thread C R Ritson

> Message: 16
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 02:22:47 -0500
>From: Derrick Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: ADIC / Dell Powervault 120T changer problems under 
> Linux (Pt 2)
> 1)  Does anyone have this changer working with Amanda?  I 
> would give just 
> about anything to get my hands on copies of working config 
> and chg-zd-mtx 
> files.

I am using a different changer script supplied by Chris Pascoe and once
upon a time posted to this list (in a slightly earlier version). I have
attached my current copy (I hope you don't mind, Chris). Beware of line
endings - I read email on a windows box, even though most of our servers
are unix/linux.

With this tape drive running alone on the SCSI bus from an adaptec 2944,
amverify gets occasional "Unexpected busfree in Data-in phase". It would
be interesting to know if anyone else with this hardware combination
gets this error when running amverify or not. If you have not bothered
with amverify, I would urge you to try it, lest your tapes are
unreadable when you need them most.

# Exit Status:
# 0 Alles Ok
# 1 Illegal Request
# 2 Fatal Error
# Contributed by Eric DOUTRELEAU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# This is supposed to work with Zubkoff/Dandelion version of mtx
# Modified by Joe Rhett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# to work with MTX 1.2.9 by Eric Lee Green
# Modified by Chris Pascoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to work with a 
# Dell PowerVault 120T, MTX 1.2.10 and add some intelligence to
# exit when all slots are empty.  (Jan 2001).  Fixed introduced 
# bugs when going backwards and potential problem with changers having
# more than 9 slots (July 2001).

# You may need to customize these things
ONLINEREGEX="ONLINE|READY|sense[_ ]key[(]0x0[)]|sense key error = 0|^er=0$"
# No user-level customized required beyond this point.

# try to hit all the possibilities here
export PATH

if [ -d "/tmp/amanda" ]; then

if [ ! -f "amanda.conf" ]; then
echo "No amanda config in current directory"
exit 2;

if test "$USE_VERSION_SUFFIXES" = "yes"; then

tape=`amgetconf$SUF tapedev`
TAPE=`amgetconf$SUF changerdev`; export TAPE # for mtx command
if [ "$tape" = "/dev/null" -o "$TAPE" = "/dev/null" ]; then
echo "Both tapedev and changerdev must be specified in config file";
exit 2;

changerfile=`amgetconf$SUF changerfile`
if [ -z "$changerfile" ];
echo "changerfile not specified in amanda config?"
exit 2

[ ! -f $cleanfile ] && echo 0 > $cleanfile
[ ! -f $accessfile ] && echo 0 > $accessfile
[ ! -f $slotfile ] && echo 0 > $slotfile
cleancount=`cat $cleanfile`
accesscount=`cat $accessfile`

# Routines start here
readstatus() {
usedslot=`$MTX status |
sed -n 's/Data Transfer Element 0:Empty/-1/p;s/Data Transfer Element 
0:Full (Storage Element \([0-9]\+\) Loaded)/\1/p'`

if [ "$usedslot" -eq "-1" ]; then
echo '-1' > $slotfile
echo "STATUS -> currently loaded slot = $usedslot" >> $DBGFILE

getslots() {
slotlist=`$MTX status | 
sed -n 's/Storage Element \([0-9]\+\):\(Empty\|Full\)/\1/p'`
fullslots=`$MTX status | 
sed -n 's/Storage Element \([0-9]\+\):Full/\1/p;s/Data Transfer 
Element 0:Full (Storage Element \([0-9]\+\) Loaded)/\1/p'`
dataslots=`$MTX status | 
sed -n 's/Storage Element \([0-9]\+\):Full/\1/p;s/Data Transfer 
Element 0:Full (Storage Element \([0-9]\+\) Loaded)/\1/p' | 
fgrep -v "^${cleanslot}$" | sort -n`
numdataslots=`echo $dataslots | wc -w | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ -z "$dataslots" ]; then
firstslot=`echo $slotlist | awk '{print $1}'`
lastslot=`echo $slotlist | awk '{print $NF}'`
firstdataslot=`echo $dataslots | awk '{print $1}'`
lastdataslot=`echo $dataslots | awk '{print $NF}'`
nextdataslot=`echo $dataslots | awk -v CURR=$usedslot 'BEGIN { P=0 }; { for 
(i=1; i <= NF; i++) { if ($i > CURR && P == 0) { P=1; print $i } }; if (P == 0) { P=1; 
print $1 } }'`
prevdataslot=`echo $dataslots | awk -v CURR=$usedslot 'BEGIN { P=0 }; { for 
(i=NF; i >= 1; i--) { if ($i < CURR && P == 0) { P=1; print $i } }; if (P == 0) { P=1; 
print $NF } }'`
echo "GETSLOTS -> data slot list = `echo $dataslots`" >> $DBGFILE


