Question on backing up between sites using an encrypted channel

2003-10-02 Thread Dana Bourgeois
Both ends are Linux boxes so I was thinking I could use CIPE and have the
non-NAT end be the server with the NATted end the client.  This works out
nicely since the Amanda server would be the CIPE client and bring up the
tunnel.  I'm about to try this with a test machine but thought I'd also ask
how other people are handling backups through firewalls across the net?

Here's an ASCII-pic of what it looks like...

--   --  ----
| amanda |---| sonicwall  | +++ Internet +++ | Cisco  || amanda |
| server |   | SOHO w/NAT |  | w/ACLs || client |
| CIPE   |   --  --| CIPE   |
| client | | server |
-- --

The sonicwall runs a non-routable network but the cisco protects a routable
network which the CIPE docs say should work.

If someone tells me they have this type of situation running with SSH, SSL
or stunnel if would make me very happy.

Dana Bourgeois

tape changer problem

2003-10-02 Thread vlad f halilow
hello again. i have amanda server 2.4.4 installed on sparc solaris 8 with one hp dds3 
tape drive. i got error yestarday after nightly backup that amanda cannot dump data to 
tape caused by following debug information:


MT - /usr/local/sbin/ammt -f
DD - /usr/local/sbin/amdd
Args - -info
 - rewind /dev/rmt/0bn
 - status /dev/rmt/0bn
/dev/rmt/0bn status: ONLINE er == 0x fileno == 0 blkno == 0
 - loaded /dev/rmt/0bn status: ONLINE er == 0x fileno == 0 blkno == 0
Exit -  99 1

tape rewinded notrmaly, but 'exit 99 1' looks like that last slot used by chg-manual 
in previosly backup, and slot not rotated to first again.

amlabel.debug contain next strings:

changer: got exit: 1 str: /usr/local/libexec/chg-manual: test: argument expected
amlabel: could not load slot current: test: argument expected
amlabel: pid 10575 finish time Thu Oct  2 12:58:09 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in chg-manual script last available slot is 99. i may to increase this variable, and 
think this will be enough, but i not sure that right way. any ideas?



2003-10-02 Thread serenajones2000
From: Mrs Serena Jones

I am the above named person from Kuwait. I am married to Dr. Harry Jones who worked 
with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year
We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that 
lasted for only
four days. Before his death we were both born again Christians.Since his death I 
decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is 
against.When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of$8.6Million (Eight 
Million six hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) with one finance/security company in 
Amsterderm Holland. Presently, this money is still with the Security Company. 
Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next three 
months due to cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. 
Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to church or better still a 
christian individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here 
in. I want a church that will use this fund to fund churches, orphanages and widows 
propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. The 
Bible made us to understand that Blessed is the hand that giveth.
I took this decision because I don?t have any child that will inherit this money and 
my husband relatives are not Christians and I don?t want my husband?s hard earned 
money to be misused by unbelievers. I don?t want a situation where this money will be 
used in an ungodly manner. Hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not 
afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the 
bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall 
hold my peace. I don?t need any telephone communication in this regard because of my 
health because of the presence of my husband?s relatives around me always. I don?t 
want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. As soon as 
I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Finance/Security Company in 
Amsterderm Holland. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will prove you as 
the original- beneficiary of this fund. I want you and th!
 e church to always pray for me because the lord is my shephard. My 
happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve 
the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth. Please always be prayerful all through 
your life. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for a chuch or 
christian individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act 
accordingly as I stated herein. Hoping to hearing from you. 

NUMBER IS 0031645246626.

Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.

Yours in Christ,

Mrs Serena Jones

Re: question on Tapetypes

2003-10-02 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 at 12:11am, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote

 Why would you want to run the tape with hardware compression ON ?
 It´s recommended to run Amanda without the hardware compression on,
 because Amanda can predict tape usage much better without hw
 compression. So think about it twice.

In some cases, though, it makes sense.  Sometimes one just can't spare the 
cycles on the clients, or compression makes the whole thing just take too 

But, yes, HW compression does involve one lying to amanda, and that lie 
just being a guess based on your estimates of how well your data 

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: amanda-patches?

