Re: small holdingdisk, large FS

2002-04-16 Thread Jon LaBadie

On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 10:24:17PM -0500, Dan Debertin wrote:
> One of my client hosts has a drive that is larger than my holding disk
> -- drive is 18G, holdingdisk is only 4G. No, I can't swap them, and
> no, I'd rather not buy a bigger disk right now.
> I would have thought that Amanda would dump the client to the
> holdingdisk in 1G chunks (isn't that what the "chunksize" directive is
> for?), as it does the other clients, and then gradually flush those to
> tape, in order to keep the drive streaming. But it's not; it uses the
> holdingdisk for the other clients, and dumps straight to tape with the
> large one.
> Is there any way around this behavior?

I don't believe so.  I think the entire fs is dumped to the holding disk
before anything gets sent to tape.  If the holding disk is not large
enough to hold the fs, it must go directly to tape.

The chunksize parameter is generally used to work around the single
file size limit that some os's have.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

small holdingdisk, large FS

2002-04-16 Thread Dan Debertin

One of my client hosts has a drive that is larger than my holding disk
-- drive is 18G, holdingdisk is only 4G. No, I can't swap them, and
no, I'd rather not buy a bigger disk right now.

I would have thought that Amanda would dump the client to the
holdingdisk in 1G chunks (isn't that what the "chunksize" directive is
for?), as it does the other clients, and then gradually flush those to
tape, in order to keep the drive streaming. But it's not; it uses the
holdingdisk for the other clients, and dumps straight to tape with the
large one.

Is there any way around this behavior?

(system information, FWIW:
NetBSD 1.5.2/sparc

Dan Debertin
ignorami: n: 
The art of folding problem users into representational shapes.

Re: Using Amanda witih AD

2002-04-16 Thread Darin Dugan

At 06:37 AM 4/12/2002, Brad Tilley wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>This is more a samba issue than an amanda issue, but I thought someone
>here may have ran into it already:
>The NT domains at my university are being migrated to 2000 domains...
>this means they'll be using the new Active Directory structure. I want
>to continue using amanda to backup the Windows PCs.
>Is anyone currently using amanda within a Windows 2000 AD?

Sure. Everything works fine. It's smbclient that talks to your domain, not 

>"I'm a God-fearin', peace-lovin' American... and I'll whip anybody's ass
>that says otherwise." --A Redneck

Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension


2002-04-16 Thread Ward Violanti



2002-04-16 Thread manoj

Re: Order of dumps? (Want large ones first, I think)

2002-04-16 Thread Toralf Lund

On 13/04 2002 01:58 John R. Jackson wrote:
> >Wouldn't it be simpler to just set a 'starttime' value for all the
> >'unimportant' disks so that all the dumpers will do the 'important'
> >ones first?
> But, but, but .. if it doesn't involve a pipe, how can it be Unix???  :-)
> Yes, starttime would be another way to "encourage" Amanda to do things
> in a different order.
Yes, I never really though of that. I guess I might try that, although I'm 
not sure I need it now; I'm just about to set up a larger holding this. 
I'd prefer to specify starttime as an offset from the time when amdump 
actually started, though, but I maybe that isn't possible?

Apart from that, thanks for the original response, it was very helpful 

> >FRank
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Toralf

Re: localhost: selfcheck request timed out. Host down?

2002-04-16 Thread Axel Schaefer

At 12:58 15.04.02 -0400, Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>amanda prefers real host names, both in the .amandahosts and in the disklist.
>Try to avoid "localhost".

OK, done. Now, the FQDN is set. But the error is the same.

>I may be wrong, but I think the .amandahost file is supposed to be in
>the home directory of the backup user (I presume "amanda").  Is 
>really that users home dir?

Yepp, I think so. It is a standard SuSE-Installation of Amanda and the 
folder of the user Amanda is in /var/lib/amanda. Look:

| amanda@ll11:~> pwd
| /var/lib/amanda
| amanda@ll11:~> ls -l .amandahosts
| -rw-r--r--1 amanda   disk56 Apr 16 14:45 .amandahosts
| amanda@ll11:~>

>What could you gleam from the debug file for the amcheck run.
>Probably it is in /tmp/amanda/amcheck.*

Yes. There it is:

| amanda@ll11:/tmp/amanda> more amcheck.20020416144659.debug
| amcheck: debug 1 pid 461 ruid 37 euid 0 start time Tue Apr 16
+ 14:46:59 2002
| amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
| amcheck: pid 461 finish time Tue Apr 16 14:47:29 2002
| amanda@ll11:/tmp/amanda>

Unfortunetaly I don't understand this messages. Can you tell me, if it 
shows me a failure, or what? =:-(

>You made inetd.conf changes, what about the inet "services" file?

I made indetd.conf changes? Nope. I've changed the settings in the 
amanda.conf in /etc/amanda/DailySet1.
The inetd.conf shows this:

| # amanda backup server with indexing capabilities
| amandaidx stream tcp nowait amanda /usr/lib/amanda/amindexd amindex
+ d
| amidxtape stream tcp nowait amanda /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped amidx
+ taped
| # amanda backup client
| amandadgram  udp wait   amanda /usr/lib/amanda/amandad amandad

Linux been restarted (sometimes) too. And the /etc/services:

| amanda  10080/tcp # Amanda backup services
| amanda  10080/udp # Amanda backup services
| amandaidx   10082/tcp # Amanda backup services

I think, that this are the standard-ports. D'you think, this configuration 
is ok? It's nothing special, just the standard-installation of Suse 7.3. 
There is (unfortunetaly? =;-)) no error in the messages-log. I'm still 
confused. Thanks for the answers. But I think, I still need some beginning 
help of this configuration.

Thanks, and best regards!

RE: Amanda and NT shares

2002-04-16 Thread Bort, Paul

As far as I know, Samba won't change that bit just because it's tar that's
asking for the file instead of a user. gnutar has its own mechanism
(gnutar-lists) for tracking which files should be backed up during an

So to answer your questions: 
1) I don't think so
2) Nothing

If we could figure out how to get AMANDA to compile under Cygwin (someone on
the list said they had done it, but didn't say how) then I would have more
interesting answers. 

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Hendrix [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 10:50 AM
> Subject: Amanda and NT shares
> I am trying to figure something and am looking for 
> assistance.  I have 
> checked the newsgroups without success.
> The question is:  When I backup an NT/2000 share does 
> amanda/tar even touch 
> the archive bit on a file??  Can someone explain exactly what 
> happens??  
> ---
> "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways
> that won't work." - Thomas Edison
> Michael Hendrix   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Systems Engineer / SysAdmin Team Leader
> Logical Net / Capital Net (518) 292-4509

Re: Amanda user when using Gnu tar

2002-04-16 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 at 1:52am, Niall O Broin wrote

> What user should amanda run as when using tar as the dumping program ? I
> know that it should run as its own special user (usu. amanda) when using
> dump because then amanda can have full dump rights by making the user a
> member of the disk group which allows it to read the disks at a low level. 
> But I don't this applies to Gnu tar which doesn't accesss the raw disk, so
> do I have to use root as the amanda user when using Gnu tar so that the
> resultant tar files can have all necessary user information in them (and
> also so that the dupmping program can access all files, regardless of
> permissions)

Amanda runs tar via the setuid root 'runtar' program.  So, no, you don't 
need to configure amanda --with-user=root (and you probably shouldn't).  
I'd still go with a user with read access to the raw devices, though, in 
case you decide to use dump at some point in the future.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Planner errors

2002-04-16 Thread Michael Hall

I am getting the followong error in /var/log/amanda/logMMDD.NN when trying 
to run amdump:

INFO planner Adding new disk xxx:sda1.
INFO planner Adding new disk xxx:sda5.
FAIL planner bzncs03 sda5 20020415 0 [missing result for sda5 in xxx response]
FAIL planner bzncs03 sda1 20020415 0 [missing result for sda1 in xxx response]

I have replaced the actual server name with xxx.

I am new to amanda, and am in the process of getting it set up and configured.
Can anyone offer some insight as to what I am missing?

Michael Hall,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator
Zoot Enterprises Inc.

Amanda and NT shares

2002-04-16 Thread Mike Hendrix

I am trying to figure something and am looking for assistance.  I have 
checked the newsgroups without success.

The question is:  When I backup an NT/2000 share does amanda/tar even touch 
the archive bit on a file??  Can someone explain exactly what happens??  

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways
that won't work." - Thomas Edison

Michael Hendrix   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Engineer / SysAdmin Team Leader
Logical Net / Capital Net (518) 292-4509

RE: Errors still occuring on one drive...

2002-04-16 Thread Morse, Richard E.

I wrote:
> I'm now wondering if the problem has to do with
> having more than one dumper dumping at the same time -- I 
> think that it might be that some of the partitions are
> on the same disk, and perhaps there is a conflict with dump?
> I will try using the "spindle" values in the disklist to
> see if that helps solve the problem...

Apparently this _was_ the problem -- trying to dump two partitions from the
same disk at the same time.  I added spindle values, and the problem stopped
(at least, on the one run since then -- we shall see over time...)


Re: does mtx work for HPUX/Qualstar?

2002-04-16 Thread Mitch Collinsworth

I escaped HPUX before it got to 11, so my knowledge might be
outdated, but HPUX 10 had its own library control program named
"mc".  This worked sufficiently well that I was able to write my
own changer script to interface amanda to mc.  If you like I
could probably dig out a copy for you.  I just tried to get at it
but the system it's on (at a previous employer) doesn't seem to be
responding at the moment.  You could also try searching the
amanda-users archive for "chg-mc".  That might turn up the location
for you.


On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, David Trusty wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running HPUX 11.11 and am trying to access a Qualstar TLS-4222.
> I was able to build mtx, but when I run it, I get this error:
>no Data Transfer Element reported
> I can do an "mtx inquiry" on the device, and the information
> looks correct, except possibly for a "Attached Changer: No" at
> the end (but in the COMPATABILITY file, I saw several of these
> lines also).
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance!!
> David
> _
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:

Duplicate mails

2002-04-16 Thread ahall


On two occasions this week I have received two Amanda mail report emails
at the completion of my dump.  Both emails were identical in every way.  I
am running amanda 2.4.2p2.  Has anyone else seen this behavior?   Thanks
in advance.

Andrew Hall

Yet another full/incremental email

2002-04-16 Thread Chris Dahn

  We have an SDLT drive that we'd like to use for full backups, but a small 
DDS2 drive for incrementals. The incrementals tend to be very small since 
we're a small research group, so it's a waste to do incrementals to the super 
large SDLT tapes.

  What I have setup now is 2 configurations, 1 that does a normal amanda 
thing for 4 days of the week, and a forced full on the fifth day so that I 
can use 

  However, since amanda attempts to run the full backup across the dumpcycle, 
this is going to lead to an overflow of the DDS2 drive eventually. What I am 
wondering is if I can fool amanda. If I tell the "incremental" config file 
that the dumpcycle is 5 days, and that runspercycle is 4, then do a full 
backup on Monday, will Tuesday through Friday not do any level 0 backups 
(provided there isn't a major change in the contents of the machines)?

  Or, should I set dumpcycle and runspercycle to some large number, like 1000 
days? It seems that setting dumpcycle and runspercycle up that high will 
cause it to only do incrementals, but I could be confused as to how amanda is 
calculating what level dump to do on any given night.


Chris Dahn, SERG Code Ninja
  3141 Chestnut St.
  Attn: MCS Department
  Philadephia, PA  19104
  Office: 215.895.0203
  Fax: 215.895.1582

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