amrecover: Can't read file header

2003-03-17 Thread Francisco de Asís Miralles Argente
Hello, i'm newbie using amanda.
I'm trying start to run a tapeless configuration wich I finded in this
mailing list.
I can make the backup for linux a windows (using SAMBA) machines but I
can't recover any file so I get this message always:

Extracting files using tape drive eu.xxd:DailySet103 on host
localhost. Load tape DailySet103 now Continue [?/Y/n/t]? EOF, check
amidxtaped.debug file on localhost.
amrecover: short block 0 bytes
amrecover: Can't read file header
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1

amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 3318 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Mon Mar 17
10:55:02 2003
amidxtaped: version 2.4.3
amidxtaped: time 0.000: > SECURITY USER root
amidxtaped: time 0.000: bsd security: remote host localhost user root
local user backup
amidxtaped: time 0.001: amandahosts security check passed
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > 6
amidxtaped: time 0.001: amrestore_nargs=6
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > -h
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > -p
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > ex.xxd:DailySet103
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > ^localhost$
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > ^//sambapc/sharedfolder$
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > 20030317
amidxtaped: time 0.001: Ready to execv amrestore with:
path = /usr/local/sbin/amrestore
argv[0] = "amrestore"
argv[1] = "-h"
argv[2] = "-p"
argv[3] = "ex.xxd:DailySet103"
argv[4] = "^localhost$"
argv[5] = "^//sambapc/sharedfolder$"
argv[6] = "20030317"
amrestore: could not stat ex.xxd:DailySet103
amidxtaped: time 0.004: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
amidxtaped: could not stat eurociber.vsd:DailySet103
amidxtaped: time 0.004: could not stat eurociber.vsd:DailySet103
amidxtaped: time 0.004: pid 3318 finish time Mon Mar 17 10:55:02 2003
amindexd: debug 1 pid 3313 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Mon Mar 17 10:54:11
amindexd: version 2.4.3
amindexd: time 0.000: < 220 backserver AMANDA index server (2.4.3)
amindexd: time 0.001: > SECURITY USER root
amindexd: time 0.001: bsd security: remote host backserver user root
local user backup
amindexd: time 0.001: amandahosts security check passed
amindexd: time 0.002: < 200 Access OK
amindexd: time 0.039: > DATE 2003-03-17
amindexd: time 0.039: < 200 Working date set to 2003-03-17.
amindexd: time 0.079: > SCNF DailySet1
amindexd: time 0.080: < 200 Config set to DailySet1.
amindexd: time 0.119: > HOST backserver
amindexd: time 0.119: < 501 No index records for host: backserver.
amindexd: time 0.159: > HOST backserver
amindexd: time 0.159: < 501 No index records for host: backserver.
amindexd: time 7.908: > HOST localhost
amindexd: time 7.909: < 200 Dump host set to localhost.
amindexd: time 18.528: > DISK //sambapc/sharedfolder
amindexd: time 18.529: - 2003-03-17 0 DailySet103 1
amindexd: time 18.529: < 200 Disk set to //sambapc/sharedfolder.
amindexd: time 18.568: > OISD /
amindexd: time 18.568: uncompress command: /bin/gzip -dc '/'
2>/dev/null | sort > '/x/20030317_0'
amindexd: time 18.578: f /x/20030317_0
amindexd: time 18.579: < 200 "/" is a valid directory
amindexd: time 18.618: > OLSD /
amindexd: time 18.618: < 200- Opaque list of /
amindexd: time 18.619: < 200 Opaque list of /
amindexd: time 55.038: ? unexpected EOF
amindexd: time 55.038: removing index file: /x/20030317_0
amindexd: time 55.039: pid 3313 finish time Mon Mar 17 10:55:06 2003

amrecover: debug 1 pid 3312 ruid 0 euid 0: start at Mon Mar 17 10:54:11
amrecover: stream_client_privileged: connected to
amrecover: stream_client_privileged: our side is
add_glob (ex.xxd) -> ^ex\.xxd$
add_file: Looking for "ex\.xxd[/]*$"
add_file: Converted path="ex\.xxd[/]*$" to
add_file: Pondering ditem->path="/.vvv"
add_file: (Successful) Added /ex.xxd
amrecover: stream_client_privileged: connected to
amrecover: stream_client_privileged: our side is
amrecover: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
Started amidxtaped with arguments "6 -h -p ex.xxd:DailySet103
^localhost$ ^//sambapc/sharedfolder$ 20030317"
amrecover: Can't read file header
amrecover: pid 3317 finish time Mon Mar 17 10:55:02 2003
amrecover: pid 3312 finish time Mon Mar 17 10:55:06 2003

Anyone can help me?



