Re: Initial disk of amrecover set up incorrectly

2003-01-06 Thread Toralf Lund
>amrecover will in my setup make a completely wrong guess about what disk

>to consider at startup in most cases. The example output included below
>should illustrate the problem; /usr/freeware/apache is not on the /u
>filesystem, and it has a separate disklist entry. Any ideas what is
>$CWD '/usr/freeware/apache' is on disk '/u' mounted at '/u'.

So where is it mounted?

What happens if you run "df -k /usr/freeware/apache"?

It's part of the root filesystem;

# df -k /usr/freeware/apache
Filesystem Type  kbytes use avail  %use Mounted on
/dev/root   xfs 16727944  4923500 1180  30  /

From Amanda's viewpoint it's a separate entity, though, like I said; it 
has it's own DLE backed up using GNUTAR.

What is the output for "mount" (with no args it lists your mount table).

# mount
/dev/root on / type xfs (rw,raw=/dev/rroot)
/hw on /hw type hwgfs (rw)
/proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/fd on /dev/fd type fd (rw)
/dev/xlv/stripedvol2 on /scanner type xfs (0)
/dev/dsk/dks2d11s7 on /dumps type xfs (0)
/dev/dsk/dks2d14s7 on /u2 type xfs (0)
/dev/xlv/stripedvol3 on /scanner2 type xfs (0)
/dev/dsk/dks0d5s7 on /u type xfs (quota)
/dev/xlv/stripedvol1 on /scanner3 type xfs (0)
linuxdoc:/usr/share/doc on /usr/doc-linux type nfs 
raid1:/imgproc on /imgproc type nfs (vers=3,rw,intr,bg,dev=140002)
imgproc:/imgproc2 on /imgproc2 type nfs (vers=3,rw,intr,bg,dev=140001)
imgproc:/imgproc3 on /imgproc3 type nfs (vers=3,rw,intr,bg,dev=140003)
raid2:/scanner4 on /scanner4 type nfs (vers=2,rw,intr,bg,dev=180001)
localhost:/var/www on /var/www-server type nfs 

What's in /tmp/amanda/amrecover*.debug?  There should be some lines
referring to "guess_disk".

I don't see any. The complete contents (which don't make a lot of sense to 
me) is included below. The following few lines from amindexd.*.debug may 
explain a lot, though:

OISD sr/freeware/apache

f /dumps/amanda/ks/index/fileserv/_u/20030102_0
< 500 "sr/freeware/apache" is an invalid directory

File amrecover.20030106084800.debug:

amrecover: debug 1 pid 27890309 ruid 0 euid 0 start time Mon Jan  6 
08:48:00 2003
amrecover: stream_client: connected to
amrecover: stream_client: our side is
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/."
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.Trash-hhe/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.Trash-jfo/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.Trash-paal/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.Trash-root/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.amanda.excludes"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" 
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/CVS/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/KENmaster/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/dist/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/ent"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/fax/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/ftp/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/logo/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/lost+found/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/mail/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/marketing/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/marketing2/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/test/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/" - FIRMANIZI KAYDEDINIZ

2003-01-06 Thread mail
Title: Untitled Document


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Re: GNUTAR "include" instead of "exclude"

2003-01-06 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:02:22PM -0800, Will Lowe wrote:
> > Note carefully that Jon says "like".  The "include" keyword does *not*
> > do patterns.  You must explicitly list each item to be included.
> That's ok,  provided I can list directories ... something like this:
> ./var/spool/mail
> ./usr/local
> ./etc
> ./var/log/samba
> ... and just catch those directories and everything in them.  That
> will work, I presume?  The manpage says soemthing confusing about not
> allowing more than one '/', but gnutar's -T option seems to support
> that just fine.

Try this patch, amanda will use the pattern without check if it
contains to /.

Jean-Louis Martineau email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Departement IRO, Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLETel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529
Montreal, Canada, H3C 3J7Fax: (514) 343-5834

