dgram timeout during sendsize

2002-08-26 Thread Chris Dahn

  I went on vacation last week, and on Wednesday all of my dumps began 
failing.  The pertinent lines in the log are:

amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, giving up!

  From the archives, it would seem to be a firewall issue, but I'm fairly 
confident that it isn't that, since I wasn't available to change the rules, 
and it worked the day before. :)

  Any ideas on what could cause this to occur?


Chris Dahn, SERG Code Ninja
  3141 Chestnut St.
  Attn: MCS Department
  Philadephia, PA  19104
  Office (Philad): 215.895.0203
  Office (Camden): 856.614.5430
  Fax: 215.895.1582

<->Software Engineering Research Group<->
Feel the SERG!
CAT 186, The Microwave

cruft & missing files

2002-08-26 Thread Rainer Fuegenstein


last week one of the holding disks of our backup server
(running amanda) crashed; unfortunately containing
some dumps of file systems.

after replacement of the disk (and using some other disks
as holding disks) and some more backups made to disk 
(in degraded mode), an amflush now always reports:

  amflush: /bak/amanda/coco/20020812: could not open working dir: No such file or 
  amflush: fav._usr_openwin.1: disk fav:/usr/openwin not in database, skipping it.
  amflush: fav._.1: disk fav:/ not in database, skipping it.
  amflush: fav.c1t5d0s5.1: disk fav:c1t5d0s5 not in database, skipping it.
  amflush: fav._usr.1: disk fav:/usr not in database, skipping it.
  amflush: fav._var.1: disk fav:/var not in database, skipping it.
  amflush: fav._opt.1: disk fav:/opt not in database, skipping it.
  amflush: fav.c1t5d0s6.1: disk fav:c1t5d0s6 not in database, skipping it.
  amflush: Could not rmdir /big2/amanda/coco/20020812.  Check for cruft.
  amflush: /big1/amanda/coco/20020812: could not open working dir: No such file or 
  amflush: /bak/amanda/coco/20020816: could not open working dir: No such file or 
  amflush: /big1/amanda/coco/20020816: could not open working dir: No such file or 
  amflush: /bak/amanda/coco/20020819: could not open working dir: No such file or 
  amflush: sheena.sdb2.0.1: ignoring cruft file.
  amflush: /big1/amanda/coco/20020819: could not open working dir: No such file or 
  amflush: /bak/amanda/coco/20020820: could not open working dir: No such file or 
  amflush: sheena.sdc1.0.1: ignoring cruft file.
  amflush: sheena.sdc1.0.2: ignoring cruft file.
  amflush: sheena.sdc1.0.3: ignoring cruft file.
  amflush: info.hdc2.0.1: ignoring cruft file.
  amflush: info.hdc2.0.2: ignoring cruft file.

directories above reported as missing really don't exist.

does anybody know how to get rid of these messages ? 
I already tried to run amcheckdb, but it just reports

tnx in advance.

Please help: disk offline? error for HP-UX 11.0...

2002-08-26 Thread Oleg Svintsitski

Please help me out, folks -- tried a bunch of things, I really do not know
how to proceed..

Can not get amanda (2.4.2p2) to work for HP C160 running UX11.0
Amcheck runs through fine. But then dump gives me

 zip /zi2 lev 0 FAILED [disk /zi2 offline on zip?]

Dumps are not that big - under 10GB, while I am using 20GB DLT tape.
Some previous info in the amanda archive suggests checking the raw device
filepermissions -- i have set all that correctly I believe. So, what else am
I doing wrong?..

All your help will be greatly appreciated.

- Oleg

Re: sites using amanda - possible survey

2002-08-26 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 12:54:22 (-0500), Brandon D. Valentine wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: sites using amanda - possible survey
> On Sun, 25 Aug 2002, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> >I've not seen a survey done in this mailing list, but I wonder if one would
> >be appropriate to get a reasonable answer to this question.  Then we could
> >put a "as of date XYZ, amanda was known to be in use in these organizations"
> >into the F-O-M.
> I did this several months ago:
> http://amanda.sourceforge.net/fom-serve/cache/319.html

good start, but I really don't like thos F-O-M things and would never go
to the trouble of getting an ID so I could submit stuff to one.