   Francisco de Asís Miralles Argente
 Network Engineer
  Telf: +34 913382810
  Fax: +34 913381616

Re: amandad error

2003-03-17 Thread Paul Bijnens
Op ma 17-03-2003, om 22:57 schreef bao:
> xinetd[...]: execv( ../usr/libexec/amandad ) failed : Permission denied 
> (errno = 13)

Are the directory usr and libexec also accessible as amanda?
Can you try:
su amanda -c /usr/libexec/amandad

This command should just sit there for about 30 seconds and
then exit (if you type something it exists immediately).
It also creates a file: /tmp/amanda/amandad.*DateTimeStamp*.debug
with the error message ("timeout" or "error receiving message").

Re: amrecover tar error.

2003-03-17 Thread Paul Bijnens
Op ma 17-03-2003, om 18:05 schreef Vytas Janusauskas:
> I am trying to restore a Windows 95 directory to an NT drive connected via 
> Samba and get the following error.
> /1895-102.tif
> ./1895-103.tif

Does this mean that it restored 1 file?

> tar: Skipping to next header
> tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers

What command did you use exactly?
What is the amanda headerblock suggesting as command?
Typically these are errors of a corrupted tarfile, and sometimes
simply of trying to extract a gzipped tar file without the -z option.

> Tape drive being used is Eliant 820 drive with the following definition
> define tapetype Eliant 820 {
>  comment "Exabyte Eliant 820 drive"
>  length 7 gb
>  filemark 48 kbytes
>  speed 1 mb
> }

As far as I can understand the tapetype here is completely irrelevant.

> Tar version is : tar (GNU tar) 1.13.25
> Amanda version is: 2.4.2p2
> Disklist entry is:  backup /dosworld/pent17/e/Colorado10 comp-user-tar

So you have the share smbmounted on a Unix computer named "backup".
Why not using smbclient, as builtin in Amanda?  At least you
can do level 1 incrementals (or maybe even more, I didn't check
in the latest amanda sources.)

Backing up Windows XP Home Clients

2003-03-17 Thread philo vivero
I am setting up Amanda to back up a heterogenous Linux/Win32 network
including several XP Home clients.

It looks like Microsoft has completely stripped the concept of security
out of Windows shares on XP Home. You can share something, but you
cannot set a password or, so far as I can tell, in any way secure the
share you've created.

It would appear the Win32 Amanda clients are the only secure option for
backing up XP Home clients (if you've settled on Amanda for backing up

I am downloading the Win32 Amanda clients now for the purposes of
installing and using them. I'll report back here on how successful this
operation is.

I think the "smbclient" method of backing up Win32 machines will soon be
impractical for small businesses. Expect increased interest in the
Amanda Win32 clients as XP Home starts its dreadful spread through the
small business world.

If this helped you,

amrecover failing, Unexpected EOF

2003-03-17 Thread Hal Lynch
after a successful:
amcheck Daily_1
amdump Daily_1
from my.amanda.server.
From my.amanda.client:
	amrecover -C Daily_1 -s my. amanda.server -t my.amanda.server -d 
	fails with the following message:
	amrecover: Unexpected end of file, check amindexd*debug on
	server my.amanda.server

There is no amindexd*debug on the server?!

However when I run the above sequence using the server as client also
all is well including the debug file.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom?


two tape stackers

2003-03-17 Thread Joseph Sirucka

Hi All
I have two hp dds3 six stack tape 
My question is, recently I have read about amanda 
rait where I can simultaneously use two units as like one unit in a ala raid 
style fashion.
My tape units are /dev/sg0 and /dev/sg1 for the 
stacker and the tape units itself are /dev/nst0, /dev/nst1.
What would I add to my amanda.conf to allow 
these two units to run simultaneously.
Also a question still can amanda archive over 
multiple tapes?

Re: amandad error

2003-03-17 Thread bao
Yes, same id.
I thought that there might have been a collision, because syslog on the
production machine says something like "Deactivating service amanda due 
to excessive incoming connections. Restarting in 30 seconds".