--- /u/martinea/amcore/amanda-2.4.3/client-src/client_util.c2003-01-02 
20:05:56.0 -0500
+++ client-src/client_util.c2003-01-05 17:31:36.0 -0500
@@ -193,28 +193,32 @@
return 0;
 else {
-   char *glob;
-   char *regex;
-   DIR *d;
-   struct dirent *entry;
-   glob = ainc+2;
-   regex = glob_to_regex(glob);
-   if((d = opendir(device)) == NULL) {
-   dbprintf(("%s: Can't open disk '%s']\n",
- debug_prefix(NULL), device));
-   if(verbose)
-   printf("ERROR [Can't open disk '%s']\n", device);
-   return 0;
+   char *incname = ainc+2;
+   if(strchr(incname, '/')) {
+   fprintf(file_include, "./%s\n", incname);
else {
-   while((entry = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
-   if(is_dot_or_dotdot(entry->d_name)) {
-   continue;
-   }
-   if(match(regex, entry->d_name)) {
-   fprintf(file_include, "./%s\n", entry->d_name);
-   nb_exp++;
+   char *regex;
+   DIR *d;
+   struct dirent *entry;
+   regex = glob_to_regex(incname);
+   if((d = opendir(device)) == NULL) {
+   dbprintf(("%s: Can't open disk '%s']\n",
+ debug_prefix(NULL), device));
+   if(verbose)
+   printf("ERROR [Can't open disk '%s']\n", device);
+   return 0;
+   }
+   else {
+   while((entry = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+   if(is_dot_or_dotdot(entry->d_name)) {
+   continue;
+   }
+   if(match(regex, entry->d_name)) {
+   fprintf(file_include, "./%s\n", entry->d_name);
+   nb_exp++;
+   }

Re: recover oddities on SCO Openserver, solved

2003-01-06 Thread Josh More

>>* The hostname that amanda detects on SCO Openserver does not match the
>>  hostname that is reported by 'hostname' or 'uname -a'.
>Can you post an example?  This might be simple calling the wrong routine
>on SCO to get the host name (more OS differences as mentioned above).

uname -a
SCO_SV cclcsup 3.2 5.0.6 i386 unknown


/usr/local/sbin/amrecover Daily
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.3. Contacting server on cclcsup ...
220 cclcsup AMANDA index server (2.4.3) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2003-01-06)
200 Working date set to 2003-01-06.
200 Config set to Daily.
501 No index records for host: Invalid?
Trying host cclcsup ...
200 Dump host set to cclcsup.
Can't determine disk and mount point from $CWD 

If I do a 'sethost cclcsup', it works.
I am going to try setting up a local DNS, (since we should really have one anyway)
and see if that solves the problem.

>>* Oddly, when you've navigated to what you want to restore, add it,
>>  and extract it, it does the extract from the disk level, not the
>>  directory you were in when you added it.  Not a big problem, but
>>  it caused a wee bit of confusion.
>Huh?  Again, can you show an example.
>In general, if you told Amanda to back up disk "/usr" and one of the files
>backed up was "/usr/a/b/xxx", then if you start amrecover in directory
>"/tmp/restore", the file brought back will be "/tmp/restore/a/b/xxx".
>In other words, things backed up only know themselves relative to the
>top level being processed (i.e. "a/b/xxx"), and they should come back
>relative to whatever directory you do the restore into.

Continuing from amrecover above:

amrecover> sethost cclcsup
200 Dump host set to cclcsup.
amrecover> setdisk /home
Scanning /usr/local/amanda/dumps...
200 Disk set to /home.
amrecover> ls
2003-01-03 .
2003-01-03 development/
2003-01-03 todo/
2003-01-03 users/
amrecover> cd users
amrecover> ls
2003-01-03 .
2003-01-03 andrew-backup/
2003-01-03 andrew/
amrecover> add andrew
Added dir /users/andrew at date 2003-01-03
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nrStp0 on host cclcsup.
The following tapes are needed: DailySet101

Restoring files into directory /home/development/3rdparty_tools/amanda-2.4.3
Continue [?/Y/n]?

Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nrStp0 on host cclcsup.
Load tape DailySet101 now
Continue [?/Y/n/t]?
amrecover> quit
200 Good bye.

ls -al
drwxr-xr-x  18 1029 203  1024 Jan  6 08:47 .
drwxr-xr-x  17 root sys   512 Dec 27 11:52 ..
drwxr-xr-x   3 andrew   users 512 Jan  6 08:47 users

ls -al users
total 3
drwxr-xr-x   3 andrew   users 512 Jan  6 08:47 .
drwxr-xr-x  18 1029 203  1024 Jan  6 08:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root sys   512 Jan  6 08:47 andrew

>>* When GNU tar is installed off the skunkware CD, it appears as
>>  /usr/local/bin/tar.  Amanda apparently looks for gtar.
>Not sure what you mean here.  If you ran ./configure yourself, it should
>have hunted around and found this version of tar (as Jean-Louis said).
>If, however, you're running a pre-built version of Amanda, all bets are
>off about how the person who put it together set things up.

