amandahostsauth failed

2005-04-02 Thread vlpg
Hi all,

I'm trying to configure a backup server, but it isn't working...

My client is and my server is
I want to make the back of /tmp and /etc

My client's port:
10080/tcp closed unknown
10081/tcp closed unknown
10082/tcp closed amandaidx
10083/tcp closed amidxtape

My server's port:
111/tcp   open  rpcbind
113/tcp   open  auth
916/tcp   open  unknown
10080/tcp closed unknown
10081/tcp closed unknown
10082/tcp open  amandaidx
10083/tcp open  amidxtape

My log file is (I change my domain):
START driver date 20050402
DISK planner /etc
DISK planner /tmp
START planner date 20050402
INFO planner Adding new disk
INFO planner Adding new disk
ERROR planner  [access as backup not allowed from [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] amandahostsauth failed
FINISH planner date 20050402
WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
STATS driver startup time 0.184
START taper datestamp 20050402 label HISS04 tape 0
INFO taper tape HISS04 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20050402 time 0.351

I have add the client ip in the server's /etc/hosts.allow

Had someone a hint ?

Thanks for the help - Vinicius

Re: amandahostsauth failed

2005-04-02 Thread Frank Smith
--On Saturday, April 02, 2005 17:08:19 -0300 vlpg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to configure a backup server, but it isn't working...
> My client is and my server is
> I want to make the back of /tmp and /etc
> My client's port:
> 10080/tcp closed unknown
> 10081/tcp closed unknown
> 10082/tcp closed amandaidx
> 10083/tcp closed amidxtape
> My server's port:
> 111/tcp   open  rpcbind
> 113/tcp   open  auth
> 916/tcp   open  unknown
> 10080/tcp closed unknown
> 10081/tcp closed unknown
> 10082/tcp open  amandaidx
> 10083/tcp open  amidxtape
> My log file is (I change my domain):
> START driver date 20050402
> DISK planner /etc
> DISK planner /tmp
> START planner date 20050402
> INFO planner Adding new disk
> INFO planner Adding new disk
> ERROR planner  [access as backup not allowed from [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] amandahostsauth failed
> FINISH planner date 20050402
> WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
> STATS driver startup time 0.184
> START taper datestamp 20050402 label HISS04 tape 0
> INFO taper tape HISS04 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
> FINISH driver date 20050402 time 0.351
> I have add the client ip in the server's /etc/hosts.allow
> Had someone a hint ?

You need an .amandahosts file on the client (in your backup user's
home directory, and not world readable) containing:

and remember to replace MYDOMAIN with whatever was in the 'ERROR' message
you quoted above.


> Thanks for the help - Vinicius

Sr. Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amandahostsauth failed

2005-04-02 Thread vlpg
Thank You. The backup is working...
but when I try to restore it, it isn't working...

AMRECOVER Version 2.4.4p3. Contacting server on localhost ...
220 foghorn AMANDA index server (2.4.4p3) ready.
500 Access not allowed: [access as backup not allowed from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
amandahostsauth failed

Do someone have some hint ?

Thanks for the help - Vinicius

Re: amandahostsauth failed

2005-04-02 Thread Frank Smith
--On Saturday, April 02, 2005 18:52:28 -0300 vlpg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank You. The backup is working...
> but when I try to restore it, it isn't working...
> foghorn:~#amrecover
> AMRECOVER Version 2.4.4p3. Contacting server on localhost ...
> 220 foghorn AMANDA index server (2.4.4p3) ready.
> 500 Access not allowed: [access as backup not allowed from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> amandahostsauth failed
> Do someone have some hint ?

First, don't use 'localhost' in your disklist or anywhere else, it will
cause problems later (see the list archives for full discussions of why).

Second, on the Amanda server (which could also be a client) you need to
add a line to your .amandahosts file for each client to allow root to 
restore from that client:

client.domain   root

If you really need to restore the backup you just made, using locahost
would work if the client is also the server, but is NOT recommended.
localhost won't work if the client is on a different machine, or if
someday you change servers.


> Thanks for the help - Vinicius

Sr. Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Different tapetypes

2005-04-02 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 10:19:07AM +0200, Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-04-01 at 02:06 -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> > 
> > Just for my own interest ...
> > 
> > Why do you want to do your own scheduling when amanda
> > often does a far superior job to human defined scheduling.
> Hm. I would like to challenge this statement.

I don't normally bite on challenges, but I'll take up this one.

I hope you read into my statement that I meant amanda vs human,
both using the amanda 'manager and scheduler' software.  I say
it that way as amanda is not a backup "program".

> It may be true if you have a large network of systems to back
> up but if you only have one system I doubt if it's true.

Did you miss that amanda is an acronym for:

   Advanced Maryland Automatic NETWORK Disk Archiver

The needs of a site with one system are very different than those
of a site with a network of systems for which amanda was intended.
The fact that it can be used very effectively on a single system
is a testament to its flexible design.

> Before my switch to Linux I backed up my system
> (OS/2) on a weekly schedule with one full back-up and four incremental
> back-ups to one tape only. It worked extremely well, if I crashed my
> system - which I did very often - it took me about half an hour to
> recover either using a stand-alone recover program or my maintenance
> OS/2 if it was alive and I kept an archive of up to 8 weeks of back-ups.
> Now with Linux and Amanda I use 9 tapes mainly because Amanda won't add
> today's back-up to yesterday's tape. I could probably do with less tapes
> but I feel more confident with a large tape pool. 

On my home site I do have amanda backup more than one system.  But I only
care about one.  The others are "test" systems.  I will often reinstall the
OS from scratch on them.  For example, I have HP-UX and Tru64 unix systems
just because I have clients who use those OS and I like having one available
to practice with.

The one host I do care about has about 150GB of disk with about 40GB filled.
One thing that may be different from your environment is that I've broken it
down into about 15 DLE's.  By keeping the DLE's small individually, amanda's
scheduler can balance when to do level 0's of each DLE throughout the dumpcycle
and lets me do daily backups to a single DDS3 tape.  Even when I've downloaded
a couple of new CD's, amanda adjusts and rebalances its schedule seldom
requiring two tapes in a day.

I have not worked with OS/2 for over a decade.  From that experience I recall
a backup "program", analogous to dump or tar.  I don't recall a backup "system"
one that for example tracked the tapes used and reused them in the correct 
maintained indexes of files on which tapes, had interactive or batch recovery,
dynamically and automatically adjusted for missed backups or tape errors,
allowed for flexibility in time between level 0's on a file system by file 
basis, adjusted the incremental level based on the amount of change in the file
system, ...  The OS/2 backup program I remember did nothing more than I can do
with dump and a little shell scripting.  Was there a backup "system" added to
OS/2 of which I'm unaware?  What features of that system did you find useful?

> I would add that I haven't yet found out how to keep a repository of
> back-ups of the previous weeks like I was used to with OS/2. I like the
> safe feeling of having a set of back-up tapes from which I know I can
> recreate the system as it was on a specific day. Now I just have my 9
> tapes used in a round Robin fashion.

I too am more confident with a large tape pool, but I have 24 in rotation,
rather than 9.  With that collection I find it simple to recover files as
of a specific date anytime within the last 3-plus weeks.

I'm a keyboard user from wayback.  Literally mice did not exist when I started
with unix.  There are times when I must deal with email using a GUI program like
ThunderBird or (horrors) LookOUT.  They make me use the mouse and I hate it.  I 
back to my prefered, mouse-less program, mutt as soon as possible.  I have 
felt that one should use what meets their needs and with which they are 

Amanda is certainly not the answer for every backup requirement.  For one 
client I'm using rsync to meet their needs and comfort level.  Based on your
described use of your backups and your lack of comfort with amanda's scheduler,
might not a set of shell scripts and dump or tar be a suitable, perhaps superior
solution for your needs than amanda?

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: q: help w/limited space tapeless backup and amanda.conf configuration

2005-04-02 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 08:20:18PM +0100, gj wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to set up a backup system for 7 networked machines. Each
> machine has an average capacity of about 200GB (not all capacity used
> on machines), but due to resource limitations, we're backing up onto
> about 480GB of space on the hard drives of our backup server.
> I've split the 480GB into 4 virtual tapes of 115GB each (so it
> definitely is less than the actual space we have):

I'd do a calculation something like this.

  # sys X capacity/sys X ave fraction filled X ave compression ratio

Might be something like:
  7 system X 200GB/system X 0.4 X 0.5  ==  280GB

That would be the approximate size of all the data to be backed up,
after compression.

Next, how often do you expect to run amanda between level 0 (full dumps).
This is amanda's "runspercycle" parameter.  Say you are running amanda
daily and you want a level 0 each week, there would be 7 runs/cycle.

Remembering that amanda spreads its level 0's over all the runs gives us
280GB / 7 runs or an average of 40Gb of level 0 dumps per day.  Adding in
a bit for daily incrementals and some for daily variability, maybe 60GB
per tape would be needed.  That would seem to be 8 tapes of 60Gb == 480GB.

If the 480GB were all from on pool/file system, I'd be tempted to suggest
you allocate tapes beyond the apparent capacity of the file system.  If
you create an 80GB vtape, it does not take 80GB of the 480.  It takes
whatever is written to that tape during an amanda run.  So if you create
8x80GB, or 10x70, as most tapes will only have 45-60GB of data written to
them, it may never exceed the 480GB.  If it does, amanda will react like
it would to a broken physical tape.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)