But after I had turned off amanda on the test machine, the error still 

Thomas Hu wrote:
Same Amanda id on both machines?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bao
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 4:29 PM
To: amanda
Subject: amandad error
Hi list,

I tested with Amanda-2.4.4 on a test machine and it is ok. But when I 
moved to the production machine, i get some errors.
Backup server RH 8.0 kernel 2.4.18-19.8.0

Everything was set according to the test machine.

When I run amcheck Weekyly, I get a "selfcheck request timed out. Host 

syslog spills these:

xinetd[...]: execv( ../usr/libexec/amandad ) failed : Permission denied 
(errno = 13)

I have compared the config and file permissions on both machines, 
they're the same.

Has anyone had this problem before???


amandad error

2003-03-17 Thread bao
Hi list,

I tested with Amanda-2.4.4 on a test machine and it is ok. But when I 
moved to the production machine, i get some errors.
Backup server RH 8.0 kernel 2.4.18-19.8.0

Everything was set according to the test machine.

When I run amcheck Weekyly, I get a "selfcheck request timed out. Host 

syslog spills these:

xinetd[...]: execv( ../usr/libexec/amandad ) failed : Permission denied 
(errno = 13)

I have compared the config and file permissions on both machines, 
they're the same.

Has anyone had this problem before???


PS. Also, whenever I run amcheck or amdump, syslog would "Deactivating 
service amanda due to excessive incoming connections. Restarting in 30 

RE: amandad error

2003-03-17 Thread Thomas Hu
Same Amanda id on both machines?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bao
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 4:29 PM
To: amanda
Subject: amandad error

Hi list,

I tested with Amanda-2.4.4 on a test machine and it is ok. But when I 
moved to the production machine, i get some errors.
Backup server RH 8.0 kernel 2.4.18-19.8.0

Everything was set according to the test machine.

When I run amcheck Weekyly, I get a "selfcheck request timed out. Host 

syslog spills these:

xinetd[...]: execv( ../usr/libexec/amandad ) failed : Permission denied 
(errno = 13)

I have compared the config and file permissions on both machines, 
they're the same.

Has anyone had this problem before???


Re: amandad error

2003-03-17 Thread bao
Yes, this may be a big clue.

Let me try shutting the other one off first.


Thomas Hu wrote:
Same Amanda id on both machines?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bao
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 4:29 PM
To: amanda
Subject: amandad error
Hi list,

I tested with Amanda-2.4.4 on a test machine and it is ok. But when I 
moved to the production machine, i get some errors.
Backup server RH 8.0 kernel 2.4.18-19.8.0

Everything was set according to the test machine.

When I run amcheck Weekyly, I get a "selfcheck request timed out. Host 

syslog spills these:

xinetd[...]: execv( ../usr/libexec/amandad ) failed : Permission denied 
(errno = 13)

I have compared the config and file permissions on both machines, 
they're the same.

Has anyone had this problem before???


amandad error

2003-03-17 Thread bao
Hi list,

I tested with Amanda-2.4.4 on a test machine and it is ok. But when I 
moved to the production machine, i get some errors.
Backup server RH 8.0 kernel 2.4.18-19.8.0

Everything was set according to the test machine.

When I run amcheck Weekyly, I get a "selfcheck request timed out. Host 

syslog spills these:

xinetd[...]: execv( ../usr/libexec/amandad ) failed : Permission denied 
(errno = 13)

I have compared the config and file permissions on both machines, 
they're the same.

Has anyone had this problem before???


Re: Ad-Hoc backup?

2003-03-17 Thread Steven karel
One way to force a full ad-hoc backup of diskentry bar on server foo is 

amlabel backupsetname newtapename
amadmin backupsetname force foo bar
amdump backupsetname foo bar
On Monday, March 17, 2003, at 02:38 PM, wab wrote:

I want to back up one filesystem on one server, to a new tape, now. How
to do this? My guess is:
1. cp DailySet1 ad-hoc
2. edit the config files in ad-hoc to include the server filesystems &
label of the new tape only
3. run amlabel using the tapename specified in the config files
4. run amdump ad-hoc.
Or, something else that I'm not aware of. ?) Any suggestions?


Re: problems whth chg-scsi on Linux with AIT scalar 480

2003-03-17 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 at 3:33pm, Michael Scaglione wrote

> Have been playing with the chg_zd_mtx script. Seems to work fine against one
> tape drive, but I don't understand how to configure it to be 'aware' of both
> tape drives.  Any ideas?

I don't know that you can, even with cgh-scsi, with amanda.  There have 
been some recent discussions of this on the list -- the consensus seemed 
to be to split up your disklist into two amanda configs, one for each of 
the tape drives.  When doing this, you have to split by client, as you 
cannot make two amandad requests to the same client at a time (well, you 
can, but not without some patches).

There's also RAIT...

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: problems whth chg-scsi on Linux with AIT scalar 480

2003-03-17 Thread Michael Scaglione
Have been playing with the chg_zd_mtx script. Seems to work fine against one
tape drive, but I don't understand how to configure it to be 'aware' of both
tape drives.  Any ideas?

Thx again

- Original Message -
From: "Joshua Baker-LePain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Scaglione" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: problems whth chg-scsi on Linux with AIT scalar 480

> On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 at 1:58pm, Michael Scaglione wrote
> > Greetings, this is my first posting to this list. Please excuse any
> > oversights on my part.
> Getting Outbreak to put in some line breaks would be nice.  Not using it
> would be even nicer.
> > I am attempting to configure an ADIC SCALAR 480 auto changer. This is
> > an OEM auto-changer with a single tape changer, 2 AIT-2 drives and 80
> > tape slots.
> >
> > While attempting to configure Amanda I run the command :
> > sta-36 libexec]#  ./chg-scsi -info
> >
> > which returns this error :
> >
> > Can't read STE status
> >
> > I can find no reference to this error in any of the archives. I don't
> > understand what it means. However, I can  access the tape changer
> > directly as /dev/sg0 and make mtx load and unload tapes directly.  The
> > command "mtx -d /dev/sg0 load 2 0" will stuff the appropriate AIT
> > cartridge into the first drive. I have also confirmed that the tape
> > devices, /dev/st0 and /dev/st1, as well as their no-rewind counterpart
> > devices are functioning properly.
> If you've got mtx working, why not use the chg-zd-mtx changer rather than
> chg-scsi?  Directions for setting up the configuration file are in the
> chg-zd-mtx script in (by default) /usr/local/libexec.
> --
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University

Re: problems whth chg-scsi on Linux with AIT scalar 480

2003-03-17 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 at 1:58pm, Michael Scaglione wrote

> Greetings, this is my first posting to this list. Please excuse any 
> oversights on my part. 

Getting Outbreak to put in some line breaks would be nice.  Not using it 
would be even nicer.

> I am attempting to configure an ADIC SCALAR 480 auto changer. This is 
> an OEM auto-changer with a single tape changer, 2 AIT-2 drives and 80 
> tape slots.
> While attempting to configure Amanda I run the command : 
> sta-36 libexec]#  ./chg-scsi -info
> which returns this error : 
> Can't read STE status
> I can find no reference to this error in any of the archives. I don't 
> understand what it means. However, I can  access the tape changer 
> directly as /dev/sg0 and make mtx load and unload tapes directly.  The 
> command "mtx -d /dev/sg0 load 2 0" will stuff the appropriate AIT 
> cartridge into the first drive. I have also confirmed that the tape 
> devices, /dev/st0 and /dev/st1, as well as their no-rewind counterpart 
> devices are functioning properly.

If you've got mtx working, why not use the chg-zd-mtx changer rather than 
chg-scsi?  Directions for setting up the configuration file are in the 
chg-zd-mtx script in (by default) /usr/local/libexec.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

problems whth chg-scsi on Linux with AIT scalar 480

2003-03-17 Thread Michael Scaglione

Greetings, this is my first posting to this list. 
Please excuse any oversights on my part. 
I am attempting to configure an ADIC SCALAR 480 
auto changer. This is an OEM auto-changer with a single tape changer, 2 AIT-2 
drives and 80 tape slots.
While attempting to configure Amanda I run the 
command : 
sta-36 libexec]#  ./chg-scsi 
which returns this error : 
Can't read STE status
I can find no reference to this error in any of the 
archives. I don't understand what it means. However, I can  access the tape changer directly as /dev/sg0 
and make mtx load and unload tapes directly.  The command "mtx -d 
/dev/sg0 load 2 0" will stuff the appropriate AIT cartridge into the 
first drive. I have also confirmed that the tape 
devices, /dev/st0 and /dev/st1, as well as their no-rewind counterpart devices 
are functioning properly.
I am attaching my Amanda.conf, chg-scsi.conf and 
the debug file generated by chg-scsi. 
Thanks in advance.
Michael Scaglione

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Ad-Hoc backup?

2003-03-17 Thread wab
Greetings fellow AMANDA Fans & Gurus. I did some homework & couldn't
find a quick answer to this, so...

I want to back up one filesystem on one server, to a new tape, now. How
to do this? My guess is:

1. cp DailySet1 ad-hoc
2. edit the config files in ad-hoc to include the server filesystems &
label of the new tape only
3. run amlabel using the tapename specified in the config files
4. run amdump ad-hoc.

Or, something else that I'm not aware of. ?) Any suggestions?


Re: Dumping mounted windows partitions?

2003-03-17 Thread Richard Morse
On Monday, March 17, 2003, at 11:20  AM, Andreas Hallmann wrote:

I'm dumping 2 windows partitions via gnutar on an amanda 2.4.3 system.
Curiously even a level 1 dump has same size as a full dump.

Is this a 'normal' , due to some 'shit' in those W98SE partitions?

Dumping reiserfs-partitions via gnutar work perfectly and as expected.

Any hints how to backup a linux box, with two W98-Partitions the right 

My understanding is that the FAT/FAT32 file systems don't track the 
information that allows tar to determine if the file has been altered 
since the last backup.  Hence, as far as tar is concerned, every file 
has been changed.  So it does a complete backup.

You might be able to fix this by changing the filesystem to NTFS, but 
in that case, you can't run Win98...


Re: fixed day backup

2003-03-17 Thread Chris Dahn
On Thursday 13 March 2003 04:36 pm, Wayne Richards wrote:
> Well, there are a couple of options I can think of off the top of my head.
> 1.  Use a second config file for the weekend backups and add the line:
>   strategy noinc
> in the dumptype definition
> 2.  Do a:
>   amadmin config force hostname
> prior to running the weekly backups.
> Wayne

  I have to do this since I have to use a DLT-4 drive for incrementals, and an 
SDLT-220 drive for full backups.

  What I do (I should really stick this in the FAQ-o-matic) is the following:

1. Create 2 configurations, one for Full only, and one for Incremental only. 
Full is run on the weekend, and Incremental is run during the week.

2. The Full configuration has a dumptype "always-full" which defines 
"dumpcycle 0". This makes sure every partition is a level 0 dump when it 
runs. Disklist entries should be told to use a dumptype that include 

3. Since amanda's planner is rather tenacious about the full backups, we need 
to really make it work to give us a level 0 dump. So, in the Incremental 
config file, set tapecycle to the number of tapes you have, but set dumpcycle 
and runspercycle to something silly, like 1000. This will keep the planner 
assuming that it has lots of time before it needs to do a level 0 of any 
given partition.

4. After the full backup runs, rm -rf the incremental backup directory (where 
indexes and logs are kept) in the amanda user's home directory, and cp -r the 
full backup directory to the incremental backup directory. This will keep the 
two in sync, and restart the 1000 day count each week.

This isn't totally fool-proof. If you have a very small partition (e.g., /tmp) 
then you may often get a level 0 dump of it. For larger partitions, you will 
almost never get a level 0, but in the end it accomplishes the "full on 
weekends, incremental during week" issue that occasionally pops up without 
performing too much magic.


2003-03-17 Thread Chris Knight

that seemed to do the trick.  even though the reference from
Dick Stone of Quantum (dlt8000linux.pdf) shows
the maximum of 49125 bpi and 67854 length... the
51000/12 seemed to be the magic number.  Many thanks
to Chris Marble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]# /sbin/dump 0udsf 51000 12 /dev/nst0 /iarc/vol
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Mar 17 10:33:25 2003
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/sda12 (/iarc/vol) to /dev/nst0
  DUMP: Label: /iarc/vol
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 25827734 tape blocks on 0.75 tape(s).
  DUMP: Volume 1 started with block 1 at: Mon Mar 17 10:34:24 2003
. . .
. . .
DUMP: Closing /dev/nst0
  DUMP: Volume 1 completed at: Mon Mar 17 12:01:32 2003
  DUMP: Volume 1 25924800 tape blocks (25317.19MB)
  DUMP: Volume 1 took 1:27:08
  DUMP: Volume 1 transfer rate: 4958 kB/s
  DUMP: 25924800 tape blocks (25317.19MB) on 1 volume(s)
  DUMP: finished in 5225 seconds, throughput 4961 kBytes/sec
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Mar 17 10:33:25 2003
  DUMP: Date this dump completed:  Mon Mar 17 12:01:32 2003
  DUMP: Average transfer rate: 4958 kB/s

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Empire State Plaza,Box 509
Computer Systems Support:Lab D280, loading dock J
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Albany, NY 12201-0509 
office:518/473-0773   desk:474-7424   fax:473-6384 

Re: amrecover tar error.

2003-03-17 Thread Vytas Janusauskas

I am trying to restore a Windows 95 directory to an NT drive connected via 
Samba and get the following error.

tar: Skipping to next header
tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
Tape drive being used is Eliant 820 drive with the following definition

define tapetype Eliant 820 {
comment "Exabyte Eliant 820 drive"
length 7 gb
filemark 48 kbytes
speed 1 mb
Tar version is : tar (GNU tar) 1.13.25
Amanda version is: 2.4.2p2
Disklist entry is:  backup /dosworld/pent17/e/Colorado10 comp-user-tar
Any pointers are appreciated.



Vytas Janusauskas
Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.
880 Lady Ellen Place,  Suite 206
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1Z 5L9
Voice: (613) 725-2971
Fax: (613) 725-1716

RE: [HELP] amverify fails restoring

2003-03-17 Thread Ron Bauman

It looks like amverify is not rewinding the tape.  I ran across the same thing this 
morning using amrecover to verify that I could restore files.  If you use 'mt -f 
/dev/tape rewind' before amverify, perhaps it will work. I'm using amanda-2.4.2p2.

Ron Bauman

-Original Message-
From: Fabio Corazza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 10:46 AM
Subject: [HELP] amverify fails restoring

Sorry for the [HELP] prefix, but I can't determine now
what is really going wrong. I've setup Amanda for daily
backups. The backup process seems to go fine, but
amverify fails restoring as the message below says:

Errors found: 
PROSADAILY04 ($.20030307.0):
amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
amrestore:   0: restoring$.20030307.0
/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
64+0 records in
64+0 records out

amverify ProsaDaily
Fri Mar 14 01:56:21 CET 2003

Using device /dev/nst0
Volume PROSADAILY04, Date 20030307
** Error detected ($.20030307.0)
amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
amrestore:   0: restoring$.20030307.0
/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
64+0 records in
64+0 records out
End-of-Tape detected.

Can anyone help me? I've searched through Google and yahoo-groups
but nobody seems to had my same problem!

It's strange because I don't get any other error between the amrestore
and tar output...


Fabio Corazza - Prosa s.r.l.
Via Polanzani, 74 - 30033 Noale (VE) - Italy
Phone: +39.041.5897009 - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dumping mounted windows partitions?

2003-03-17 Thread Andreas Hallmann
I'm dumping 2 windows partitions via gnutar on an amanda 2.4.3 system.
Curiously even a level 1 dump has same size as a full dump.

Is this a 'normal' , due to some 'shit' in those W98SE partitions?

Dumping reiserfs-partitions via gnutar work perfectly and as expected.

Any hints how to backup a linux box, with two W98-Partitions the right way?



[HELP] amverify fails restoring

2003-03-17 Thread Fabio Corazza
Sorry for the [HELP] prefix, but I can't determine now
what is really going wrong. I've setup Amanda for daily
backups. The backup process seems to go fine, but
amverify fails restoring as the message below says:

Errors found: 
PROSADAILY04 ($.20030307.0):
amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
amrestore:   0: restoring$.20030307.0
/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
64+0 records in
64+0 records out

amverify ProsaDaily
Fri Mar 14 01:56:21 CET 2003

Using device /dev/nst0
Volume PROSADAILY04, Date 20030307
** Error detected ($.20030307.0)
amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
amrestore:   0: restoring$.20030307.0
/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
64+0 records in
64+0 records out
End-of-Tape detected.

Can anyone help me? I've searched through Google and yahoo-groups
but nobody seems to had my same problem!

It's strange because I don't get any other error between the amrestore
and tar output...


Fabio Corazza - Prosa s.r.l.
Via Polanzani, 74 - 30033 Noale (VE) - Italy
Phone: +39.041.5897009 - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fw: Error while running amcheck/amdump

2003-03-17 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 at 4:56pm, Madhvi Gokool wrote

> The /dev/hda6 mountpoint is /
> I have added the mount point to the disklist file . The dumptype was set to
> tar and then dump. amcheck detected no errors on the client host.
> When amdump was run , a level 0 dump was done on /dev/hda6 ( as seen in
> /etc/dumpdates).

Well then it seems that you've found a solution.

> If I put back hda6 in the disklist, amcheck gives me the same error reported
> below.
> Why can't /dev/hda6 be backed up ??? A manual dump of the latter on the
> client works.

It can be backed up, if you use the mount point.  What version of amanda 
are you running?  There was an issue with 2.4.2p2 and the / partition on 
Linux.  An upgrade is suggested (2.4.4 is current).

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: Fw: Error while running amcheck/amdump

2003-03-17 Thread Paul Bijnens
Madhvi Gokool wrote:
The /dev/hda6 mountpoint is /
I have added the mount point to the disklist file . The dumptype was set to
tar and then dump. amcheck detected no errors on the client host.
When amdump was run , a level 0 dump was done on /dev/hda6 ( as seen in
So, you mean, you have a configuration that works?

If I put back hda6 in the disklist, amcheck gives me the same error reported
Why can't /dev/hda6 be backed up ??? A manual dump of the latter on the
client works.
If you specify a diskdevice instead of a mount point,
and you are using gnutar to backup, than amanda has to
convert the diskdevice into a directory mount point.
The way to do this is very system specific, and on
Linux it uses (maybe?) /proc/mounts to do the conversion.
See the twisty maze of passages, all alike, in
Where is the disk mounted according to "cat /proc/mounts"?
My / is mounted on /dev/root, and indeed, /dev/root
does not even exist!?  (Maybe we found a bug in the
implementation in getfsent.c, but with an easy workaround.)
As I already said, if you are using gnutar, (and
even if you use DUMP), personally, I find it easier to
specify the directory mount points instead of the disk
devices, like:
osama.dom.ain  /always-full
osama.dom.ain  /bootalways-full
osama.dom.ain  /usr always-full
osama.dom.ain  /var always-full
osama.dom.ain  /homealways-full
Paul Bijnens, XplanationTel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUMFax  +32 16 397.512  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *

Re: Fw: Error while running amcheck/amdump

2003-03-17 Thread Madhvi Gokool
The /dev/hda6 mountpoint is /
I have added the mount point to the disklist file . The dumptype was set to
tar and then dump. amcheck detected no errors on the client host.
When amdump was run , a level 0 dump was done on /dev/hda6 ( as seen in
If I put back hda6 in the disklist, amcheck gives me the same error reported
Why can't /dev/hda6 be backed up ??? A manual dump of the latter on the
client works.

Thanx in advance
- Original Message -
From: "Paul Bijnens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Madhvi Gokool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Error while running amcheck/amdump

> Madhvi Gokool wrote:
> > The client is running Linux 8.0  (ext3 filesystem) as shown below :
> > LABEL=/ /   ext3defaults
1 1
> > LABEL=/boot /boot   ext3defaults
1 2
> > LABEL=/home /home   ext3defaults
1 2
> > LABEL=/usr  /usrext3defaults
1 2
> > LABEL=/var  /varext3defaults
1 2
> > /dev/hda3   swapswapdefaults
0 0
> ...
> >>
> >>ERROR: osama: [could not access hda6 (hda6): No such file or directory]
> >>Client check: 1 host checked in 0.026 seconds, 1 problem found
> >>
> >>Excerpt of disklist on my amanda server ;-
> >>osama  hda1always-full
> >> osama  hda2always-full
> >> osama  hda5always-full
> >> osama  hda6always-full
> >> osama  hda7always-full
> And which one of the above "LABEL=..." is /dev/hda6 ?
> To simplify things, why don't you just put the mountpoint in
> you disklist?
> (This will not solve your problem, but it will be clearer to us,
> and to you.)
> --
> Paul Bijnens, XplanationTel  +32 16 397.511
> Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUMFax  +32 16 397.512
>  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ***
> * I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
> * quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
> * stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
> * PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
> * kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
> * ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *
> ***