(an open WIKI, on the other hand)

> I'd like it if more people would add their organizations to the list but
> I can only spend so much time prodding this forum.  ;-)

Why spend any time beyond that required for the first message?  That's
what cron is for!  :-)

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

query/initial setup

2002-08-26 Thread Galen Johnson

Hi folks,

  I realize that amanda may be overkill for what I want but...has anyone 
setup amanda to use a Sony DDS2 tape device?  I'm currently running the 
'tapetype -f /dev/nst0 -e 8g' command to verify the tape itself.  Of 
course, the 8g is compressed instead of normal.  Has anyone already 
configured a tapetype in the config file to address the DDS2 tapes?  I'm 
in the initial stages of setting this up so any advice would be greatly 
appreciated.  (After I play around with my system I get to try it with a 
production system that uses an Exabyte EZ17 Mammoth autoloader in place 
of a veritas system that wouldn't handle the changer).


Re: sites using amanda - possible survey

2002-08-26 Thread Toni Schlichting

Meanwhile I prepared a list of projects in which Amanda was used. As 
F-O-M doesn't provide much information I followed a recommendation of 
Dietmar Goldbeck who suggested to search google like this:


I exchanged the term "datensicherung" with "backup" and ended up with a 
huge number of hits. Then I searched the list for entries which gave a 
strong indication like this one:


Where I could find the following statement:

At the LII we use and like the Amanda backup software

This finally lead to an entry in my list. What do you think about the 
idea to contact all the admins who placed those nice statements on the 
web-sites, to make them enter their project into F-O-M?

Best Regards


Greg A. Woods wrote:

>[ On Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 12:54:22 (-0500), Brandon D. Valentine wrote: ]
>>Subject: Re: sites using amanda - possible survey
>>On Sun, 25 Aug 2002, Jon LaBadie wrote:
>>>I've not seen a survey done in this mailing list, but I wonder if one would
>>>be appropriate to get a reasonable answer to this question.  Then we could
>>>put a "as of date XYZ, amanda was known to be in use in these organizations"
>>>into the F-O-M.
>>I did this several months ago:

RE: Questions about bumpsize, frustration

2002-08-26 Thread Brashers, Bart -- MFG, Inc.

(This appeared to bounce the first time I sent it; my apologies if it
arrives twice...)

> There is one general problem with GNUtar and incrementals:
> The unix ctime must not change. Otherwise you get just this 
> result incrementals being full backups.
> The typical reason for changing ctimes is GNUtar running
> with --atime-preserve option. You might check your runtar debug
> files for this option and verify with ls -al --time=ctime
>  ctime are correct.

I think we're on to something here!

[root ~]% ls -lhBF /home/proj/bp-9725/
total 24k
drwxrwxrwx2 ken  users4.0k Aug  9 15:31 bpip/
drwxrwxrwx8 ken  users4.0k Jul 25 07:17 calpuff/
drwxrwxrwx7 eric_a   users4.0k Aug 24 02:44 contemp.cpuf/
drwxrwxrwx4 eric_a   users4.0k Jul 24 15:32 isc/
drwxrwxrwx2 ken  users4.0k Jun 27 10:39 met/
drwxrwxrwx2 eric_a   users4.0k Jul 26 15:29 send/

[root ~]% \ls -al --time=ctime /home/proj/bp-9725/
total 32
drwxrwxrwx8 ken  users4096 Aug 26 06:00 .
drwxrwxrwx   28 root root 4096 Aug 15 15:08 ..
drwxrwxrwx2 ken  users4096 Aug 26 06:00 bpip
drwxrwxrwx8 ken  users4096 Aug 26 06:00 calpuff
drwxrwxrwx7 eric_a   users4096 Aug 26 06:00 contemp.cpuf
drwxrwxrwx4 eric_a   users4096 Aug 26 06:00 isc
drwxrwxrwx2 ken  users4096 Aug 26 06:00 met
drwxrwxrwx2 eric_a   users4096 Aug 26 06:00 send

The ctimes appear to have changed this morning at 6:00 AM.  Checking several
other directories and finding the ctimes to be also 6:00 AM leads my
thoughts away from amanda and to a little scripty-boy hack that I run from
crontab every morning at 6:00.  

The default permissions for newly created files and directories on this disk
are 644 and 755, respectively.  /home/proj is a space for shared projects,
where many people work on the same sets of files (e.g. ken and eric_a
above).  The script does essentially this:

foreach user (...list of users...)
foreach dir (home/proj/*)
if (-eof $dir) chmod -f  goa+rw $dir
if (-ed $dir)  chmod -fR goa+rw $dir

That is, it recursively sets all the permissions to 666 and 777,
respectively.  AND CHANGES THE CTIME!  D'oh!  I didn't realize that amanda
was going off the ctime, not the time that's listed by a normal `ls -lF`.  

I did this because people were constantly forgetting to chmod files they
created.  Setting umask to 002 would also make files they create in their
own home directories (/home/user) public, which is not right.  I don't know
of a way to set umask to 022 for some directories and not for others.  The
man page for chmod doesn't list a switch like --preserve-ctimes.  

So this should fix amanda's problem (YAY!) that's been plaguing me for a
long time, but it re-introduces the chmod/umask problem.  After some messing
around, I added a line to the system-wide csh.cshrc file:

alias cwdcmd "source /etc/cwdcmd"

where the latter file is

if ($PWD =~ /home/proj*) then
umask 000
umask 022

I can't figure out how to do conditional execution inside an alias, so I had
to source a file.  "alias cwdcmd 'if ($PWD =~ /home/proj*) then; umask 000;
else umask 022; endif'" doesn't work.  If anyone knows how to do use an if
statement inside an alias, please let me know...

Thanks so much to Dietmar Goldbeck, Paul Bort, Jean-Louis Martineau, Frank
Smith, Gene Heskett, and everyone else who helped me track down the source
of this problem!


Bart Brashers   MFG Inc.
Air Quality Meteorologist   19203 36th Ave W Suite 101
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Lynnwood WA 98036-5707
http://www.mfgenv.com   425.921.4000 Fax: 425.921.4040

Re: Questions about bumpsize, frustration

2002-08-26 Thread Dietmar Goldbeck

On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 02:56:54PM -0600, Brashers, Bart -- MFG, Inc. wrote:
> I did this because people were constantly forgetting to chmod files they
> created.  Setting umask to 002 would also make files they create in their
> own home directories (/home/user) public, which is not right.  I don't know
> of a way to set umask to 022 for some directories and not for others.  The
> man page for chmod doesn't list a switch like --preserve-ctimes.  

You can use something like 

find . -type d ! -perm 777 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 777 
find . -type f ! -perm 666 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 777 

and only change necessary permissions. Probably needs GNU findutils

AFAIK GNUtar uses ctime, because ctime is the only timestamp
which cannot be set backwards.

 Alles Gute / best wishes  
 Dietmar GoldbeckE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reporter (to Mahatma Gandhi): Mr Gandhi, what do you think of Western
Civilization?  Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

Re: sites using amanda - possible survey

2002-08-26 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, August 26, 2002 at 21:59:07 (+0200), Toni Schlichting wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: sites using amanda - possible survey
> This finally lead to an entry in my list. What do you think about the 
> idea to contact all the admins who placed those nice statements on the 
> web-sites, to make them enter their project into F-O-M?

Well, as such an admin who could be convinced to put a nice statement on
a web site about some free software I might use, I can say with
certainty that _I_ would not be convinved to enter my own information
into any F-O-M web thingy, though I wmight easily grant permission for
someone else to do so on my behalf.

I.e. these things _REALLY_ need live human editors and/or maintainers.

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

could not get changer info specify a number as tape_device [0-9]

2002-08-26 Thread Chris Bourne

   I need help with figuring out why 
amanda is giving me these errors. First off I am using Sony 20/40G dgd 150p 
tapes on a Dell powervault 120T DDS-4 autoloader on RedHat 7.2. I am using a 
chg-scsi config..
I was getting this error message. 
could not get changer info: specify a number as tape_device 
Does anyone know what it means??? So I changed the 
tapedev in amada.conf from "/dev/nst0" to just "0" and I no longer get the specify a number as tape_device [0-9] part 
anymore. Now I get ..

bash-2.05$ /usr/sbin/amtape DailySet1 label DailySet101amtape: 
scanning for tape with label DailySet101amtape: could not get changer info: 
open: /dev/sg1: Success
I am really confused about how this whole tape 
changer stuff works. I don't understand how amanda will find the tapes if 
tapedev is set to "0" or how to get these tapes to just rotate nightly. Any help 
Chris Bourne
Chris BourneSystems/Network 
AdministratorXapnet Phone (510)655-9771Fax (510)655-9775http://www.xapnet.com

Which tapetype to use?

2002-08-26 Thread Bill Wagner

Does anyone have a tapetype definition for a Compaq Storageworks SSL2020
(AKA Overland AIT LibraryPro AIT-2)?  According to the manufacturer docs,
it has a transfer rate of 21.6 GB/hr native or 56.1 GB/hr compressed.  I
was just going to write my own which consists of:

define tapetype LibraryPro {
comment "Overland AIT Library Pro / Compaq Storageworks SSL2020"
length 5 mbytes
filemark 100 kbytes # don't know a better value
speed 100 kbytes# dito

But I don't know about the filemark or how to calculate the speed for this
device.  Can anyone provide any insight?

Did you hear that, Marge?  She called me a baboon!  The stupidest,
ugliest, smelliest ape of them all!

-- Homer Simpson
   Lisa's Substitute

Re: query/initial setup

2002-08-26 Thread Gene Heskett

On Monday 26 August 2002 15:47, Galen Johnson wrote:
>Hi folks,
>  I realize that amanda may be overkill for what I want but...has
> anyone setup amanda to use a Sony DDS2 tape device?  I'm
> currently running the 'tapetype -f /dev/nst0 -e 8g' command to
> verify the tape itself.  Of course, the 8g is compressed instead
> of normal.  Has anyone already configured a tapetype in the
> config file to address the DDS2 tapes?  I'm in the initial stages
> of setting this up so any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
> (After I play around with my system I get to try it with a
> production system that uses an Exabyte EZ17 Mammoth autoloader in
> place of a veritas system that wouldn't handle the changer).

First, you may as well ctl-c the tapetype run as the info you get 
when the drives compression is on is pretty bogus.  The tapetype 
program uses /dev/urandom as the data source, and as its random, 
its not normally compressable, and may in fact expand some.

Second, heres mine.
define tapetype DDS2 {
comment "just produced by tapetype program"
length 3780 mbytes
#   lbl-templ "/usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/DDS2.ps"
filemark 0 kbytes
speed 380 kps

Note that by using one of amanda's dumptypes that uses compression, 
the compression ratio can be quite a bit higher than the drive can 
do.  I have half a dozen directories that regularly exceed 100% in 
< 20% out.
Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.13% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

Re: query/initial setup

2002-08-26 Thread Galen Johnson

Thanks for the input, Gene.  Jon LaBadie has been corresponding offlist 
with many useful suggestions plus some helpful info.  It seems that I 
definitely have hardware compression by default and have to find out how 
to disable that on my Slackware system, then let amanda do the 
compression itself.  I'll post a summary when/if I get this working like 
I think it should just so that there is something in the archives for 
posterity (a la the sunmanagers list)


Gene Heskett wrote:

>On Monday 26 August 2002 15:47, Galen Johnson wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>> I realize that amanda may be overkill for what I want but...has
>>anyone setup amanda to use a Sony DDS2 tape device?  I'm
>>currently running the 'tapetype -f /dev/nst0 -e 8g' command to
>>verify the tape itself.  Of course, the 8g is compressed instead
>>of normal.  Has anyone already configured a tapetype in the
>>config file to address the DDS2 tapes?  I'm in the initial stages
>>of setting this up so any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
>>(After I play around with my system I get to try it with a
>>production system that uses an Exabyte EZ17 Mammoth autoloader in
>>place of a veritas system that wouldn't handle the changer).
>First, you may as well ctl-c the tapetype run as the info you get 
>when the drives compression is on is pretty bogus.  The tapetype 
>program uses /dev/urandom as the data source, and as its random, 
>its not normally compressable, and may in fact expand some.
>Second, heres mine.
>define tapetype DDS2 {
>comment "just produced by tapetype program"
>length 3780 mbytes
>#   lbl-templ "/usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/DDS2.ps"
>filemark 0 kbytes
>speed 380 kps
>Note that by using one of amanda's dumptypes that uses compression, 
>the compression ratio can be quite a bit higher than the drive can 
>do.  I have half a dozen directories that regularly exceed 100% in 
>< 20% out.

Re: query/initial setup

2002-08-26 Thread Gene Heskett

On Tuesday 27 August 2002 00:12, Galen Johnson wrote:
>Thanks for the input, Gene.  Jon LaBadie has been corresponding
> offlist with many useful suggestions plus some helpful info.  It
> seems that I definitely have hardware compression by default and
> have to find out how to disable that on my Slackware system, then
> let amanda do the compression itself.  I'll post a summary
> when/if I get this working like I think it should just so that
> there is something in the archives for posterity (a la the
> sunmanagers list)
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>>On Monday 26 August 2002 15:47, Galen Johnson wrote:
>>>Hi folks,
>>> I realize that amanda may be overkill for what I want but...has
>>>anyone setup amanda to use a Sony DDS2 tape device?  I'm
>>>currently running the 'tapetype -f /dev/nst0 -e 8g' command to
>>>verify the tape itself.  Of course, the 8g is compressed instead
>>>of normal.  Has anyone already configured a tapetype in the
>>>config file to address the DDS2 tapes?  I'm in the initial
>>> stages of setting this up so any advice would be greatly
>>> appreciated. (After I play around with my system I get to try
>>> it with a production system that uses an Exabyte EZ17 Mammoth
>>> autoloader in place of a veritas system that wouldn't handle
>>> the changer).
>>First, you may as well ctl-c the tapetype run as the info you get
>>when the drives compression is on is pretty bogus.  The tapetype
>>program uses /dev/urandom as the data source, and as its random,
>>its not normally compressable, and may in fact expand some.
>>Second, heres mine.
>>define tapetype DDS2 {
>>comment "just produced by tapetype program"
>>length 3780 mbytes
>>#   lbl-templ "/usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/DDS2.ps"
>>filemark 0 kbytes
>>speed 380 kps
>>Note that by using one of amanda's dumptypes that uses
>> compression, the compression ratio can be quite a bit higher
>> than the drive can do.  I have half a dozen directories that
>> regularly exceed 100% in < 20% out.

I forgot to add that when the drives compression is on, amanda 
doesn't have a good idea what the tape can hold.  With it off, 
amanda can intelligently adjust backup levels to average the amount 
backed up each night, and attempt to keep inside of one tape a 
night.  It does that rather nicely here with a DDS2 tape changer, 
and theres about 30 gigs of data to backup every week on a 7 days a 
week cycle.

Now, once you get it going by using a compressing dumptype, inspect 
the email you get from amanda, and adjust the disklist to use a 
non-compressed format for any entry that shows expansion, more than 
100% in the compressed column.  A directory full of rpms and 
tar.bz2's or tar.gz's will almost certainly expand in the 
compressor stage, so you might as well just feed them straight to 
the tape.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.13% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly