Re: tape filling algorithm? (flush, or dump)

2002-11-21 Thread Deb Baddorf

>>>On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 01:47:50PM -0600, Deb Baddorf wrote:
 What kind of optimiaztion does amanda use while flushing
 dumps to tape?

>>>There is no optimazation, first in, first out.
>>>That's a need feature.

Here's a basic algorithm  (in pseudo-code).
Is this useful to somebody who is already working on this code?
Or should I attempt to fit it into the actual   taper  code myself?

Deb Baddorf

This *should*  handle both the FLUSH case  (all data is available from
the start)   and the on-going AMDUMP case  (data is added as we go).
I may notice more errors but I think I got them all.

To "grok"  the basic algorithm  (ridiculously simple)   ignore
or white out the  "SPIN"  paragraphs which wait for more data to

stuff = collection of items to be put into knapsack.
   Dumpfiles in this case (includes tarfiles too)
Stuff is probably a doubly(?) linked list.  Operations required:
status = insert(item)
status = remove(ptr)  or maybe remove(item)
ptr = get_largest()
#boolean = is_empty()
boolean = has_data() #opposite sense to   is_empty()
boolean = more_coming()  #somebody elsewhere needs to tell us when no more 
dumps are coming down the pipe

number = size(item)
ptr = get_next_smaller()# return item next smaller than self
 (maybe should be a function of the COLLECTION instead of the item, 
for project OO code)
next_ptr #if you use a doubly linked list
prev_ptr #if you use a doubly linked list
string = get_name(item)   ??  for the index,  or some such.  Maybe for 
error message when dump won't fit.

knapsack#(or,  tape!)
number = size_remaining()
status = add(item) # responsible to DELETE from holding disk after 
successful  & from COLLECTION above
make_full()# decree it "full"  when no available items can fit 
in the remaining space
boolean = has_space()# is not yet full

bunch-o-knapsacks   #(or,  how many tapes are available?)
ptr = gimme_one()
boolean = is_more()

PACK_ALL_STUFF   #i.e.  start taping
mystuff = new stuff()   # filled somewhere else, or here, but before 
algorithm below
allsacks = new bunch-o-knapsacks()  #number comes from   RUNTAPES parameter

yada yada yada
maybe twiddle thumbs till significant data arrives, if holding disk allows

while ( allsacks.is_more()   # stop when we run out of sacks (tapes)
or  (not mystuff.has_data() # or when we run out of data
 and  not mystuff.more_coming() ) )# and know that no more 
is coming
   this_sack = allsacks.gimme_one()

   while ( not mystuff.has_data()  )   #wait for some data to arrive
  check "more coming" in case a client dies

   while ( mystuff.has_data()and #there is still data waiting to 
be taped
   this_sack.has_space() ) #the sack (tape) has room left
   #remember, in "timed" version, a bigger one may be added during 
any pass
   #so, we start with biggest each time and add the first that 
will fit
  fill_sack (this_sack, mystuff.get_largest())

  while ( not mystuff.has_data()  )   #wait for some more data to arrive
  check "more coming" in case a client dies
fill_sack(sackptr, item_ptr)
   if (item_ptr is NULL) #there are no more smaller items
sackptr.make_full()  #decree sack (tape) to be full, so we can 
move on to another

   isize=item_ptr.size();  ssize=sackptr.size_remaining();   #store for 
possible error msg
   #or assign to variable IN the if statement,  but too messy to 
do in psuedo-code here!

   if ( item_ptr.size() <= sackptr.size_remaining() )#if item fits, 
according to sack specs,
 {  #  put it in the sack
status = sackptr.add(item_ptr)# add MUST delete from holding 
disk,  if it finishes successfully
 # add MUST also adjust 
sack's  size_remaining value
  # it writes the INDEX, and does 
other bookkeeping too
  # Also removes ITEM from "stuff" 
list of available dumps to flush

if ( not status)  #  failed -- tape size must've been 
slightly wrong.  That's life.
sackptr.make_full() #  we've already written to EOT so 
can't try another size item
write message "Sack(tape) wasn't as big as " isize + ssize.
write message "May want to correct sack specs  (tapesize)"

   else #find next smaller item and try that one
fill_sack (sackptr, item_ptr.get_next_smaller())