Fw: Error while running amcheck/amdump

2003-03-17 Thread Madhvi Gokool
The client is running Linux 8.0  (ext3 filesystem) as shown below :
LABEL=/ /   ext3defaults1 1
LABEL=/boot /boot   ext3defaults1 2
none/dev/ptsdevpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
LABEL=/home /home   ext3defaults1 2
none/proc   procdefaults0 0
none/dev/shmtmpfs   defaults0 0
LABEL=/usr  /usrext3defaults1 2
LABEL=/var  /varext3defaults1 2
/dev/hda3   swapswapdefaults0 0

- Original Message -
From: "Madhvi Gokool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: Error while running amcheck/amdump

> Hello
> I have encountered the error below while testing the amanda backup
> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> ERROR: osama: [could not access hda6 (hda6): No such file or directory]
> Client check: 1 host checked in 0.026 seconds, 1 problem found
> Excerpt of disklist on my amanda server ;-
> osama  hda1always-full
>  osama  hda2always-full
>  osama  hda5always-full
>  osama  hda6always-full
>  osama  hda7always-full
> permissions on osama
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -ali /dev/hda6
>8596 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   6 Aug 31  2002 /dev/hda6
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]#  ls -ali /dev/hda7
>8597 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   7 Aug 31  2002 /dev/hda7
> no errors are obtained with hda7 .  A level 0 backup was successfully done
> on tape.
> Grateful if someone could help me solve this problem.
> Cheers
> madhvi

Re: recovery problme using amrestore

2003-03-17 Thread Laas Toom

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Jon LaBadie wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 10:26:14AM +0530, T. Bhaskar Reddy wrote:
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I am using amanda 2.4.4. Using  amanda i have dumped a directory on
> > localhost. While i am trying restore it displays the following  message
> > " amrestore:   0: restoring localhost._home_amanda_QA.20030315.0 "
> > the commanda i executed is
> >
> > /usr/local/sbin/amrestore  1.localhost._home_amanda_QA.0
> >

afaik this is all correct. Try:
# file 
(where restored_filename is the name of the file that is created during
first command.)
this should tell you the type of the dump. and from that you can figure
the command, to complete the restore. (That is wether to use restore or
Amanda can dump filesystems with either 'dump' or 'tar' (dependig on your
conf). the filename looks the same, because it reflects only the
name, dumpdate and dumplevel.
(My amanda.conf says it uses 'dump' for 'always-full' dumptype.)

if 'file' says, it is tar archive, then use:
# tar xvf 

and if file says it is dump archive (or smth), use:
# restore 

Both of these commands should extract the contents to the working
(therefore it is wise to do it in an empty directory or at the root of the
filesystem that is being restored).

See also:
amrecover - this is interactive util to recover single files from dumps
(everithing is done automatically, you only have to load tapes - so in
case you only have to hit enter or smth)


badly formatted response from localhost

2003-03-17 Thread Matthias Unger
Title: Nachricht

on my SUSE 8,0 Backupserver runs Amanda 2.4.4. Unix 
Clients become 
also perfectly secured. Problems emerge with files on 
the server. 
After dump appears the following message: 
localhost /etc/test lev 0 FAILED [badly formatted 
response from 
What does it mean? What is badly 
formatted? What ist goodly 
Kind regards
M. Unger

Error while running amcheck/amdump

2003-03-17 Thread Madhvi Gokool
I have encountered the error below while testing the amanda backup software.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: osama: [could not access hda6 (hda6): No such file or directory]
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.026 seconds, 1 problem found

Excerpt of disklist on my amanda server ;-
osama  hda1always-full
 osama  hda2always-full
 osama  hda5always-full
 osama  hda6always-full
 osama  hda7always-full

permissions on osama
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -ali /dev/hda6
   8596 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   6 Aug 31  2002 /dev/hda6
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]#  ls -ali /dev/hda7
   8597 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   7 Aug 31  2002 /dev/hda7
no errors are obtained with hda7 .  A level 0 backup was successfully done
on tape.

Grateful if someone could help me solve this problem.