2002-03-25 Thread Jesús Moya

I have a doubt about amrecover. In our filesystems we have directory 
names with spaces, for example: Network Trash Folder/
When i'm in amrecover i try to change to one of these directories and 
the result is this:

amrecover> cd Network Trash Folder/
Invalid directory - Network
Invalid command - parse error

if i try another way the result is the same:

amrecover>cd Network\ Trash\ Folder/
Invalid directory - Network\
Invalid command - parse error

Is there any solution for this?


Re: amrecover

2002-03-25 Thread Peter Murphy

At 2002-03-25 12:13:09 + (Monday), Jesús Moya wrote:
> When i'm in amrecover i try to change to one of these directories and 
> the result is this:...

Try :-

amrecover>cd "Network Trash Folder"

 __  )/  
/   /  __ )  ___/  __ )  ___/
   /  ___/  / ___/  /


2002-03-25 Thread advertman2

"Net Pa" Internet Marketing Center Ltd. Sti.®
Elektronik Urun Tanitim Bulteni, Yil: 3, Sayi: 37
Tarih: 25-03-2002, Gurup: Sort by Domain, Dosya: 1
Sanal Tiraj: 5 Milyon (Turk Internet Kullanicisi) 


Turkiye'de Ilk Defa ! 

DECODER CD (v2.0)   
40 EURO + KDV 

Turkiye'de yayin yapan sifreli TV kanallari basta olmak uzere, Dunya'daki tum sifreli 
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Tanitim ve satisini yaptigimiz bu programlarin PC bilgisayarlardaki her isletim 
sistemine uygun (Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/NT ve Linux) versiyonlari mevcuttur. Ayni 
programlari(n bir cogunu) Macintosh (Apple) bilgisayarlarin isletim sistemlerinde de 
kullanabilirsiniz. Ayrica bu programlari harici bir TV karti (external) ilavesiyle 
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Bilgisayarinizin model ve kalitesine gore alternatif programlarin da bulundugu bu 
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bunlar 4-5 yil oncesinin bilgisayarlaridir, simdilerde bu ozelliklerdeki bilgisayarlar 
artik demode olmustur- 32/64 MB RAM, 4 MB ekran karti gibi dusuk konfigrasyonlarla 
bile programlarimizi kullanmaniz ve aradiginiz randimani almaniz mumkundur. 

Dilerseniz bilgisayar uzerinde kirdiginiz sifreli ses ve goruntu sinyallerini ayri bir 
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Ama bu mutlaka gerekli degildir, sizin insiyatifinize kalmistir.

Programlari bilgisayariniza nasil kuracaginiz (setup), "DECODER CD (v2.0)" icinde 
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dosyalarda ihtiyaciniz olandan cok daha fazla bilgiyi bulabilmeniz mumkundur. "DECODER 
CD (v2.0)" icindeki programlari bilgisayariniza kuramaz ya da kurduktan sonra sifre 
cozumu ile ilgili herhangi bir teknik sorunla karsilasirsaniz bu durumu bildirdiginiz 
taktirde size teknik servisimiz tarafindan destek verilecek, sorunlarinizin 
giderilmesine yardimci olunacaktir. 

Gerek bilgi ve gerekse program dosyalari virus taramasindan gecirilmis ve test 
edilmistir. Satislarimiz randiman garantilidir. 

Projemiz tumuyle yasaldir, herhangi bir illegallik ya da etik problem sozkunusu 
degildir (Sifreli yayin yapan uydu kanallarinin korsan decoder makineleriyle cozumu ve 
TV ekranlarinda izlenmesi suctur. Bilgisayar programlari icin boyle bir engel ve yasa 
yoktur. Hatta bilgisayar programlari ile cozdugunuz goruntulerin yukarida sozunu 
ettigimiz aparatlarla TV ekranlarina aktarilmasi dahi suc teskil etmemektedir. Bu 
tumuyle teknik bir imkandir) 

Patenti "Yonca Elektronik A.S.®"ne ait olan bu calismanin Turkiye ve tum dunya 
uzerindeki satis haklari "Net Pa" Internet Marketing Center Ltd. Sti.®'ne aittir. 
Taklitlerinden sakininiz. Turkiye ici ve disi satisa yetkili bayimiz yoktur, uzerinde 
"Yonca Elektronik A.S.®" patenti ve "Net Pa" Internet Marketing Center Ltd. Sti.® 
logosu bulunmayan, ozel etiketi ve ambalji olmayan, barkodsuz ve bandrolsuz CD'leri 
satin almayiniz. 

Siparisleriniz adresinize APS ile "odemeli olarak" gonderilir. Postaci urununuzu 
getirdigi zaman odeme yaparak teslim alabilirsiniz.

Hayirli islerinizde basarilar diler, projemize ve urunlerimize gostermis oldugunuz 
ilgiden dolayi tesekkur ederiz.

Not: Bu projeden istifade edebilmeniz icin bilgisayirinizda TV kartinizin olmasi 

"Net Pa" Internet Marketing Center Ltd. Sti.® 
Adnan Menderes Cad. Atagun Is Merkezi, Kat: 4 Sakarya, Turkey  
Bankalar Cad. Eski Reji Sok. Kent Is Merkezi, Kat 1 Sakarya, Turkey  
TEL: 0 (264) 281 38 85   ICQ: 572 98 144
Almanya: 00 49 (172) 682 01 69 Belcika: 00 32 (494) 25 02 30 

Re: amrecover

2002-03-25 Thread Jesús Moya

Thank you very much, Peter.

Peter Murphy wrote:

>At 2002-03-25 12:13:09 + (Monday), Jesús Moya wrote:
>>When i'm in amrecover i try to change to one of these directories and 
>>the result is this:...
>Try :-
>   amrecover>cd "Network Trash Folder"

Re: amanda-2.4.3b3-20020324 problem

2002-03-25 Thread Gene Heskett

On Monday 25 March 2002 12:38 am, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 10:12:43PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Sunday 24 March 2002 05:16 pm, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>> >On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 10:06:41PM +0100, Thomas Hepper wrote:
>> >> Yup there was an bug introduced in chg-scsi which will
>> >> cause an endless loop on readingthe config file, fixed in
>> >> CVS so wait for the next snapshot.
>> >
>> >A new snapshot is already available.
>> >
>> >Jean-Louis
>> I just grabbed it again at 21:00 my time, making note that the
>> tar.gz was exactly the same size, and its still broken.  I
>> think it is your site I'm getting my snapshots from.
>> >.tar.gz>
> 020324.tar.gz>
>No more up to date site.
>I build a snapshot every time someone commit something on CVS, I
> don't know if it compile. I don't know if your bug is fixed.
>Latest snapshot have:
>> md5sum amanda-2.4.3b3-20020324.tar.gz
>f74bc9822c6cf1d8624819cac6fbff16  amanda-2.4.3b3-20020324.tar.gz

Now I don't know, Jean-Louis.  I'd rm'd both the build directory 
and the archive before going after it again last nite, but I get


for the md5sum of what I got for the 3rd time last night.  It 
still has a time of just after 1800 the 24th.

>Maybe you have a caching problem.

Possibly, but I don't /think/ its me, no copy existed on either 
of my machines at the time of the last download.  I'll just wait 
till the next snapshot, this is not that big a deal except for 
those users of chg-scsi, and the 20020311 version seems to be 
chugging right along, no problems other than it overran the first 
tape last night and had to use most (3.5g) of the second tape 
too.  It was odd, and was the first time it has done that but it 
worked ok according to the email it sent me.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
98.7+% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a hillbilly

Re: amanda-2.4.3b3-20020324 problem

2002-03-25 Thread Gene Heskett

On Monday 25 March 2002 12:38 am, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>Latest snapshot have:
>> md5sum amanda-2.4.3b3-20020324.tar.gz
>f74bc9822c6cf1d8624819cac6fbff16  amanda-2.4.3b3-20020324.tar.gz
>Maybe you have a caching problem.

Which was exactly it, mozilla's cache TBE.  My apologies.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
98.7+% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a hillbilly

Re: can't back up a subdirectory?

2002-03-25 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On 25 Mar 2002 at 10:08am, Jason Henry Parker wrote

> Some versions of dump for Linux are capable of doing it.  The problem,
> as dump reported, is that it's not possible to update the dumpdates
> file in that case (which strikes me as pretty reasonable).

I should have been clearer.  dump will happily do a level 0 of whatever 
directory you point it at.  But it won't do an incremental (level 1+) of 
anything but a partition.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

connection refused on client ?!

2002-03-25 Thread Rainer Fuegenstein


we're using amanda now for several years to back up
our servers, but since a few days we have a strange
problem with one of our hosts:

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: cmso: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 14 hosts checked in 30.960 seconds, 1 problem found.

the log- and debug files on cmso look like:

Mar 25 14:18:32 cmso amandad[1275]: error receiving message: Connection refused
Mar 25 14:18:32 cmso inetd[402]: /usr/sbin/tcpd (pid 1275): exit status 1
Mar 25 14:18:41 cmso amandad[1282]: error receiving message: Connection refused
Mar 25 14:18:41 cmso inetd[402]: /usr/sbin/tcpd (pid 1282): exit status 1
Mar 25 14:18:51 cmso amandad[1288]: error receiving message: Connection refused
Mar 25 14:18:51 cmso inetd[402]: /usr/sbin/tcpd (pid 1288): exit status 1

amandad: debug 1 pid 2073 ruid 202 euid 202 start time Mon Mar 25 14:39:49 2002
amandad: version 2.4.1p1
amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.1p1"
amandad:BUILT_DATE="Wed Feb 28 18:49:15 CET 2001"
amandad:BUILT_MACH="Linux cmso 2.2.14-5.0 #1 Tue Mar 7 21:07:39 EST 2000 i686 
got packet:

Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 000-005E0508 SEQ 1017063743
SERVICE selfcheck

sending ack:

Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-005E0508 SEQ 1017063743

amandad: running service "/usr/local/amanda/libexec/selfcheck"
amandad: error receiving message: Connection refused

strage that the client gets a "Connection Refused" when receiving
a message. During tests earlier this day I also got a message like 
"received malformed ACK" in the client's amandad.debug, but I
can't reproduce this now.

restarting the inetd doesn't help. unfortunately I can't reboot
the machine right now.

the tape server is located in the internal LAN behind a firewall
doing NAT; the server to be backed up is located in the external
LAN. this server also runs some rather heavy-weight JAVA application
servers; the problem started when we installed another APPserver
from HP (HP-AS). the HP-AS is not running now but the problem 
still persist. I guess that there's something wrong with the local
ports, but I can't figure it out right now.

OS is RedHat Linux 6.2, there are no local ipchains defined.

Any ideas ?

tnx in advance.

Re: ADIC / Dell Powervault 120T changer problems under Linux (Pt 2)

2002-03-25 Thread Eric Trager

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Derrick Miller wrote:

> So, my questions:
> 1)  Does anyone have this changer working with Amanda?  I would give just
> about anything to get my hands on copies of working config and chg-zd-mtx
> files.

For what it may be worth, Derrick, I have a Sun StorEdge jukebox attached
to an Enterprise class Solaris system. While mtx itself worked, I never
got the chg-zd-mtx script to work. I had to do things like hard-code
variables just to even get it to run but I never got it to perform any
significant functions.

I inhereted the installation and found out that chg-scsi was never tried,
but lo and behold, I spent a little time tweaking it, it worked well, and
have used it ever since. It really is a great little program. The only
functionality that does not work for me right now is the barcode stuff but
Thomas Hepper has been working with me to make that work.

BTW, I use 2.4.3b2. The StorEdge is a 30-slot jukebox with two DLT IV tape

> Any pointers whatsoever would be greatly appreciated, as I've been beating my
> head against this for over a month and have made very little progress.

Good luck. If I hadn't discovered chg-scsi would do the job, I would have
tried writing my own perl script. Lots of people use chg-zd-mtx, though,
which always made me feel worse! :^P

- -  -   --
Eric Trager

kindly help

2002-03-25 Thread swsiinfo

 Hi Rainer,

I am Sumesh from R&D dept of a System Integrator OEM company HCL
Infosystems Ltd
 in INDIA.We are in the way of offering a reliable and cheap or free backup
solution in a
 Linux-Windows enviornment.We have found AMANDA will definitely help us.We
are looking for a solution of backup to a tape which is attached to server
and multiple linux and windows clients
in the network and to take backup at scheduled interval.As I am new to this
field your kind help
will be highly appreciated.

Please note the following points.

1)We are going to use RedHat Linux 7.2 .I have found AMANDA is in-built with
RH 7.2
  But I could not find any document which tells what extra configuration has
to be done
  for a simple setup.Please guide me to any path of documentation for this
or send me the steps
  of configuration for a simple backup with One tape server and 2 clients
(one-Linux ,another-
  Windows 2000) in network for daily backup at evening 5 .00pm.

2)Does AMANDA support incremental backup?
3)What type of backup AMANDA does? Image backup or normal backup?
4)Destination can be hard disk in AMANDA instead of tape?
5)Please give me documents which tells How to configure ,how to run for
above explained setup.
6)Does AMANDA have disaster recovery option?
7)Does AMANDA support Exabyte VXA-1 tape drive?

Your earliest help would be highly appreciated.


RE: newbie questions

2002-03-25 Thread Morse, Richard E.

Fernan Aguero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:

>[I've tried also building amanda --with-user=amanda and creating the
>user to no avail]

>The only thing that works is letting amanda have a login shell in
>/etc/passwd, which I guess is the wrong thing to do (from a security

Hi!  It's possible to give Amanda a shell, but set the password in both
/etc/passwd and /etc/master.passwd to '*'.  In this case, the user _can't_
be used to login (no password encrypts to '*').  This means that the only
way for anyone to use the user amanda is to su from root -- and if they have
access to the root account, why do they need the amanda account anyways?


amanda: problem with gtar: gid_t value too large

2002-03-25 Thread Stefan Becuwe

I'm using amanda 2.4.2p2 to backup several computers without any problem,
except for 1 client machine.  That client runs the sorcerer distribution
with a 2.4.19-pre1-ac2 kernel and gtar 1.13.25.  The used size of the
/home partition is approximately 2.5 GB.  This is the output from amanda

/-- host /home lev 0 FAILED [/bin/tar returned 2]
sendbackup: start [host:/home level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gzip -dc |/bin/tar -f... -
sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
sendbackup: info end
? gtar: gid_t value 4294967295 too large (max=16777215)
| Total bytes written: 2218362880
? gtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
sendbackup: error [/bin/tar returned 2]

The other clients, though running a different distribution, also have the
same version of gtar and comparable partition sizes.

Any idea how to solve this problem?



what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread Uncle George

does etimeout specify the time that "sendsize" will use to estimate the
time needed to do 'its thing', or does it represent the sum total of
time ( estimate & dumping ) of a filesystem ?

Re: what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 at 11:53am, Uncle George wrote

> does etimeout specify the time that "sendsize" will use to estimate the
> time needed to do 'its thing', or does it represent the sum total of
> time ( estimate & dumping ) of a filesystem ?

etimeout specifies that amount of time amdump will wait to hear back after 
sending a sendsize request to a particular host.  At least, I think it's 

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University


2002-03-25 Thread Juanjo


I have just moved my amanda setup from one server to another (the old one
was already setup). But now I always get the same error message either
trying to label tapes, or running amcheck:

no tape online


amcheck never finishes...
chg-zd-mtx works... but it neither finishes, only the -info switch comes back.