SCO Openserver ships with it's own version of tar:
/usr/bin/tar -> /opt/K/SCO/Unix/5.0.6Ga/usr/bin/tar

Installing skunkware installs GNU tar as:
/usr/local/bin/tar -> /opt/K/SKUNK2000/Tar/1.12/usr/local/bin/tar

My guess is that the configure script detected the wrong tar.  specifying
the location of tar with the  --with-gnutar  option works, as does
making a symlink of: /usr/local/bin/gtar -> /usr/local/bin/tar


Re: recover oddities on SCO Openserver, solved

2003-01-06 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 10:03:02AM -0600, Josh More wrote:
> >>* Oddly, when you've navigated to what you want to restore, add it,
> >>  and extract it, it does the extract from the disk level, not the
> >>  directory you were in when you added it.  Not a big problem, but
> >>  it caused a wee bit of confusion.
> >
> >Huh?  Again, can you show an example.
> >
> >In general, if you told Amanda to back up disk "/usr" and one of the files
> >backed up was "/usr/a/b/xxx", then if you start amrecover in directory
> >"/tmp/restore", the file brought back will be "/tmp/restore/a/b/xxx".
> >In other words, things backed up only know themselves relative to the
> >top level being processed (i.e. "a/b/xxx"), and they should come back
> >relative to whatever directory you do the restore into.
> /usr/local/sbin/amrecover Daily
> AMRECOVER Version 2.4.3. Contacting server on cclcsup ...
> 220 cclcsup AMANDA index server (2.4.3) ready.
> 200 Access OK
> Setting restore date to today (2003-01-06)
> 200 Working date set to 2003-01-06.
> 200 Config set to Daily.
> 501 No index records for host: Invalid?
> Trying host cclcsup ...
> 200 Dump host set to cclcsup.
> Can't determine disk and mount point from $CWD 
> amrecover> sethost cclcsup
> 200 Dump host set to cclcsup.
> amrecover> setdisk /home
> Scanning /usr/local/amanda/dumps...
> 200 Disk set to /home.
> amrecover> ls
> 2003-01-03 .
> 2003-01-03 development/
> 2003-01-03 todo/
> 2003-01-03 users/
> amrecover> cd users
> /home/users
> amrecover> ls
> 2003-01-03 .
> 2003-01-03 andrew-backup/
> 2003-01-03 andrew/
> amrecover> add andrew
> Added dir /users/andrew at date 2003-01-03
> amrecover> extract
> Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nrStp0 on host cclcsup.
> The following tapes are needed: DailySet101
> Restoring files into directory /home/development/3rdparty_tools/amanda-2.4.3
> Continue [?/Y/n]?
> Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nrStp0 on host cclcsup.
> Load tape DailySet101 now
> Continue [?/Y/n/t]?
> ./users/andrew/
> amrecover> quit
> 200 Good bye.
> ls -al
> drwxr-xr-x  18 1029 203  1024 Jan  6 08:47 .
> drwxr-xr-x  17 root sys   512 Dec 27 11:52 ..
> drwxr-xr-x   3 andrew   users 512 Jan  6 08:47 users
> ls -al users
> total 3
> drwxr-xr-x   3 andrew   users 512 Jan  6 08:47 .
> drwxr-xr-x  18 1029 203  1024 Jan  6 08:47 ..
> drwxr-xr-x   2 root sys   512 Jan  6 08:47 andrew

I may be missing something, but I see nothing unexpected in the
above session.  As John said above, thing come back relative to
where you started amrecover.

> My guess is that the configure script detected the wrong tar.  specifying
> the location of tar with the  --with-gnutar  option works, as does
> making a symlink of: /usr/local/bin/gtar -> /usr/local/bin/tar

Possibility of finding a wrong version is why
I always specify gnutar's location.  I also
rename it "amgtar" so it can easily be replaced
with a different version or with a wrapper script
and not affect the rest of the system.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread David Lebel

I'm new to Amanda;  I'm more used to "traditional" solutions like
Networker or NetBackup.  That being said, the setup I'm currently
administrating has been put in place by my predecessor and I'm wondering
if people are using Amanda in an "offsite" strategy, where there is one
"cycle" of tapes offsite (usually a few weeks old) and another cycle
residing onsite (ie. the current ongoing cycle).

My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle offsite
in case of a disaster so I can full rebuild all my machines without the
worries of having only partials full backups.

Any hints?


// david lebel  //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

RE: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread donald . ritchey
Suggest that you consider setting up a dump-cycle of 1 week, with a tape 
cycle of three weeks (5 tapes/15 tapes for weekdays only, 7/21 tapes for
seven days-per-week cycles).  This will permit you to send out a complete 
set of backup tapes once per week (for example, sending out the previous 
weeks tapes on Monday) and getting back the set of tapes from two weeks 
ago in exchange.  You then start reusing the three week-old tapes for the 
current week.  You will need to have three sets of tapes, in case it takes 
more than a day to exchange the tapes with your offsite repository.

WeekIn-Use   Off-SiteTo-Be-Reused

  1   Set3 Set2Set1
  2   Set1 Set3Set2
  3   Set2 Set1Set3
  4   Set3 Set2Set1

Because of the one-week dumpcycle, you will always have a complete set of 
dumps of each file system in the off-site tape set.  It will grow 
increasingly out-of-date during the week, but storing your local collection
of tapes in a fire-resistant vault should reduce your risks to an 
acceptable level.

As always, "Your mileage may vary..."


Donald L. (Don) Ritchey
Unix System and Network Administrator

-Original Message-
From: David Lebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 12:19 PM
Subject: offsite strategies


I'm new to Amanda;  I'm more used to "traditional" solutions like
Networker or NetBackup.  That being said, the setup I'm currently
administrating has been put in place by my predecessor and I'm wondering
if people are using Amanda in an "offsite" strategy, where there is one
"cycle" of tapes offsite (usually a few weeks old) and another cycle
residing onsite (ie. the current ongoing cycle).

My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle offsite
in case of a disaster so I can full rebuild all my machines without the
worries of having only partials full backups.

Any hints?


// david lebel  //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

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printout. Thank You.

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread linda

We have 55 tapes in our rotation.  We normally use 2-3 per day, and they
rotate off site the day after they're used.  Every morning 4-5 tapes come
in the door to be over written.  Amanda always makes sure there's at least
one level 0 for each server in the current set, but we normally have two.
So yes, it works well.  Plan a rotation for yourself that makes sense, then
stick to it religiously, including testing your restores.

Is that what you're looking for?


Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Jay Lessert
[CC'ed to amanda-users]
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 01:18:42PM -0500, David Lebel wrote:
> My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle offsite
> in case of a disaster

That's a good thing.

> so I can full rebuild all my machines without the
> worries of having only partials full backups.

Ummm, I don't understand this.

But anyway, I've seen people do what I think you want in two ways:

1)  Assuming tapecycle=N*dumpcycle, keep N-1 dumpcycles worth of tapes
offsite at all times, rotating the oldest dumpcycle in and the
freshest out at the end of each dumpcycle.

This can work pretty well if your offsite storage is convenient,
flexible and reliable.

If you burn the site down, you lose whatever you've got in the
"current" dumpcycle.

2)  Run two amanda configs; one "normal" that you run daily, and
another 'dumpcycle 0'/'strategy noinc'/'record no' full-only type
config that you run once per some-period and immediately send

If you burn the site down, you lose all your "normal" tapes,
but have your latest full-only tape(s).

Accelerant Networks Inc.   (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA(fax)1.503.466.9472

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Christophe Kalt

On Jan 06, David Lebel wrote:
| I'm new to Amanda;  I'm more used to "traditional" solutions like
| Networker or NetBackup.  That being said, the setup I'm currently
| administrating has been put in place by my predecessor and I'm wondering
| if people are using Amanda in an "offsite" strategy, where there is one
| "cycle" of tapes offsite (usually a few weeks old) and another cycle
| residing onsite (ie. the current ongoing cycle).
| My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle offsite
| in case of a disaster so I can full rebuild all my machines without the
| worries of having only partials full backups.

i think that the easiest way is to have two amanda configurations:
* one regular configuration with N tapes residing onsite
* one configuration for weekly/monthly/.. level 0 dumps for offsite

There are different ways to get this to work nicely together,
i think.  My second configuration has "dumpcycle" and
"runspercycle" set to 0, a high value for tapecycle, and
runtapes > 1
Additionally, i set "record" to no so that the regular config
still does level 0 dumps.

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Frank Smith
You could just rotate your older tapes offsite, making sure that you keep
at least a dumpcycle's worth of tapes offsite.  If you want something
easier to restore from, set up a separate config that does fulls on
everything(don't forget 'record no' or you'll confuse your regular config),
run it weekly (or however current you need), and take those tapes offsite
after each run.
  If you have two tape drives and plenty of tapes you could use the RAIT
drivers in the latest version and mirror your normal backup tapes as you
write them (has anyone actually tried this?).


--On Monday, January 06, 2003 13:18:42 -0500 David Lebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm new to Amanda;  I'm more used to "traditional" solutions like
Networker or NetBackup.  That being said, the setup I'm currently
administrating has been put in place by my predecessor and I'm wondering
if people are using Amanda in an "offsite" strategy, where there is one
"cycle" of tapes offsite (usually a few weeks old) and another cycle
residing onsite (ie. the current ongoing cycle).

My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle offsite
in case of a disaster so I can full rebuild all my machines without the
worries of having only partials full backups.

Any hints?


// david lebel  //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

saç programi

2003-01-06 Thread ABDULLAH ASLANTÜRK
Title: E-mail message content

Bayanlar Müjde Erkekler size de!!!


Artik saçiniza daha el bile degmeden nasil bir saçin size yakisacagini bilgisayar ekraninda görebileceksiniz. 


Firmamizin yazmis oldugu program sayesinde seçkin kuaförlerde siz de bu ayricaliktan yararlanin.


Kuaförünüzde bu program yoksa yinede  üzülmeyin. 

 Siz araci olun müsteri bulun iki kere kazanin. Hem hiçbir seye karismadan kârinizi alin hem de kendi kuaförünüzde bu hizmeti kullanin. adresinden indirebileceginiz demo versiyonda görebileceginiz gibi programimiz gayet anlasilir bir program olup 1750 farkli saç ve binlerce renk seçenegi sunar.



   0212 356 59 33
















RE: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Darin Dugan

Donald's suggestion is precisely what we're doing here. We choose to send 
the most recent (runspercycle * runtapes) set offsite, as it is the most 
valuable. Others may choose to send an older set offsite so as to be able 
to restore accidental-deletions from the most recent set. Choose according 
to your environment.


At 01:29 PM 1/6/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Suggest that you consider setting up a dump-cycle of 1 week, with a tape
cycle of three weeks (5 tapes/15 tapes for weekdays only, 7/21 tapes for
seven days-per-week cycles).  This will permit you to send out a complete
set of backup tapes once per week (for example, sending out the previous
weeks tapes on Monday) and getting back the set of tapes from two weeks
ago in exchange.  You then start reusing the three week-old tapes for the
current week.  You will need to have three sets of tapes, in case it takes
more than a day to exchange the tapes with your offsite repository.

WeekIn-Use   Off-SiteTo-Be-Reused

  1   Set3 Set2Set1
  2   Set1 Set3Set2
  3   Set2 Set1Set3
  4   Set3 Set2Set1

Because of the one-week dumpcycle, you will always have a complete set of
dumps of each file system in the off-site tape set.  It will grow
increasingly out-of-date during the week, but storing your local collection
of tapes in a fire-resistant vault should reduce your risks to an
acceptable level.

As always, "Your mileage may vary..."

Donald L. (Don) Ritchey
Unix System and Network Administrator

-Original Message-
From: David Lebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 12:19 PM
Subject: offsite strategies

I'm new to Amanda;  I'm more used to "traditional" solutions like
Networker or NetBackup.  That being said, the setup I'm currently
administrating has been put in place by my predecessor and I'm wondering
if people are using Amanda in an "offsite" strategy, where there is one
"cycle" of tapes offsite (usually a few weeks old) and another cycle
residing onsite (ie. the current ongoing cycle).

My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle offsite
in case of a disaster so I can full rebuild all my machines without the
worries of having only partials full backups.

Any hints?
// david lebel  //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

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Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Gene Heskett
On Monday 06 January 2003 13:18, David Lebel wrote:
>I'm new to Amanda;  I'm more used to "traditional" solutions like
>Networker or NetBackup.  That being said, the setup I'm currently
>administrating has been put in place by my predecessor and I'm
> wondering if people are using Amanda in an "offsite" strategy,
> where there is one "cycle" of tapes offsite (usually a few weeks
> old) and another cycle residing onsite (ie. the current ongoing
> cycle).
>My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle
> offsite in case of a disaster so I can full rebuild all my
> machines without the worries of having only partials full
> backups.
>Any hints?
>  ..>David

I think what the schedule would look like would have to be 
determined by the dumpcycle and tapecycle values in the 
amanda.conf.  This wouldn't be too hard to setup if you make sure 
cron nag-mails you on the days the tapes are to be exchanged with 
the offsite tapes.  We as humans too soon forget a weekly chore. :(

I'm just doing my home stuff here, but with a dumpcycle of 5 and a 
tapecycle of 28, I could move a considerable percentage of my tapes 
offsite, *if* I had an offsite. :)

If you have amanda setup for a dumpcycle of 1 week, and at least 21 
tapes in the tapecycle, you could have the middle weeks worth 
offsite with only one trip per week to exchange them.

Since cleanliness is next to godliness, some sort of a well sealed 
carrier would be in order since autos are notorious for collecting 
trash.  Here its not a huge problem. I keep them in their plastic 
bookpack carriers when not in the drives magazine, stuck in an oak 
pidgeonhole box on the wall I made a year or so back.  Oak 
theoreticly isn't the best as its fumes have been known to attack 
blued gun finishes, but I've had no such problems here with the 
tapes coatings.  Your trivia fact for the day.  I haven't even had 
to run a cleaning tape in several months, so I must be doing 
something right :)

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.21% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread David Lebel
Quoting Darin Dugan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Donald's suggestion is precisely what we're doing here. We choose to send 
> the most recent (runspercycle * runtapes) set offsite, as it is the most 
> valuable. Others may choose to send an older set offsite so as to be able 
> to restore accidental-deletions from the most recent set. Choose according 
> to your environment.

What are your values for the following:

tapecycle x tapes



// david lebel  //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

backing up OS X with hfstar

2003-01-06 Thread Mark Stosberg


I'm interesting in backing up an OS X client using Amanda. I've already
read a couple of useful posts on this topic:

Both noted some problems and work arounds with using dump and restore,
and the later recommended using "gnutar".

I was surprised that neither mentioned "hfstar" which declares that it
would work well with Amanda for backing up HFS volumes:

Has anyone tried a backup and restore of an HFS volume with hfstar in the context of



OSX and hfstar

2003-01-06 Thread David Raistrick

[I stupidly deleted and expuged the email without replying to it. doh.]

Looking at the hfstar package, I suspect this would work well.

Simply compile your amanda-client with --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/hfstar
(or similar) and give it a go.

In fact, I'll toss this onto my testbed OSX box tonight (though I'll
simply name the hfstar as gnutar...:) and see how it works.


david raistrick

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Anthony A. D. Talltree
>I'm just doing my home stuff here, but with a dumpcycle of 5 and a 
>tapecycle of 28, I could move a considerable percentage of my tapes 
>offsite, *if* I had an offsite. :)

Offsite could be as simple as your office (if you have one away from
home), your mom's house, a bank deposit box, etc.  When I worked at a
certain small software company, offsite storage was me bringing home the
.5" reels and stacking them in my closet 8^)

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 01:29:09PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Suggest that you consider setting up a dump-cycle of 1 week, with a tape 
> cycle of three weeks (5 tapes/15 tapes for weekdays only, 7/21 tapes for
> seven days-per-week cycles).  This will permit you to send out a complete 
> set of backup tapes once per week (for example, sending out the previous 
> weeks tapes on Monday) and getting back the set of tapes from two weeks 
> ago in exchange.  You then start reusing the three week-old tapes for the 
> current week.  You will need to have three sets of tapes, in case it takes 
> more than a day to exchange the tapes with your offsite repository.
> WeekIn-Use   Off-SiteTo-Be-Reused
>   1   Set3 Set2Set1
>   2   Set1 Set3Set2
>   3   Set2 Set1Set3
>   4   Set3 Set2Set1
> Because of the one-week dumpcycle, you will always have a complete set of 
> dumps of each file system in the off-site tape set.  It will grow 
> increasingly out-of-date during the week, but storing your local collection
> of tapes in a fire-resistant vault should reduce your risks to an 
> acceptable level.

A slight variation of this is a 4th set.  You may have a need to recover
very recent files and a need to keep a set off site.  By not rotating
off-site until a set has aged a week, you can keep the most recent set
in-house at the cost of a week's older set off-site.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Darin Dugan
At 01:59 PM 1/6/2003, David Lebel wrote:

Quoting Darin Dugan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Donald's suggestion is precisely what we're doing here. We choose to send
> the most recent (runspercycle * runtapes) set offsite, as it is the most
> valuable. Others may choose to send an older set offsite so as to be able
> to restore accidental-deletions from the most recent set. Choose according
> to your environment.

What are your values for the following:

dumpcycle 1 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle


runspercycle 5  # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days

(We only run weekdays.)

tapecycle x tapes

tapecycle 15 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation

(Exactly three weeks/dumpcycles worth.)

And don't forget:
runtapes 1  # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump

(We use one tape per night.)

So we rotate runspercycle * runtapes = 5 * 1 = 5 tapes off-site once per 
dumpcycle = 1 week. As I said before, we store the most recent set off-site 
as they are deemed the most valuable, and we don't restore too often. This 
has the side-effect of leaving the next dumpcycle worth of tapes on-site, 
so if you forget to switch things out, you still have the correct next tapes.


// david lebel  //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

mtx sources

2003-01-06 Thread Brian Cuttler

I'm configuring Amanda 2.4.2 to access StorEdge 9 tape jukebox
on Solaris 8. Much thanks to Darin Perusich.

Unfortunately I'm unable to access, the site given
in the faq-o-matic as the mtx source site. DNS is not resolving
the address.

Is there an alternate source ?
Is there a binary around someplace that I could grab ?



   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

Re: Upgrade to 2.4.3 has hiccup -- I take it back

2003-01-06 Thread Douglas K. Rand
Doug> ... . Amanda didn't care if the exclude file was there or not,
Doug> and actually gnu-tar didn't care very much either. Gnu-tar emits
Doug> a warning that the exclude file doesn't exist, and so it won't
Doug> use it.

Jon> gnutar on my system terminates with an error if the exclude file
Jon> is missing

Jon> So I am surprised by Doug's observation to the contrary.

I really should just learn to test things before I go off spouting
stuff. Why is it always the case that when what I write differs from
what I mean, it always turns out that what I write is wrong.  Sigh.

Gnu-tar dies when the exclude file doesn't exist. All version that I
could fine too.

BUT!!! AMANDA 2.4.2p2 ignores the missing exclude file if it doesn't
exist. Here is a sendbackup file. Notice that sendbackup notices that
the exclude file (//.amanda.excludes) doesn't exist, and so it ignores

I still like this behavior, but now it is Amanda's sendbackup (and
sendsize) that checkes for the existance of the exclude file, and in
its absence it doesn't pass it to the backup command.

/action goes slinking off the list in shame.

sendbackup: debug 1 pid 85909 ruid 501 euid 501 start time Wed Jan  1 23:25:39 2003
/usr/local/libexec/amanda/sendbackup: version 2.4.2p2
sendbackup: got input request: GNUTAR / 1 2002:12:29:5:40:33 OPTIONS 
  parsed request as: program `GNUTAR'
 disk `/'
 lev 1
 since 2002:12:29:5:40:33
sendbackup: exclude list file "//.amanda.excludes" does not exist, ignoring
sendbackup: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
sendbackup: stream_server: waiting for connection:
  waiting for connect on 50001, then 50002, then 50003
sendbackup: stream_accept: connection from
sendbackup: stream_accept: connection from
sendbackup: stream_accept: connection from
  got all connections
sendbackup: spawning /usr/bin/gzip in pipeline
sendbackup: argument list: /usr/bin/gzip --fast
sendbackup-gnutar: pid 85910: /usr/bin/gzip --fast
sendbackup-gnutar: doing level 1 dump as listed-incremental from 
/var/amanda/lists/birdland__0 to /var/amanda/lists/
sendbackup-gnutar: doing level 1 dump from date: 2002-12-29  5:40:33 GMT
sendbackup: spawning /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar in pipeline
sendbackup: argument list: gtar --create --file - --directory / --one-file-system 
--listed-incremental /var/amanda/lists/ --sparse --ignore-failed-read 
--totals .
sendbackup-gnutar: /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar: pid 85912
sendbackup: started index creator: "/usr/local/bin/gtar -tf - 2>/dev/null | sed -e 
sendbackup: index created successfully
sendbackup: pid 85909 finish time Wed Jan  1 23:25:40 2003

Re: mtx sources

2003-01-06 Thread Frank Smith
It's on sourceforge,


--On Monday, January 06, 2003 16:46:02 -0500 Brian Cuttler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm configuring Amanda 2.4.2 to access StorEdge 9 tape jukebox
on Solaris 8. Much thanks to Darin Perusich.

Unfortunately I'm unable to access, the site given
in the faq-o-matic as the mtx source site. DNS is not resolving
the address.

Is there an alternate source ?
Is there a binary around someplace that I could grab ?



   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Kıbrıs Sorunu Türkiye 'ye Engel mi?

2003-01-06 Thread TURKANKET
TürkAnket Haftalýk AnketiAnkete Katýlmak Ýçin Oy Vermek ÝstediðinizKutuyu Seçip Tamam Butonuna BasýnýzSizce Kýbrýs Sorunu Türkiye 'nin Geniþleme Sürecine Engel Teþkil Ediyor mu?Evet Engel OluyorHayýr Engel Olmuyor

Re: Upgrade to 2.4.3 has hiccup -- I take it back

2003-01-06 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 04:15:52PM -0600, Douglas K. Rand wrote:
> I really should just learn to test things before I go off spouting
> stuff. Why is it always the case that when what I write differs from
> what I mean, it always turns out that what I write is wrong.  Sigh.

We both suffer in shame :))

> BUT!!! AMANDA 2.4.2p2 ignores the missing exclude file if it doesn't
> exist. Here is a sendbackup file. Notice that sendbackup notices that
> the exclude file (//.amanda.excludes) doesn't exist, and so it ignores
> it. 
> I still like this behavior, but now it is Amanda's sendbackup (and
> sendsize) that checkes for the existance of the exclude file, and in
> its absence it doesn't pass it to the backup command.

I don't mind that, but I think a warning should be printed at some
point rather than have to notice in a debug file that I misspeeled
.amanda.exclude.  Is there some notice given?

In fact, if that sendbackup behavior still exists in 2.4.3 (I suspect
it does), then I think the new amcheck notice should be a warning,
not an error.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: Upgrade to 2.4.3 has hiccup -- I take it back

2003-01-06 Thread Douglas K. Rand
>> I still like this behavior, but now it is Amanda's sendbackup (and
>> sendsize) that checkes for the existance of the exclude file, and
>> in its absence it doesn't pass it to the backup command.

Jon> I don't mind that, but I think a warning should be printed at
Jon> some point rather than have to notice in a debug file that I
Jon> misspeeled .amanda.exclude.  Is there some notice given?

Jon> In fact, if that sendbackup behavior still exists in 2.4.3 (I
Jon> suspect it does), then I think the new amcheck notice should be a
Jon> warning, not an error.

Personally, I don't have a problem with the warning only being in the
sendsize or sendbackup diagnostic files. I use the amcheck -m alot and
have the output sent to my pager, so I wouldn't want it to always warn
me of those, and even if I missed changing a tape, I might not want
all those warnings. But thats just my $0.02.

Re: mtx sources

2003-01-06 Thread Galen Johnson
Actually, he moved it to the sourceforge site 
should redirect you.


Frank Smith wrote:

It's on sourceforge,


--On Monday, January 06, 2003 16:46:02 -0500 Brian Cuttler 

I'm configuring Amanda 2.4.2 to access StorEdge 9 tape jukebox
on Solaris 8. Much thanks to Darin Perusich.

Unfortunately I'm unable to access, the site given
in the faq-o-matic as the mtx source site. DNS is not resolving
the address.

Is there an alternate source ?
Is there a binary around someplace that I could grab ?



   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

Frank Smith 
Systems Administrator  Voice: 
Hoover's Online  Fax: 

amadmin and amplot analysis

2003-01-06 Thread DK Smith
I am starting to look at the utilities amadmin and amplot. The 
following is my attempt to get some perspective on post analysis. Has 
anyone has written notes/docs related to the display of AMANDA's data 
metrics or performed post-analysis of the data? If so, I would like 
to read them.

I noticed that the output of the following amadmin command differed 
substantially between versions 2.4.2 and 2.4.3-20030104. For example:

   amadmin  amdump.1

2.4.2 produced m,any lines of output, such as:

 amplot -e amdump.1

Displaying graph on the screen,  for next graph
20030103 INFO# dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
20030103 INFO# dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
20030103 INFO# dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
20030103 INFO# dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is

 [ 80+ lines deleted for brevity ]

20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: connected to
20030103 INFO# dumper: stream_client: our side is
Longest dumping hosts   Times 10800
Host:disk/levstart  -   end   =   run   => total
redbelly:/net/adder/scratch2/2  0:14:50 - 0:14:51 = 0:00:01
redbelly:/usr/local_redbelly/etc/1  0:15:05 - 0:15:06 = 0:00:01
redbelly:/etc/1 0:15:47 - 0:15:47 = 0:00:00
redbelly:/var/amanda/1  0:16:01 - 0:16:03 = 0:00:02
redbelly:/net/redbelly/lanl1/1  0:16:17 - 0:16:20 = 0:00:03
redbelly:/net/redbelly/home1/1  0:16:31 - 0:16:40 = 0:00:09
redbelly:/net/adder/scratch1/0  0:16:46 - 2:38:27 = 2:21:41
redbelly:/net/redbelly/lbnl1/0  2:38:28 - 5:04:48 = 2:26:20 => 4:48:17

anaconda:/etc/1 0:14:51 - 0:14:52 = 0:00:01
anaconda:/net/anaconda/scratch1/1   0:15:07 - 0:15:47 = 0:00:40 
=> 0:00:41

Whereas, with the 2.4.3-20030104 version, the output did not display 
that stuff above.

 amplot -e amdump.1

Displaying graph on the screen,  for next graph
Longest dumping hosts   Times 10800
Host:disk/levstart  -   end   =   run   => total
redbelly:2/1048576  0:14:50 - 0:14:51 = 0:00:01
redbelly:1/1048576  0:15:05 - 0:15:06 = 0:00:01
redbelly:1/1048576  0:15:47 - 0:15:47 = 0:00:00
redbelly:1/1048576  0:16:01 - 0:16:03 = 0:00:02
redbelly:1/1048576  0:16:17 - 0:16:20 = 0:00:03
redbelly:1/1048576  0:16:31 - 0:16:40 = 0:00:09
redbelly:0/1048576  0:16:46 - 2:38:27 = 2:21:41
redbelly:0/1048576  2:38:28 - 5:04:48 = 2:26:20 => 4:48:17

anaconda:1/1048576  0:14:51 - 0:14:52 = 0:00:01
anaconda:1/1048576  0:15:07 - 0:15:47 = 0:00:40 => 0:00:41


Just thought I would share these differences... in case it meant 
something to someone.


I am just looking for general info about how amadmin and amplot can 
be used. (like wrapping them in a larger script).

One thing I noticed with amplot was the fact that the X window never 
showed on the screen... I suppose more experimentation is in order... 

Also, has anyone written analysis scripts that evaluate multiple amdump runs?

thank you...

PS: and before anyone asks, my mail client seems to be broken.. sorry 
for the long lines.