Re: chg-scsi and Quantum SuperLoader SDLT 3520L

2002-11-21 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 21 November 2002 14:04, Damon Conway wrote:
>On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 10:22:07PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Wednesday 20 November 2002 17:10, Damon Conway wrote:
>> >Hello all,
>> >I've been wrestling with chg-scsi and my Quantum changer all
>> > day. Here are the specs:
>> >
>> >Red Hat 8.0 w/ kernel 2.4.18
>> >Quantum SuperLoader SDLT 3520L
>> >Amanda 2.4.3
>> >
>> >If I set changerdev to /dev/sg0 and dev to /dev/nst0, I get
>> > this:
>> >
>> ># sudo /usr/local/libexec/chg-scsi -info
>> >Can't get ElementStatus
>> >#
>> >
>> >I can't find anything on that error in the list archives,
>> > searching Google, or looking in the docs (TAPE.CHANGERS or
>> > FAQ-O-MATIC). According to /proc/scsi/sg/device*, /dev/sg0 is
>> > "QUANTUM  SuperDLT1 2A2A".  I'm assuming that the error means
>> > that it can't talk to the device.
>> One thing that can trip up the unwary is that, depending on the
>> drive, the changer robot may be at the same bus address as the
>> drive, but is lun=1 where the drive is lun=0.  Thats the case
>> here at my place.
>> The tripup is that the stock kernel dos not AFAIK, do a "scan
>> all luns" at startup, thereby missing the changer robot.  This
>> is an option you may have to turn on and rebuild the kernel to
>> make work if thats the case with your changer.
>Ah ha!  This solved the problem.

See, I do manage to hit one once in a while. :-)

>  Thanks.  I'll see about adding
>something about this to docs/TAPE.CHANGERS and creating a diff. 
> Where does stuff like that get sent?

There is the option to edit the FAQ-O-MATIC itself, exersizable by 
almost anyone.  I tried it once, but the editor was worse than the 
old ms 'ed' for being about 3000%  non-intuitive, so I wound up 
screwing it up and had to yell for help.

Someone who is familiar with that editor could probably just type it 
in a couple of minutes.  But obviously I wasn't that someone, never 
having done battle with it before.

But, for the brave, its there.

Cheers Damon, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.19% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

Re: DAT hardware or software compression

2002-11-21 Thread Sven Kirmess

> Thanks for your quick answer. Ok it sounds clear to me that all points to
> the advantages of having software compression. I will then disable hardware
> compression.

If there is one flipped bit (read error), everything compressed with gzip
after that position is lost. With HW compression you can continue restoring
after that position plus some overhead.

I use HW compression as long as the backup utility can not gzip every file
independantly or use an algorithm that can recover after a read error.


Re: Want more aggressive tape use

2002-11-21 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 11:48:56AM -0700, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> That's not really what I'm after.  I'd like to have amanda to backup as 
> little as possible (i.e. high level backups, few level 0's -> long 
> dumpcycle), but I want it to stuff tapes until they are full.

Take this as a given fact.  Amanda does NOT add to tapes it has already used.
It ONLY will overwrite from the beginning of the tape.

That given, the closest thing to what you want to do is to let the dumps collect
on the disk until you have more than a tape's worth.  Then do your flush.

> However, 
> currently when you run out of tape you are left with dumps in the 
> holding area that need to get flushed.  I don't want to flush them, but 
> if you don't amanda believes that those backups have been completed and 
> figures it in to planning the next run.

Those backups have been completed.  Just not moved to tape.  You can leave
them there for a future flush.  How else would you have amanda consider
those completed dumps not yet flushed?

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: One (of six) partitions returning "disk offline"

2002-11-21 Thread Jay Lessert
On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 09:46:36AM -0500, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
> Nope.  / has an entry in fstab just like everybody else.

Well, not *just* like *everybody* else:  :-)

#devicedevice  mount   FS  fsckmount   mount
#to mount  to fsck point   typepassat boot options
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0  /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0  /   ufs 1   no  logging
/dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7  /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s7  /local  ufs 2   yes logging

LABEL=/ /   ext3defaults1 1
LABEL=/local/local  ext3defaults1 2

But you're right, I was wrong, sorry for the misinformation.

Accelerant Networks Inc.   (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA(fax)1.503.466.9472

Re: COMPAQ TSL-9000 DAT autoloader device

2002-11-21 Thread Jay Lessert
On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 01:55:27PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have experience in configuration a COMPAQ/SONY TSL-9000 DAT
> DDS-3 device with AMANDA ? I have only the device and no single
> documentation about it. What I can tell is that it's an 8 DDS-3 tape
> changer device which gets recognized on my Solaris 8 system under
> /dev/rmt/0. Somehow it doesn't have two devices in it (as usual where you
> have one device for the changer and one device for the tape) so that's
> already something weird. I've tried to use mtx but mtx doesn't seem to like
> the device at all.

Once you know exactly what the target/lun setup for the changer is
(you *really* need documentation), you can proceed.

In any case, you should do:

setenv auto-boot? false
setenv auto-boot? true

It is either two targets, or one target with 2 luns.

On Solaris 8, you'll need to configure the sgen driver for the robot.
In the mtx distribution, see contrib/  Do not
just run the script please (there's a cvs command that will fail,
and you may need lun!=0), read and understand first.

You'll end up with a device like: /dev/scsi/changer/cNtMd0, that's
what you point mtx (or chg-scsi, I suppose) at.

Accelerant Networks Inc.   (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA(fax)1.503.466.9472

Re: chg-scsi and Quantum SuperLoader SDLT 3520L

2002-11-21 Thread Damon Conway
On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 10:22:07PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 November 2002 17:10, Damon Conway wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >I've been wrestling with chg-scsi and my Quantum changer all day. 
> > Here are the specs:
> >
> >Red Hat 8.0 w/ kernel 2.4.18
> >Quantum SuperLoader SDLT 3520L
> >Amanda 2.4.3
> >
> >If I set changerdev to /dev/sg0 and dev to /dev/nst0, I get this:
> >
> ># sudo /usr/local/libexec/chg-scsi -info
> >Can't get ElementStatus
> >#
> >
> >I can't find anything on that error in the list archives,
> > searching Google, or looking in the docs (TAPE.CHANGERS or
> > FAQ-O-MATIC). According to /proc/scsi/sg/device*, /dev/sg0 is
> > "QUANTUM  SuperDLT1 2A2A".  I'm assuming that the error means
> > that it can't talk to the device.
> >
> One thing that can trip up the unwary is that, depending on the 
> drive, the changer robot may be at the same bus address as the 
> drive, but is lun=1 where the drive is lun=0.  Thats the case here 
> at my place.
> The tripup is that the stock kernel dos not AFAIK, do a "scan all 
> luns" at startup, thereby missing the changer robot.  This is an 
> option you may have to turn on and rebuild the kernel to make work 
> if thats the case with your changer.

Ah ha!  This solved the problem.  Thanks.  I'll see about adding
something about this to docs/TAPE.CHANGERS and creating a diff.  Where
does stuff like that get sent?


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soul on fire."  - Peter Tosh 'Reggae Mylitis'

Description: PGP signature

Re: Want more aggressive tape use

2002-11-21 Thread Orion Poplawski

Chris Marble wrote:

Orion Poplawski wrote:

A lot of file systems were not backed up that could have been because 
the planner rejected them.  I'd like to be able to operate in a mode 
where it kept dumping until the tape was full, but then threw away 
whatever was left (i.e. - no amflush -> inefficient use of another tape).

If you crank down dumpcycle in amanda.conf the program will do its best
to fit more on each tape.  If you crank it down too far you'll get daily
complaints about it having to delay backups but it'll still do what it can.
That's what I've done to maximize tape usage in my setup:
single 50Gb AIT tape/day, 300Gb to back up.  Tell it to manage full backups
of everything over 4 days of backups.

That's not really what I'm after.  I'd like to have amanda to backup as 
little as possible (i.e. high level backups, few level 0's -> long 
dumpcycle), but I want it to stuff tapes until they are full.  However, 
currently when you run out of tape you are left with dumps in the 
holding area that need to get flushed.  I don't want to flush them, but 
if you don't amanda believes that those backups have been completed and 
figures it in to planning the next run.

- Orion

RE: Jukebox Support

2002-11-21 Thread TBeason
Title: RE: Jukebox Support

I have the 15 and 30 tape treefrog working with amanda.  They both have worked with out a problem for the last 2 years.    

-Original Message-
From: Karl Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: Jukebox Support


We have a spectralogic 15 tape AIT2 TreeFrog tape library and we wondering
if it was compatible with Amanda.  My search has resulted in one person
saying they were having problems getting it to work, but no document saying
it is supported.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You

Information contained in this email message is intended only for 
use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of 
this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or 
agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you 
are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or 
copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you 
have received this communication in error, please immediately 
notify the [EMAIL PROTECTED] and destroy the original 

Jukebox Support

2002-11-21 Thread Karl Davidson

We have a spectralogic 15 tape AIT2 TreeFrog tape library and we wondering
if it was compatible with Amanda.  My search has resulted in one person
saying they were having problems getting it to work, but no document saying
it is supported.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You

Re: Advice IDE Tape Drive

2002-11-21 Thread Chris Marble
Robert wrote:
>  Please advice me which type IDE-Tape drive will be better to buy for
> 15 Gb storage.

Doing a quick look at Pricewatch says that a Travan TR5 10/20Gb drive
would be a good match:  About $200
Seagate Hornet
10/20Gb Travan 5 Int
IDE Tape backup
drive p/n stt22a

With the cost of tapes these days it's tempting to go with removable
hard drives.  But your needs are so minimal that tape's probably cheaper.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - HMC UNIX Systems Manager

Re: Newbie question; Write Protected? just Permission denied?

2002-11-21 Thread Lewis Getschel

> On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 at 5:42pm, Lewis Getschel wrote
> > I tried the erase as the amanda user, and I got permission denied. I 
> > suspect that amlabel is simply saying write-protected when in fact it is 
> > just permission denied.
> Yep.
> > As a newbie that has looked in the FOM, and read the mailing list for  
> > almost a week, I'm confused as to WHAT group I should compile under. 
> > Some people say operator, others disk, others xxx (take your pick 
> > ). Is the group you use more dependant on what distro you use 
> > (hence the permission issue?) Is the group my problem?
> You can assign the user/group of you run amanda as in any way which will 
> work for you.  On Red Hat Linux, I do amanda:disk (as you did).  Make sure 
> that /dev/nst0 has the proper ownership and permissions -- for me 
> /dev/nst0 is owned by root:disk with a mode of 660.
Thanks so much. 

Is was a permission issue. /dev/nst0 was set to 640 (as are hd* and st*). After 
changing to 660, the amanda user can now write to the tape drive.

Now I just need to figure out why my scsi pcmcia card and the ethernet pcmcia card 
'step on each other' so the system only works with ONE of them plugged in, not both. 
It must be some kind of conflict, but nothing seems obvious yet.

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Re: Want more aggressive tape use

2002-11-21 Thread Chris Marble
Orion Poplawski wrote:
> Just started testing with using software compression on the server 
> (trying not to impact the clients too much), and got the following result:

Advantageto doing some compression on the clients is that it saves you
network bandwidth.

> A lot of file systems were not backed up that could have been because 
> the planner rejected them.  I'd like to be able to operate in a mode 
> where it kept dumping until the tape was full, but then threw away 
> whatever was left (i.e. - no amflush -> inefficient use of another tape).

If you crank down dumpcycle in amanda.conf the program will do its best
to fit more on each tape.  If you crank it down too far you'll get daily
complaints about it having to delay backups but it'll still do what it can.
That's what I've done to maximize tape usage in my setup:
single 50Gb AIT tape/day, 300Gb to back up.  Tell it to manage full backups
of everything over 4 days of backups.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - HMC UNIX Systems Manager

Re: One (of six) partitions returning "disk offline"

2002-11-21 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 at 4:10pm, Jay Lessert wrote

> > selfcheck: device sda6
> > selfcheck: could not access sda6 (sda6): No such file or directory
> I'm not a Linux guy, but this is the one where Linux does not have
> a conventional entry for "/" in /etc/fstab, right?

Nope.  / has an entry in fstab just like everybody else.

> So if you're using tar, amanda cannot do the reverse-lookup from
> device name to mount-point (directory path).
> Solution is to use directory names in disklist, not device names.
> Much easier to read, anyway.

Actually, it's a bug in amanda-2.4.2p2, fixed by the advfs.patch and/or 
2.4.3.  Even with directory names in the disklist, you'll hit this.

> It's probably unfortunate that example/disklist uses device name
> syntax, n'est pas?

This I'll agree with.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: COMPAQ TSL-9000 DAT autoloader device

2002-11-21 Thread Jim Summers

I am using just a Sony TSL-9000 with amanda.  I use the chg-zd-mtx
script.  My os is linux though.  I do have the sony docs and I will
peruse through them to see if there is anything helpful.

Also, I am pretty sure that I navigated through the Sony web and found
pdf files for the 9000.

If you need a tapetype respond back to the list and I will send one. 
Seems like the last one I ran was w/o HWCOMP so it is pretty accurate. 
Might save you about 5-7 hours of time.


On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 06:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have experience in configuration a COMPAQ/SONY TSL-9000 DAT
> DDS-3 device with AMANDA ? I have only the device and no single
> documentation about it. What I can tell is that it's an 8 DDS-3 tape
> changer device which gets recognized on my Solaris 8 system under
> /dev/rmt/0. Somehow it doesn't have two devices in it (as usual where you
> have one device for the changer and one device for the tape) so that's
> already something weird. I've tried to use mtx but mtx doesn't seem to like
> the device at all.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Marc

COMPAQ TSL-9000 DAT autoloader device

2002-11-21 Thread marc . bigler

Does anyone have experience in configuration a COMPAQ/SONY TSL-9000 DAT
DDS-3 device with AMANDA ? I have only the device and no single
documentation about it. What I can tell is that it's an 8 DDS-3 tape
changer device which gets recognized on my Solaris 8 system under
/dev/rmt/0. Somehow it doesn't have two devices in it (as usual where you
have one device for the changer and one device for the tape) so that's
already something weird. I've tried to use mtx but mtx doesn't seem to like
the device at all.

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: tape filling algorithm? (flush, or dump)

2002-11-21 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 21 November 2002 00:47, Gene Heskett wrote:
>On Wednesday 20 November 2002 22:41, Gene Heskett wrote:
>Yeah, I know, I'm talking to myself :-)  In some circles, thats
>considered to be 'poor form'.  But, see below.

Continued, with another "ps:"

>>On Wednesday 20 November 2002 17:36, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>>>On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 01:47:50PM -0600, Deb Baddorf wrote:
 What kind of optimiaztion does amanda use while flushing
 dumps to tape?

 While doing the dump initially,  she seems to
 optimize to get the small jobs done first, and thus they
 go onto tape in a similar order.   But I'm currently without
 a stacker.  So only the first part of the dumps make it
 to tape "live"  (so to speak)  and the rest get flushed as I
 manually mount tapes.   I'm hoping that some kind of
 knapsack-packing algorithm is used . to fit the largest
 files on the tape first,   but then to add smaller ones to
 fill the top of the "sack".
  My archival "do all the level 0's" is taking up 5 tapes,
 hence the optimization question!
>>>There is no optimazation, first in, first out.
>>>That's a need feature.
>>Humm, from a recent example/amanda.conf:
>>dumporder "sssS"# specify the priority order of each
>> dumper #   s -> smallest size
>>#   S -> biggest size
>>#   t -> smallest time
>>#   T -> biggest time
>>#   b -> smallest bandwitdh
>>#   B -> biggest bandwitdh
>># try "BTBTBTBTBTBT" if you are not
>> holding # disk constrained
>>I'm assuming that when Deb asked about it, using the word
>>'flushing', that Deb meant a normal amdump run as opposed to a
>> run of amflush, or an autoflush.  I've no idea whether its
>> active for a flush, or just an amdump run.  I have no idea if it
>> even works, but I'll find out tonight if I can stay awake till
>> then.  I just modified mine to do the biggest ones first, and
>> amstatus should be able to see if its working that way pretty
>> shortly after the estimates are done.
>Yes, its working according to an 'SSSsss' setting from the looks
> of it, it started with /usr/src, nearly the last entry in the
> disklist which is nearly 2.7 gigs ATM.  It also tells me its
> going to skip 2 entries tonight as they are too big, 1.6gb of
> music and 90 megs of /usr/X11R6 will get delayed till tomorrow
> night.  Obviously I'm just now getting amanda restarted after a
> disk crash.  I suppose it will take a week to get back to
> 'normal', whatever that is...

Ok, it appears that with the compression being done in software, it 
smunched that 2.6 gigs worth of /usr/src down to 1.6 gigs.  By the 
time it was done, it had written only 2.6 gigs in real data down 
the cable to the tape.  There was I believe, room enough to fit the 
original, uncompressed 1.6 gigs worth of music, and certainly room 
enough for a compressed rendition of the 90 megs worth of 

Since at the estmate phase, it hasn't compressed anything, is it 
permissable to expand the value tapetype returns in order to 
prevent this erronious FAILED message?  And if so, do we believe 
the vendors propaganda and arbitrarily double it?   Or does amanda 
do something similar internally?  Here is why I ask, from the 
  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:23
Run Time (hrs:min) 3:03
Dump Time (hrs:min)1:09   0:54   0:15
Output Size (meg)2688.6 2499.4  189.2
Original Size (meg)  7214.6 6792.5  422.2
Avg Compressed Size (%)33.2   33.3   32.1   
(level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped   29  6 23   (1:23)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   660.9  788.9  210.2

Tape Time (hrs:min)1:58   1:49   0:08
Tape Size (meg)  2690.1 2499.7  190.3
Tape Used (%)  70.8   65.85.0   
(level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped29  6 23   (1:23)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)   390.5  390.3  391.8

Note that the reported Original Size is well above the roughly 3.8 
gigs set in the DDS2 tapetype, and yet amdump knew it would fit 
once compressed.  I'm beginning to feel a bit like pooh, the bear 
of very little brain here...

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.19% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly