Re: could not connect DATA stream

2007-11-19 Thread Paul Bijnens

sorry for top-posting, but I give up.
Or, my english is not good enough, or you succeed in answering
clear questions with misty and foggy answers.

On 2007-11-19 04:34, fedora wrote:

Relabeling erases the tape, indeed.  But why relabel it? Do you mean
that you keep inserting the same tape over and over again until that one
client succeeds?

keep inserting for each dump to different tapes

I don't understand your answer.

Why not first trouble that one client?
Make a diskist file with one small DLE from that client.
And while testing the firewall-issues with that client, you do not have
to insert a tape; just dump to holdingdisk.

How to dump to holdingdisk?

By reading the manual.
(e.g set "reserve 0" and leave out the tape.)

The reason why the images are not on the tape is worded in plain english
Was there a tape in?

Yes got tapes.

Ok, you "got" them, but were they in the drive ?  :-)

Was it a tape that could be reused (older than tapecycle?)

Yes. it is reused as in tapelist.

Was it write protected?


That's weird, because if it is write protected, than you
cannot write to it.

What did amcheck say about that tape before?

amcheck said no problem found

That's weird too, because amcheck would complain that the
tape is write protected,, at least if you try the "amcheck -w"
option (that you probably should do!).

How did you allow those? Did it suceeed? Let's see the commands, so that
we can verify them.   Does your firewall do port-NAT interfering with
the port ranges you specified?

on client's shorewall firewall:

ACCEPT  net:x.x.x.x $FW udp 10080
ACCEPT  net:x.x.x.x $FW tcp -   5:50100

whereby x.x.x.x is server

I dont have firewall on server but in front of server got pfsense firewall.
So in pfsense:

UDP  *   *   10080  
TCP *   * - 50100  

whereby is amanda server (internal ip). It is mapping 1:1 from
external ip to internal ip. 

But, as said above, much easier is to use bsdtcp which is much more
firewall friendly.

I think something wrong with my pfsense (not to say my rules doesnt work
because I can backup for other 10 servers). Weird, it could be connection
problem between my problem client and pfsense/sever. I had tried to route my
server to use another server as a gateway instead of using pfsense. I can
backup successfully. I will try on bsdtcp if that is alternative solutions.
Thanks in advanced.

ok, try that first.

Paul Bijnens, xplanation Technology ServicesTel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUMFax  +32 16 397.512  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, ^^, *
* F6, quit, ZZ, :q, :q!, M-Z, ^X^C, logoff, logout, close, bye, /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* init 0, kill -9 1, Alt-F4, Ctrl-Alt-Del, AltGr-NumLock, Stop-A, ... *
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *

Re: slow and only 1 dumper?

2007-11-19 Thread Charles Stroom
Thanks for the replies.  I have now parallel dumpers, and they seem to
be running faster as well.



On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 06:56:35 -0500
Jean-Louis Martineau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> amstatus clearly tell you it run one dumper because of 'no-bandwidth'.
> You must increase 'netusage' and interface 'use' parameter.
> 'amadmin daily info' will tell the bandwidth (dump rates) for each
> dle.
> Jean-Louis

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 12:31:06 +0100
Marc Muehlfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Check the amanda.conf parameters "maxdumps" and "inparallel". Having
> too much maxdumps and the data is compressed on the client, then this
> produces a high load and makes everything slow, too.

Charles Stroom
email: charles at (remove the "no-spam.")

amdump doesn't listen to -o option

2007-11-19 Thread Gerrit A. Smit -TI-
We have a tape-robot with tapes to dump on, but sometimes I don't want to dump
to tape directly: the data of some small clients, which are available during the
Monday morning meeting of their users, should be hold, to be flushed to tape as
side-effect of the nightly dumps of the other clients.

Until now I forced this behaviour by making a symbolic link to a changer.conf
with effectively 0 slots available. Not the neatest way to do it, but it worked.

To make things neater, I tried to use the config overwrite option to amdump.
But, saying amdump ... -o tapedev='/dev/null' of amdump ... -o tapedev='null:'
doesn't do the trick: Amanda uses the tapedev from the configfile, and I end up
with a near to empty tape.

Why doesn't amdump do as I tell her, like status in the manpage?

(I didn't look at the sources yet, I only read the manpages)


Re: amdump doesn't listen to -o option

2007-11-19 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The problem is in the changer script, it doesn't use the -otapedev.

The fix is to tell amdump to not use the changer:
 amdump ... -o tapedev=/no/such/device -o "tpchanger="


Gerrit A. Smit -TI- wrote:

We have a tape-robot with tapes to dump on, but sometimes I don't want to dump
to tape directly: the data of some small clients, which are available during the
Monday morning meeting of their users, should be hold, to be flushed to tape as
side-effect of the nightly dumps of the other clients.

Until now I forced this behaviour by making a symbolic link to a changer.conf
with effectively 0 slots available. Not the neatest way to do it, but it worked.

To make things neater, I tried to use the config overwrite option to amdump.
But, saying amdump ... -o tapedev='/dev/null' of amdump ... -o tapedev='null:'
doesn't do the trick: Amanda uses the tapedev from the configfile, and I end up
with a near to empty tape.

Why doesn't amdump do as I tell her, like status in the manpage?

(I didn't look at the sources yet, I only read the manpages)


mtx error, used with amanda

2007-11-19 Thread Brian Cuttler

Opps, seem to have fixed the error myself, before bugging either
list, however I will present the following in case there is something
that might be generally helpful.

My "fix" was to disable the barcode reader in the amanda config
file that sets the mtx parameters. This is acceptable at my site
since we have not applied barcode labels to all tapes and its only
an L9 (9 tapes) with a limited tape pool of about 40 tapes, manually
updated weekly.



Platform, Solaris 9, Amanda 2.4.4, MTX 1.3.9

Similar error with amcheck, or amdump when moving jukebox to next tape.
Interestingly, amtape works without error.

> amlabel -f notesx NOTESX16
labeling tape in slot 2 (/dev/rmt/2un):
rewinding, reading label NOTESX04, tape is active
rewinding, writing label NOTESX16, checking labelBus error (core dumped)


amlabel: debug 1 pid 2462 ruid 110 euid 110: start at Mon Nov 19 09:48:39 2007
changer: got exit: 0 str: 2 /dev/rmt/2un
changer_label: NOTESX16 for slot 2
changer: got exit: 0 str: 2 6 1 1
changer_query: changer return was 6 1 1
changer_query: searchable = 1
changer_label: calling changer -label NOTESX16
changer: got exit: 2 str:  Line 1 malformed in /usr/local/etc/amanda/notes
x/chg-zd-mtx-barcodes: 0 

file /tmp/amanda/chg-zd-mtx.20071119094906.debug
chg-zd-mtx: debug 1 pid 2667 ruid 110 euid 110: start at Mon Nov 19 09:49:06 
09:49:06 Arg info:
 $# = 2
 $0 = "/usr/local/libexec/chg-zd-mtx"
 $1 = "-label"
 $2 = "NOTESX16"
09:49:06 Running: mtx status
09:49:06 Exit code: 0
  Storage Changer /dev/scsi/changer/c6t4d0:1 Drives, 9 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 2 Loaded):VolumeTag = 

  Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 2:Empty:VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=AF6428L1
  Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=AF6429L1
  Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=CLNI57L1
  Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=CLNI58L1
  Storage Element 7:Empty:VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 8:Empty:VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 9:Full :VolumeTag=
09:49:07 Config info:
 firstslot = "1"
 lastslot = "6"
 cleanslot = "-1"
 cleancycle = "120"
 offline_before_unload = "0"
 unloadpause = "0"
 autoclean = "0"
 autocleancount = "99"
 havereader = "1"
 driveslot = "0"
 poll_drive_ready = "3"
 max_drive_wait = "500"
09:49:07 STATUS   -> currently loaded slot = 2
  -> currently loaded barcode = ""
09:49:07 LABEL-> Adding label "NOTESX16" with barcode "" for slot 2 into 
09:49:07 ERROR-> Line 1 malformed: 0  
  -> Remove /usr/local/etc/amanda/notesx/chg-zd-mtx-barcodes 
and run "/usr/local/sbin/amtape notesx update"
09:49:07 Exit (2) ->  Line 1 malformed in 
/usr/local/etc/amanda/notesx/chg-zd-mtx-barcodes: 0  
chg-zd-mtx: pid 2756 finish time Mon Nov 19 09:49:07 2007

> more /usr/local/etc/amanda/notesx/chg-zd-mtx-barcodes 

> more /usr/local/etc/amanda/notesx/chg-zd-mtx.conf

   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments may contain
confidential or sensitive information which is, or may be, legally
privileged or otherwise protected by law from further disclosure.  It
is intended only for the addressee.  If you received this in error or
from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, please do not
distribute, copy or use it or any attachments.  Please notify the
sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this from your
system. Thank you for your cooperation.

Amanda inside a Virtual Machine?

2007-11-19 Thread Stefan G. Weichinger

Greets, amanda-users,

has anyone successfully tried to use Amanda inside a VM, especially one
running on VMware ESX Server?

ESX does bring its own hardened OS and from the infos I got so far it
isn't possible to just install additional software (I will test that as
soon my test license is here).

So the idea of the customer was to run amanda inside a VM, accessing the
physical tape(loader).

I am unsure about the overall performance, though.

Thanks for any ideas,


Re: Amanda inside a Virtual Machine?

2007-11-19 Thread Brian Cuttler

I think a related thread was discussed a couple of weeks ago.

In my case, this is not something I'm doing, not running amanda
within the virtual machine. Rather I am running amanda in the
(Solaris) global-zone and using it to backup the non-global zone
data, since its the partent/owner of all of the partitions.

While I haven't tried recovery, I recall from the previous thread
that amanda recovery of data from within the zone was successful.

Pretty sure you can assign zones resources that aren't mounted
as part of the global zone, but I have not done so. Well, in
Solaris, I don't have a working knowledge of VMware.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 04:57:21PM +0100, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Greets, amanda-users,
> has anyone successfully tried to use Amanda inside a VM, especially one
> running on VMware ESX Server?
> ESX does bring its own hardened OS and from the infos I got so far it
> isn't possible to just install additional software (I will test that as
> soon my test license is here).
> So the idea of the customer was to run amanda inside a VM, accessing the
> physical tape(loader).
> I am unsure about the overall performance, though.
> Thanks for any ideas,
> Stefan
   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments may contain
confidential or sensitive information which is, or may be, legally
privileged or otherwise protected by law from further disclosure.  It
is intended only for the addressee.  If you received this in error or
from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, please do not
distribute, copy or use it or any attachments.  Please notify the
sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this from your
system. Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: [Mtx-general] mtx error, used with amanda

2007-11-19 Thread Brian Cuttler

Platform, Solaris 9, Amanda 2.4.4, MTX 1.3.9
Nope, not fixed, here are updated logs, any help would be apreciated.

Oddly... we seem ok on the C2 jukebox but not the L9, same software
on the same machine. Not even matching machines, two amanda configs
on the same box (one runs weekdays and the other saturdays).

Actually, it seems that mtx is doing its job, and a subsequent
command to access the tape or robot shows that things completed
successfully, however there is something wrong with amanda or
the amanda/mtx interface. (but its the same amanda and glue for
both configs...)



On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 10:00:44AM -0500, Brian Cuttler wrote:
> Opps, seem to have fixed the error myself, before bugging either
> list, however I will present the following in case there is something
> that might be generally helpful.
> My "fix" was to disable the barcode reader in the amanda config
> file that sets the mtx parameters. This is acceptable at my site
> since we have not applied barcode labels to all tapes and its only
> an L9 (9 tapes) with a limited tape pool of about 40 tapes, manually
> updated weekly.

> amtape notesx update
amtape: scanning all 6 slots in tape-changer rack:
slot 6: date X    label NOTESX20
slot 1: date 20071119 label NOTESX15
slot : could not read result from "/usr/local/libexec/chg-zd-mtx"
slot : could not read result from "/usr/local/libexec/chg-zd-mtx"
amtape: could not load slot 4: badly formed result from changer: "4"

> cat amtape.20071119150444.debug
amtape: debug 1 pid 10558 ruid 110 euid 110: start at Mon Nov 19 15:04:44 2007
changer: got exit: 0 str: 6 6 1 
changer: got exit: 0 str: 6 /dev/rmt/2un
changer_label: NOTESX20 for slot 6
changer: got exit: 0 str: 6 6 1 
changer_query: changer return was 6 1 
changer_query: searchable = 0
changer: got exit: 0 str: 1 /dev/rmt/2un
changer_label: NOTESX15 for slot 1
changer: got exit: 0 str: 1 6 1 
changer_query: changer return was 6 1 
changer_query: searchable = 0
changer: got exit: 1 str:  could not read result from 
changer: got exit: 1 str:  could not read result from 
changer: got exit: 0 str: 4
amtape: could not load slot 4: badly formed result from changer: "4"
amtape: pid 10558 finish time Mon Nov 19 15:09:19 2007

> cat  chg-zd-mtx.20071119150815.debug
chg-zd-mtx: debug 1 pid 11363 ruid 110 euid 110: start at Mon Nov 19 15:08:15 
15:08:16 Arg info:
 $# = 2
 $0 = "/usr/local/libexec/chg-zd-mtx"
 $1 = "-slot"
 $2 = "next"
15:08:16 Running: mtx status
15:08:16 Exit code: 0
  Storage Changer /dev/scsi/changer/c6t4d0:1 Drives, 9 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 3 Loaded):VolumeTag = AF6428L1

  Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 3:Empty:VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=AF6429L1
  Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=CLNI57L1
  Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=CLNI58L1
  Storage Element 7:Empty:VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 8:Empty:VolumeTag=
  Storage Element 9:Full :VolumeTag=
15:08:16 Config info:
 firstslot = "1"
 lastslot = "6"
 cleanslot = "-1"
 cleancycle = "120"
 offline_before_unload = "0"
 unloadpause = "0"
 autoclean = "0"
 autocleancount = "99"
 havereader = "0"
 driveslot = "0"
 poll_drive_ready = "3"
 max_drive_wait = "500"
15:08:16 LOADSLOT -> load drive 0 (/dev/rmt/2un) from slot next
15:08:16 STATUS   -> currently loaded slot = 3
  -> currently loaded barcode = "AF6428L1"
15:08:16 EJECT-> ejecting tape from /dev/rmt/2un
15:08:16 STATUS   -> currently loaded slot = 3
  -> currently loaded barcode = "AF6428L1"
15:08:16 EJECT-> moving tape from drive 0 to storage slot 3
15:08:16 Running: mtx unload 3 0
15:08:47 Exit code: 0
Unloading drive 0 into Storage Element 3...done
15:08:47  -> status 0, result "Unloading drive 0 into Storage Element 
15:08:47 Return (0) -> 3 /dev/rmt/2un
15:08:47 LOADSLOT -> loading tape from slot 4 to drive 0 (/dev/rmt/2un)

Network backups.

2007-11-19 Thread Chris Kottaridis
I want to remotely backup a machine and I want the data to have some
sort of encryption while it is going across the net between the client
and server. I don't want to store the data encrypted on the tape or on
the server's holding disk. I just want to make sure data doesn't go
across the net in the clear.

Does amanda encrypt the data at all when it sends the dump from the
client to the host ?

IS there a mechanism, possibly in conjunctions with ssh that will allow
me to encrypt the data while in transit ?

I am running amanda 2.5.0p2 according to amcheck


Chris Kottaridis([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [Mtx-general] mtx error, used with amanda

2007-11-19 Thread Craig Dewick

On Mon, 19 Nov 2007, Brian Cuttler wrote:

Platform, Solaris 9, Amanda 2.4.4, MTX 1.3.9
Nope, not fixed, here are updated logs, any help would be apreciated.

Oddly... we seem ok on the C2 jukebox but not the L9, same software
on the same machine. Not even matching machines, two amanda configs
on the same box (one runs weekdays and the other saturdays).

Actually, it seems that mtx is doing its job, and a subsequent
command to access the tape or robot shows that things completed
successfully, however there is something wrong with amanda or
the amanda/mtx interface. (but its the same amanda and glue for
both configs...)

Could it be some sort of unidentified race condition with the amanda 
library functions and mtx attempting to access some resource at the same 
time without any way of preventing overlapping access attempts from 
colliding into each other along the way?

My tape host system is a similar config (Sol 9 on Ultra 2, Amanda 2.5.2, 
mtx 1.3.11 talking to a Sun-badged L9 array) and it's been operating fine 
since all the issues with devices, and configuration were resolved.


PS. I'm getting a new cleaning tape for my L9 this week and wondered if 
anyone has thought more about how to get cleaning tape usage incorporated 
into the Amanda schema somehow? I have left a spare slot in the array 
cartridge for the cleaning tape to sit in.

Post by Craig Dewick (tm). Web @ "";.
Email 2 "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". SunShack @ "";
Galleries @ "";. Also lots of tech data, etc.
Sun Microsystems webring at "";.

Problem with Exclude Lists

2007-11-19 Thread Steven Backus
I have several excludelists and most work but one doesn't.  Here's
an example of one that works.  In  amanda.conf:

define dumptype comp-ambiance-home1-tar {
exclude list "/usr/local/etc/amanda/genepi/home1-excludelist"
program "GNUTAR"
comment "user partitions dumped with tar"
compress client fast
priority medium

Here is home1-excludelist:


Here is another one (this one doesn't work, all files are still
backed up):

define dumptype comp-grandeur-gen13-tar {
exclude list "/usr/local/etc/amanda/genepi/gen13-excludelist"
program "GNUTAR"
comment "user partitions dumped with tar"
compress client fast
priority medium

Here is gen13-excludelist:


I'm using amanda 2.5.2p1.  Is this too deep to exclude?  Can anyone
help me debug this?

Steven J. BackusComputer Specialist
University of Utah  E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Genetic EpidemiologyAlternate:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
391 Chipeta Way -- Suite D150   Office:  801.587.9308
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1266

Re: [Mtx-general] mtx error, used with amanda

2007-11-19 Thread Brian Cuttler

On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 07:51:00AM +1100, Craig Dewick wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Nov 2007, Brian Cuttler wrote:
> >Platform, Solaris 9, Amanda 2.4.4, MTX 1.3.9
> >Nope, not fixed, here are updated logs, any help would be apreciated.
> >
> >Oddly... we seem ok on the C2 jukebox but not the L9, same software
> >on the same machine. Not even matching machines, two amanda configs
> >on the same box (one runs weekdays and the other saturdays).
> >
> >Actually, it seems that mtx is doing its job, and a subsequent
> >command to access the tape or robot shows that things completed
> >successfully, however there is something wrong with amanda or
> >the amanda/mtx interface. (but its the same amanda and glue for
> >both configs...)
> Could it be some sort of unidentified race condition with the amanda 
> library functions and mtx attempting to access some resource at the same 
> time without any way of preventing overlapping access attempts from 
> colliding into each other along the way?

I (successfully) ran the same L9 (apparently the same one you have) on
my v280R and the other E250 next to this E250 and had no problems. I'm
not running the amanda configs at the same time...

I'd think scripts or binaries, but the C2 on the same box is working ok.

Just not sure where to look.

> My tape host system is a similar config (Sol 9 on Ultra 2, Amanda 2.5.2, 
> mtx 1.3.11 talking to a Sun-badged L9 array) and it's been operating fine 
> since all the issues with devices, and configuration were resolved.
> Craig.
> PS. I'm getting a new cleaning tape for my L9 this week and wondered if 
> anyone has thought more about how to get cleaning tape usage incorporated 
> into the Amanda schema somehow? I have left a spare slot in the array 
> cartridge for the cleaning tape to sit in.

The tape config file in the amanda config directory has options
for cleaning slot and tape count between cleanings, is that what
you are thinking of ?

   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments may contain
confidential or sensitive information which is, or may be, legally
privileged or otherwise protected by law from further disclosure.  It
is intended only for the addressee.  If you received this in error or
from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, please do not
distribute, copy or use it or any attachments.  Please notify the
sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this from your
system. Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: Network backups.

2007-11-19 Thread Chris Hoogendyk

Chris Kottaridis wrote:

I want to remotely backup a machine and I want the data to have some
sort of encryption while it is going across the net between the client
and server. I don't want to store the data encrypted on the tape or on
the server's holding disk. I just want to make sure data doesn't go
across the net in the clear.

Does amanda encrypt the data at all when it sends the dump from the
client to the host ?

IS there a mechanism, possibly in conjunctions with ssh that will allow
me to encrypt the data while in transit ?

I am running amanda 2.5.0p2 according to amcheck

yup. I believe starting with 2.5.0 (though I would upgrade since there 
are improvements and fixes and your version is probably over a year old 
now). You just need to set up auth ssh. Check the following documents:

I've been using it since early in 2007.


Chris Hoogendyk

  O__   Systems Administrator
 c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
(*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 



Erdös 4

Re: Problem with Exclude Lists

2007-11-19 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Steven Backus wrote:

Here is gen13-excludelist:


I'm using amanda 2.5.2p1.  Is this too deep to exclude?  Can anyone
help me debug this?
I think your exclude will match nothing, you should read gnutar 

Use './gen13/coal/r03/noback' or './gen13/coal/r03/noback/*'.


Re: Problem with Exclude Lists

2007-11-19 Thread Steven Backus
>From Jean-Louis Martineau writes:

> I think your exclude will match nothing, you should read gnutar 
> documentation.
> Use './gen13/coal/r03/noback' or './gen13/coal/r03/noback/*'.

Thanks very much!  I didn't even think of that, it really helps to
have someone else look at your problem.

Steven J. BackusComputer Specialist
University of Utah  E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Genetic EpidemiologyAlternate:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
391 Chipeta Way -- Suite D150   Office:  801.587.9308
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1266

restarting amanda after updating amanda.conf

2007-11-19 Thread Gil Vidals
I'm new to Amanda and after several days of reading the docs. I'm still
unclear as to when is it necessary to restart Amanda. In particular, is it
necessary for me to restart amanda after making changes to the
amanda.conffile on the tapehost? If so, what is the proper way to
restart amanda?

--Gil Vidals

Re: restarting amanda after updating amanda.conf

2007-11-19 Thread Chris Hoogendyk

Gil Vidals wrote:
I'm new to Amanda and after several days of reading the docs. I'm 
still unclear as to when is it necessary to restart Amanda. In 
particular, is it necessary for me to restart amanda after making 
changes to the amanda.conf file on the tapehost? If so, what is the 
proper way to restart amanda?

Amanda is not a daemon.

Programs that constitute Amanda only run when you run them, or when you 
schedule them off cron.

So there is no restarting unless you happen to have a job running that 
has gone awry. Then you may have to kill something and/or run amcleanup 
(I've never had to do that). Typically, if I'm not sure what is going 
on, and Amanda is running, I'll run amstatus, and it gives me plenty of 
information that generally puts me at ease.


Chris Hoogendyk

  O__   Systems Administrator
 c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
(*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 



Erdös 4