2003-10-02 Thread John Dalbec
Todd Kover wrote:

  I went to the amanda-patches page to download patches for 2.4.2p2 but 
  the links are broken.  Where can I get the patches?  I'm running Red Hat 
  7.3 so I think I need to keep using 2.4.2p2.

This has been repaired and the patches accessible again (assuming you
haven't upgraded).
Well, sort of. has the following links, 
but they're broken.  (The patches/ should be removed, or the URLs 
should be made absolute.)
a HREF=patches/2.4.2p2/advfs.diff
a HREF=patches/2.4.2p2/stream_client.diff


2003-10-02 Thread loteriaprimit
  TEL /  FAX : 0034 91 647 0023.
 REF: LP/26510460037/02 BATCH: 24/00319/IPD.


We are pleased to inform you of the announcement, of winners of the LOTTERY PRIMITIVA 
SWEEPSTAKES/INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS held on 31TH JULY,2003. Your name is attached to 
ticket number 004-05117963-198, with serial number 99375 drew no 03/61,the winning 
numbers 06-11 -13-27-40-49, and consequently won the lottery in the 6th category. You 
have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of EUROS 705.366,80 Thousand in 
cash credited to file No:LP/26510460037/02.This is from total prize money of EUROS 
3,000,000.00 shared among the six  international winners in this category. All 
participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn form 25,000 names 
from Australia, New Zealand, America, Europe, North America and Asia as part of 
International Promotions Program, which is conducted annually. 

  CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your fund is now insured to your name. Due to the mix up of 
some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice 
until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your account. This is 
part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by 
participants of this program. We hope with a part of you prize, you will participate 
in our end of year high stakes Euros1.1 billion International Lottery. To begin your 
claim, please contact your claims agent, JOHN  PHILIP(0034 666 068 256) FOREIGN 
For due processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account with 
our bankers. Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than 30TH NOV, 2003. 
After this date, all funds will be returned as unclaimed. NOTE: In order to avoid 
unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and 
batch numbers in every one of your correspondences with your agent. Furthermore, 
should there be any change of your address, do inform your claims agent as soon as 
possible. Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our 
promotions programm. 

Re: problems dumping certain filesystems

2003-10-02 Thread lee fellows
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 30 September 2003 11:07, Marc Cuypers wrote:
 Eric Siegerman wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 12:06:48PM +0200, Paul Bijnens wrote:
 Marc Cuypers wrote:
 Found the problem.  The firewall blocked communication between taper and
 That's strange, because there is no immediate communication between
 these two, as far as I know.
 Driver is connected with a pipe to each dumper and to taper-reader.
  I believe there is a dumper-taper connection, for direct-to-tape
  dumps.  That's how I read docs/PORT.USAGE, anyway -- see the bits
  on stream_server() and stream_client().  But both of those
  processes run on the same host, so it's still hard to see how a
  firewall could get between them.
  Unless Amanda's running on the firewall machine itself -- which
  I'd consider an unsafe idea anyway!

 This is the case.  Can you tell me why this is unsafe? (Nobody is
 allowed to connect from the outside)

  Penetrations do not all originate from 'outside'.  Any services running on
the firewall that are not essential to its proper operation increase the 
potential for compromise.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-rc1-SuSE (GNU/Linux)



2003-10-02 Thread kundient
The Senate Committee on Contract
Award of The Federal Republic of
Queens Avenue,

Urgent And Confidential

Dear Sir,

I am Alex Kundient the Chairman of Senate Committee on Contract section.Your esteemed 
Address was reliably introduced to me at the  Gabonese Chamber of Commerce and 
Industry in
my country in search of a reliable individual company who can handle a strictly 
confidential transaction which involves the transfer of a reasonable 
sum of money to a foreign account,and this money amounts to a total of U.S dollar 20 
million,twenty million United States Dollars only.These amount of money was already 
extracted from two(2) various contracts awarded by these committees to two foreign 
firms for the installation and repair  of Libreville  Portfranco refinery 
respectively.And the firms have since completed their works in the two refineries in 
the last regime. And  their original contract sum have since been paid to them.This US 
20,000,000 as a result
of OVER INVOICING master minder.

This money is now lying in Suspense at the Central bank of Gabon(GBN),waiting claim by 
a foreign partner which  status we now want you to assume. Now is the Optimum period 
to transact it out. This transaction  following the presidential directives to all 
corporations to pay off all foreign DEBTS.I therefore seek for your assistance to 
remit this money into your personal or Company accounts. 

In my last meeting with with other officers involved, it was unanimously agreed that 
you are in title of 19% of the total sum while 77% of the total will be for me and my 
colleague, while 4% will be set aside for any Local or International expenses.I assure 
you that the
transaction is 100% risk free as we have concluded every arrangement to protect the 
interest of everyone involved. All modalities for the successful transfer of this fund 
have been worked out with the Federal Ministry of finance and the Central bank of 
Gabon to facilitate the remittanceof this money to your designated account.

However,I know that you will be honest enough and will not raise any misgiuding 
attitude in any aspect of the transaction, very confidential so as not to tarnish the 
confidence reposed on these officers by the nation financial house and assurance that 
our money will be given to us if this money enters your account.

If this  business proposal interest you kindly send a letter of willingness through 
above mail address for the immediate commencement of the remittance and to enable me 
send you further information on the transaction.

Please  treat this information as confidential.
I await for your urgent response.

Thank you and God bless.

Best regards,

Alex Kundient.


2003-10-02 Thread Rohit Peyyeti
Hello All:

I have machines on my network which are mix of windows and unix machines. 
Right now, I'm managing backups (both full and incremental) through perl 
scripts written by me. They have been working fine for quite some time now 
but are due for upgrade. I was planning to rewrite those scripts to make it 
more effecient. 

Recently somebody suggested me to take a look at amanda. I looks really neat
and cool to me. I have some doubts though (if it will work in my kind of 
setup) I will try to explain about my setup below:

I have couple of linux servers and windows servers. I have indentified what 
shares on those servers which needs to be backed up. I will be needing one 
FULL backup for linux servers and another FULL for windows per week and I 
should also be able to run daily incremental backups for both windows and 
linux machines. FULL backups usually run into 15 GB and incremental close to 
500 to 1 GB. Right now, I do some backups in the night and some in the 
mornings (data is first written to some temp space where I pick it in the 
mornings to write to the tape)

What I have is HP Tape drive (12/24) (without autoloader facility). Is this 
kind of setup possible with Amanda? If yes, how do I go about setting it up?



2003-10-02 Thread jokabila
May i solicit your confidencia in this transaction,

 I am PRINCE JOHNSON KABILA , a cousin to the late LAURENT DESIRE KABILA the president 
of the Congo democratic (CDR) who was assassinated on the 16th January 2001 in 
Kinshasa. We were all held in the city of Lubumbashi in the Southeastern province of 
Katanga. Lived with the late LAURENT DESIRE KABILA in the Hilltop palace in Kinshasa 
until his untimely death, which resulted, to serious confusion in the Hilltop.

During the confusion that ensued in the Hilltop palace, My Mother (MRS MARY KABILA 
JOHNSON was privileged to remove one of the three (3) trunk boxes which was meant for 
the Three Countries (Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia) helping late PRESIDENT LAURENT 
DESIRE KABILA to fight the rebels in the Northern province of CDR. Each boxes contain 
Thirty Two Million United States Dollars (U$32M).

The money is for the purchase of Military Hardware and for the Up-Keep of the Foreign 
Soldiers helping Late LAURENT DESIRE KABILA in the Civil War. At my mother disposal 
now she has one Trunk Box, which contains Thirty Two million United States Dollars 
(U$32M) in the Security vault for safe keeping in Accra Ghana.

The money was the proceed of Diamond Sales which the rebels group has been fighting to 
gain access which resulted in the Killing of innocent citizens and destruction of 
properties.Please if you can assist us in safeguarding and investing this money in any 
profitable business under your strict supervision, please send your reply to the above 
address and please also include your Telephone number for easy contact, we are 
presently living in Accra Ghana as apolitical asylum.

Your benefit and entitlement will be discussed and agreed upon.
Waiting for you as safekeeping of the money has become very cumbersome on us.

Yours Faithfully,

Re: Setup

2003-10-02 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 02:07:30AM +0530, Rohit Peyyeti wrote:
 Hello All:
 I have machines on my network which are mix of windows and unix machines. 
 Right now, I'm managing backups (both full and incremental) through perl 
 scripts written by me. They have been working fine for quite some time now 
 but are due for upgrade. I was planning to rewrite those scripts to make it 
 more effecient. 
 Recently somebody suggested me to take a look at amanda. I looks really neat
 and cool to me. I have some doubts though (if it will work in my kind of 
 setup) I will try to explain about my setup below:
 I have couple of linux servers and windows servers. I have indentified what 
 shares on those servers which needs to be backed up. I will be needing one 
 FULL backup for linux servers and another FULL for windows per week and I 
 should also be able to run daily incremental backups for both windows and 
 linux machines. FULL backups usually run into 15 GB and incremental close to 
 500 to 1 GB. Right now, I do some backups in the night and some in the 
 mornings (data is first written to some temp space where I pick it in the 
 mornings to write to the tape)
 What I have is HP Tape drive (12/24) (without autoloader facility). Is this 
 kind of setup possible with Amanda? If yes, how do I go about setting it up?

General answer is yes.

Couple of things however.  There are several ways to backup
pc shares with amanda.  Perhaps the simplest, particularly if
you already have it setup, is samba.  However with most of the
techniques the special permissions, i.e. those not on unix/linux
are not retained.  Also, some things can't be backed up by
samba, eg. Sys Vol Info, registry, ...  So we are mostly talking
about user data files and possibly apps, ...

Second is the scheduling algorithm of amanda.  It is designed
to try to level out the amount of each daily backup.  You give
amanda a list of host/file-systems and samba-host/pc-host/shares
and you tell amanda how often you want a full backup.  Note,
you do not tell it when, just how often.  Then during each days
backup, amanda selects some entries from your list for full
backups and does the others as incrementals.  This lets you
maintain backups of large amounts of disk data on small tapes
and on no particular day do your backups run for 20 hours.
You could probably handle 100-140 GB of actual disk data on
your tapes with a 1 week dumpcycle.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: Setup

2003-10-02 Thread Chris Johnson
   Amanda doesn't exactly work the way you described. The most 
important part of amanda is the scheduler. Amanda get an estimate about 
how big a dump will be and figures out when to do its incremental and 
full backups. You do have control of many aspects of amanda but it seems 
to work the best if you set it up and don't touch it except for the 
random tweak here and there. amadmin will let you force a full backup if 
you need to and there are ways to trick amanda into doing a archive 
(everything on one pass) backup but amanda's scheduler is very efficient 
and will  try to never waist tape space. Ex. at the moment I'm running 
amanda to backup 1 SCO unix, 25 linux server, and 5 windows NT/2k 
machines. A full backup takes 6-7 20/40 DLT tapes but daily backup use 
about 2/3 of a single DLT tape. this is because my daily backups do a 
level 0 every 2 weeks and then as many incremental the rest of the 
week(s). I'll regularly see levels 2-4 dumps of big file systems. It may 
make it a little difficult to do a full restore but can really save tape 
   The other thing that sometimes confuses people is that amanda only 
backups file systems.
if you have partitions for /, /var, /home, and /usr/local those will be 
the entries in you disklist file. If amanda is using  tar you can 
exclude directories and files but you can't give amanda a directory to 
backup that isn't an entire file system.
   I have had to do a number of full restores (bare metal restores 
it's sometimes called) and amanda is perfect for that.
   I hope this helps some.

Rohit Peyyeti wrote:

Hello All:

I have machines on my network which are mix of windows and unix machines. 
Right now, I'm managing backups (both full and incremental) through perl 
scripts written by me. They have been working fine for quite some time now 
but are due for upgrade. I was planning to rewrite those scripts to make it 
more effecient. 

Recently somebody suggested me to take a look at amanda. I looks really neat
and cool to me. I have some doubts though (if it will work in my kind of 
setup) I will try to explain about my setup below:

I have couple of linux servers and windows servers. I have indentified what 
shares on those servers which needs to be backed up. I will be needing one 
FULL backup for linux servers and another FULL for windows per week and I 
should also be able to run daily incremental backups for both windows and 
linux machines. FULL backups usually run into 15 GB and incremental close to 
500 to 1 GB. Right now, I do some backups in the night and some in the 
mornings (data is first written to some temp space where I pick it in the 
mornings to write to the tape)

What I have is HP Tape drive (12/24) (without autoloader facility). Is this 
kind of setup possible with Amanda? If yes, how do I go about setting it up?


Re: Setup

2003-10-02 Thread Daniel Bentley
 I have machines on my network which are mix of windows and unix machines. 
 Right now, I'm managing backups (both full and incremental) through perl 
 scripts written by me. They have been working fine for quite some time now 
 but are due for upgrade. I was planning to rewrite those scripts to make it 
 more effecient. 

I know the feeling, though in my case, I inherited some seriously kludgey, 
'bass-ackwards' scripts written for our tape changer many -years- before I 
took over as network admin...  ;)

 Recently somebody suggested me to take a look at amanda. I looks really neat
 and cool to me. I have some doubts though (if it will work in my kind of 
 setup) I will try to explain about my setup below:
 I have couple of linux servers and windows servers. I have indentified what 
 shares on those servers which needs to be backed up. I will be needing one 
 FULL backup for linux servers and another FULL for windows per week and I 
 should also be able to run daily incremental backups for both windows and 
 linux machines. FULL backups usually run into 15 GB and incremental close to 
 500 to 1 GB. Right now, I do some backups in the night and some in the 
 mornings (data is first written to some temp space where I pick it in the 
 mornings to write to the tape)

To be honest, I would recommend you also take a look at Arkeia 
(  Arkeia Light is a free version of Arkeia (and 
legal for corporate use), though it is limited to a configuration of one 
server and two 'clients' (which can be worked around with 'creative cron 
jobbing,' in theory... ;) ).  I find Amanda to be great for backup of our 
desktop shares on our autoloader (where storage/tape ratio is most 
important), but I prefer Arkeia for the server backups (where knowing the 
backup schedule and status any given day is more important than how much I 
can shoe-horn onto each tape).

One of the main advantages of Arkeia (as compared to Amanda, for the 
setup you describe), is the way it handles different backup 'levels' and 
tape pools.  For example, my current configuration: Lv. 1 is an 'every 
4-weeks' backup for a set of 'monthly' tapes for rotation to off-site 
storage, Lv. 2 is a weekly (every Fri. except for when 'monthly' tapes 
run) full backup, and Lv. 3 is a daily backup of files that have been 
modified since the last full weekly.  We have 16 daily tapes (4 tapes/week 
(Mon. - Thurs.) * 4 weeks), 3 weekly tapes (for Fri. of the first 3 weeks 
in the cycle), and 13 'monthly' tapes (for the fourth week of the cycle, 
roughly monthly).

Basically, I find Arkeia's configuration scheme to be great for setting up 
more 'calendar-reliant' schedules, and the GUI they provide is a good tool 
for configuration (and I'm a vi fan at heart ;) ).

Certainly no offense intended towards Amanda fans/users/maintainers (my 
Sony TSL-9000 would be wasted without Amanda), but I try to call 'em as I 
see 'em, 'best tool for the job' and all that rot...  

Daniel Bentley - Network Administrator, QSI Corporation (
chown -R us *base*

Re: Setup

2003-10-02 Thread Jon LaBadie

Just a minor adjustment of Chris' comments.

On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 04:20:19PM -0500, Chris Johnson wrote:

The other thing that sometimes confuses people is that amanda only 
 backups file systems.
 if you have partitions for /, /var, /home, and /usr/local those will be 
 the entries in you disklist file. If amanda is using  tar you can 
 exclude directories and files but you can't give amanda a directory to 
 backup that isn't an entire file system.

It is true that using the dump program that comes with your
system you must specify file systems.  But if you use gnutar as
your backup program you can specify individual directory trees.

For example, I back up my /w file system as 5 entries.  Four
are directory trees under /w (ex. /w/images) and the fifth
is everything under /w except the other 4 dirs.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)