Thanks in advance.

sendsize failing

2002-03-25 Thread Jennifer Peterson

Hi everyone,

I recently moved two Solaris 2.6 machines from using ufsdump to using 
gtar.  These two machines nfs mount another machine for their 
/usr/local, and that's where amanda's installed.  One machine works just 
fine, but on the other machine tar is failing on several directories 
with "cannot savedir: Permission denied."  This seems fair enough, 
except that, of course, both machines are using the same setuid root 
runtar.  When I run tar manually as root, the directories in question 
can be tarred just fine, so I'm naively guessing that the problem is 
somehow stemming from runtar, but how?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Jenn Peterson

[Re: sendsize failing]

2002-03-25 Thread Jennifer Peterson

Thanks, Brian.  The host was allowing root access to be exported, but
the client in question was refusing to take it.  I had to edit the
vfstab file to make it work.

Brian Cuttler wrote:

 > Jenn,
 > NFS mounting file systems tends to make suid bits fall off.
 > Remote mount treats ROOT as nobody unless you are using root
 > access in the /etc/exports file. Its been a problem for us,
 > don't know if it is an issue for you.
 > ---
 >Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
 >Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
 >NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773
 >>Hi everyone,
 >>I recently moved two Solaris 2.6 machines from using ufsdump to using
 >>gtar.  These two machines nfs mount another machine for their
 >>/usr/local, and that's where amanda's installed.  One machine works just
 >>fine, but on the other machine tar is failing on several directories
 >>with "cannot savedir: Permission denied."  This seems fair enough,
 >>except that, of course, both machines are using the same setuid root
 >>runtar.  When I run tar manually as root, the directories in question
 >>can be tarred just fine, so I'm naively guessing that the problem is
 >>somehow stemming from runtar, but how?
 >>Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
 >>Jenn Peterson

Re: what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread John R. Jackson

>etimeout specifies that amount of time amdump will wait to hear back after 
>sending a sendsize request to a particular host.  At least, I think it's 

This is covered in the man page:

  Default:  300 seconds.  Amount of time per  disk  on  a
  given  client that the planner step of amdump will wait
  to get the dump size estimates.  For instance, with the
  default  of  300  seconds  and  four disks on client A,
  planner will wait up to 20 minutes for that machine.  A
  negative value will be interpreted as a total amount of
  time, instead of a per-disk value.

Note that, when positive, it is per disk.  When negative, it is per
host (and the man page needs a minor tweak to make that point).

>Joshua Baker-LePain

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ADIC / Dell Powervault 120T changer problems under Linux (Pt 2)

2002-03-25 Thread John R. Jackson

>... While mtx itself worked, I never
>got the chg-zd-mtx script to work.  ...
>BTW, I use 2.4.3b2.  ...

Was that the 2.4.3 chg-zd-mtx that you had trouble with?  I did a pretty
significant overhaul for this release and if it doesn't work, now's the
time to tell me.

If it was 2.4.2, that's a different story.

>Eric Trager

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Would this be considered erroneous???

2002-03-25 Thread Don Potter

W hen I run an amverify I get the following:

** Error detected (chgsfs._usr.20020321.1)
amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
amrestore:   0: restoring chgsfs._usr.20020321.1
Cannot find file dump list
64+0 records in
64+0 records out

It is consistent to this one archive on all of the tapes.and restores are failing 
on that specific archive.  But I can DD the file off and do the ufsrestore myself.  

The tape serve is a Solaris 8 box and I haven't been recieving any SCSI errors so I 
feel safe in the notion that the tape drive is good.

Any ideas???


Re: amanda: problem with gtar: gid_t value too large

2002-03-25 Thread John R. Jackson

>I'm using amanda 2.4.2p2 to backup several computers without any problem,
>except for 1 client machine.  That client runs the sorcerer distribution
>with a 2.4.19-pre1-ac2 kernel and gtar 1.13.25.  ...
>? gtar: gid_t value 4294967295 too large (max=16777215)

Are you absolutely certain /bin/tar (that's what Amanda is using) is
version 1.13.25?  What does "/bin/tar --version" say?

Every time this has come up in the past it's been because tar was version
1.13, which is just plain evil.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread Uncle George

Then my current impression is that the feature does not work - exactly
as stated.  There are a few file systems on one 'errant' system, where
one filesystem has taken over 224 minuts( wall time ) to complete just
the estimate. I had changed the time to be some 3600 ( an hour ) which,
if one beleives the man page, would leave some 8hours ( wall time ) for
all 8 partitions to complete. I think the log had 2 timeout errors of
some 3800. The longest, and the next to longest partition did not
complete :-{

I dont think that anyone wants to know who the 'planner' is, or
'sendsize' or even their relationship at a user, or administrative
level. But i suspect that one has to give the 'highest' possible
estimate on a per partition basis. 

Its not too rational for the observer program 'planner?' to multiply the
estimate if u can have multiple ( or even a single ) 'sendsize's running
on the client machine ( now set at 8 * 6hrs ) Its just too long to wait
for some failed communication! ( it also ruins the concept of a daily
backup )

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >etimeout specifies that amount of time amdump will wait to hear back after
> >sending a sendsize request to a particular host.  At least, I think it's
> >per-host.
> This is covered in the man page:
>   Default:  300 seconds.  Amount of time per  disk  on  a
>   given  client that the planner step of amdump will wait
>   to get the dump size estimates.  For instance, with the
>   default  of  300  seconds  and  four disks on client A,
>   planner will wait up to 20 minutes for that machine.  A
>   negative value will be interpreted as a total amount of
>   time, instead of a per-disk value.
> Note that, when positive, it is per disk.  When negative, it is per
> host (and the man page needs a minor tweak to make that point).
> >Joshua Baker-LePain
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Would this be considered erroneous???

2002-03-25 Thread John R. Jackson

>W hen I run an amverify I get the following:
>Cannot find file dump list

Solaris ufsrestore does this when the image is "empty", e.g. when
you do an incremental backup of a very static file system and nothing
gets dumped.  I consider it a bug.

You can ignore it (I do).

>It is consistent to this one archive on all of the tapes.and restores are 
>failing on that specific archive.  ...

What do you mean "restores are failing on that specific archive"?


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread John R. Jackson

>... I had changed the time to be some 3600 ( an hour ) which,
>if one beleives the man page, would leave some 8hours ( wall time ) for
>all 8 partitions to complete.  ...

Right.  That's the way it's supposed to work, and the way it has worked
for myself and others.

Do you have the corresponding amandad*.debug and sendsize*.debug files
still laying around?

>Its not too rational for the observer program 'planner?' to multiply the
>estimate if u can have multiple ( or even a single ) 'sendsize's running
>on the client machine ( now set at 8 * 6hrs ) Its just too long to wait
>for some failed communication! ( it also ruins the concept of a daily
>backup )

So what do you suggest?

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread Uncle George

Sorry, for every NEW run, i would like a set of new logs just for that
run just so that i know are from just that run. from my 'novice' eyes,
its just to much data to figure out where the previous run completed,
and the new one began.

But if i ( ever ) get a complete backup ( after setting it for -6hrs ) i
will go back and put it back to 3600.


"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >... I had changed the time to be some 3600 ( an hour ) which,
> >if one beleives the man page, would leave some 8hours ( wall time ) for
> >all 8 partitions to complete.  ...
> Right.  That's the way it's supposed to work, and the way it has worked
> for myself and others.
> So what do you suggest?

>From an admin point of view I would like every disk on my disklist to be
backed up. The time that it takes to do it is irrelevant. Time becomes
relevant if the avenues of communication is severed between the
parent/children ( maxdumps > 1 )  of sendsize, and the communication
between client and server becomes severed. How do u know that
communication has been lost ? would a 'ping' or keep-alive concept have
any use here ? 
But there are also times when the 'sizer' program may be stuck, spinning
to no usefull end. I suppose that in this unusual case/scenario it would
be up to the administrator to take the extraordinary action to determine
what is causing the 'sizer' failure ( ie is it a bug? is tar backing up
/dev/zero ?  )

dtimeout represents idle time, why cant etimeout also represent idle

Re: what does etimeout really represent

2002-03-25 Thread John R. Jackson

>Sorry, for every NEW run, i would like a set of new logs just for that
>run just so that i know are from just that run.  ...

Which log files are you talking about?  As of 2.4.2p2, every file should
have a unique name, most of them based on a datestamp.

>But if i ( ever ) get a complete backup ( after setting it for -6hrs ) i
>will go back and put it back to 3600.

You might consider commenting out some disklist entries and doing a
smaller subset to get things going.  Then gradually add things back in.

Have you looked into why the estimates are taking so long for that client?
That would seem to be the root of the issue.

>From an admin point of view I would like every disk on my disklist to be
>backed up.  ...

Makes sense :-).

>The time that it takes to do it is irrelevant.  ...

I don't necessarily agree, but moving on ...

>Time becomes
>relevant if the avenues of communication is severed between the
>parent/children ... How do u know that
>communication has been lost ? would a 'ping' or keep-alive concept have
>any use here ? 


>dtimeout represents idle time, why cant etimeout also represent idle

Because during dtimeout there should be data moving all the time.
During estimates, there isn't anything going back to the server until
everything is done and then there's a single response packet.

But I sort of get your point.  You'd like ping values and as long as
the client is still responding, even though it isn't sending any data
(be it the estimates or the actual dump image), just keep waiting for
it to get its act together.  Does that sum it up?

Based on my experience on this list, I think not putting an upper bound
on the length of time to wait would be a problem.  Clients just plain go
silly sometimes, and that would cause the whole run to come to a halt
which goes against the "everything should get backed up" principle.
You've got to decide when to cut your losses, which is what the timeout
values are supposed to do.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ADIC / Dell Powervault 120T changer problems under Linux (Pt 2)

2002-03-25 Thread Chris Pascoe

Derrick Miller writes:

> > 1)  Does anyone have this changer working with Amanda?  I
> > would give just  about anything to get my hands on copies
> > of working config and chg-zd-mtx files.

> I am using a different changer script supplied by Chris Pascoe and once
> upon a time posted to this list (in a slightly earlier version).

I strongly recommend using the chg-zd-mtx from the current CVS now as
recommended by John R. Jackson.  I dropped it in place on Feb 17, and
haven't had any problems since on my amanda-2.4.2p2 installation.

In my amanda.conf, I have:

tpchanger "/opt/local/stow/amanda-2.4.3-20020217/libexec/chg-zd-mtx"
tapedev "/dev/nst0"
changerfile "changer"
changerdev "/dev/changer"

(where /dev/changer is a symlink to the changer's sg device)

In my amanda config directory, I have a changer.conf with the following


> With this tape drive running alone on the SCSI bus from an adaptec 2944,
> amverify gets occasional "Unexpected busfree in Data-in phase".

I'm not seeing these errors (and never have) on my verify runs, with the
configuration you describe.  I suggest checking all your cabling and the HVD


Re: can't back up a subdirectory?

2002-03-25 Thread Jason Henry Parker

Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 25 Mar 2002 at 10:08am, Jason Henry Parker wrote
> > Some versions of dump for Linux are capable of doing it.  The problem,
> > as dump reported, is that it's not possible to update the dumpdates
> > file in that case (which strikes me as pretty reasonable).
> I should have been clearer.  dump will happily do a level 0 of whatever 
> directory you point it at.  But it won't do an incremental (level 1+) of 
> anything but a partition.

Yes, my understanding is that the inability to update the dumpdates
file is what causes the problem with incrementals.  It strikes me as
quite reasonable, given he circumstances.
Jason Henry Parker  ``Choose mnemonic identifiers.  If you
 Systems Administratorcan't remember what mnemonic means,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]you've got a problem.'' -- Larry Wall

Re: migrated

2002-03-25 Thread John R. Jackson

>amcheck never finishes...

What version of Amanda?

>chg-zd-mtx works... but it neither finishes, only the -info switch comes back.

Get the new version of chg-zd-mtx:

If nothing else, look at the comments in the front of the script for
what to do to test your changer and tape drive before you ever try to
use Amanda with them.  In particular, mount a tape by hand and make sure
you can access the drive.  Once that's working, check out mtx by itself
and make sure it can make the robotics work.  Only then should you try
to add chg-zd-mtx (and later, the rest of Amanda) into the mix.

If you want to try the script itself, save your current
file, copy the above file into, then go up one level
and rerun ./configure, then "make", then "make install".

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]