Re: Define what holding disk to use?

2008-03-04 Thread Chris Hoogendyk

Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

There is no option to do that.


Nicki Messerschmidt wrote:

Hash: SHA1

is it possible to define (in a dumptype) what holding disk to use?

I have a server which backups itself and this server has two raid
arrays. I placed a holding disk on each of the arrays. Now amanda
shouldn't use the holding disk on array one while backuping this 
Is there some configuration option I have missed? 

My own preference is to configure the system with separate drives for 
holding disk. There is no reason for them to be raid. With a separate 
spindle, they will be fast. If they are on a separate controller, even 
faster. I happen to have my tape drive, my holding disks, and my network 
all on separate controllers/buses, so there is virtually no contention. 
I get the maximum throughput on my tape and on my holding disks. All 
Ultra320 LVD SCSI on a Sun Enterprise server.

When amanda is not running I can use the holding disk space for other 
maintenance tasks, recoveries, etc.


Chris Hoogendyk

  O__   Systems Administrator
 c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
(*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 



Erdös 4

Re: Define what holding disk to use?

2008-03-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

There is no option to do that.


Nicki Messerschmidt wrote:

Hash: SHA1

is it possible to define (in a dumptype) what holding disk to use?

I have a server which backups itself and this server has two raid
arrays. I placed a holding disk on each of the arrays. Now amanda
shouldn't use the holding disk on array one while backuping this array...
Is there some configuration option I have missed?


Re: can amanda trigger a script?

2008-03-04 Thread zuki
Sorry if my explanation was not clear. The script is on client. What I 
want is whenever server start triggering amdump, it will "ask" client to 
run the script first. Client will do the export thing not server. Once 
finished, amdump will continue immediately. Can Amanda do that?

Heiko Schlittermann wrote:

fedora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Di 04 Mär 2008 10:26:17 CET):

Hi Marc/all,

U have gave me this script to export database to other directory.

If I use this script on cronjob to export databases, Amanda does not know
when will it finishes. Manual way, If let say this script finish exported
databases at 3am. Then I have to run "amdump DailySet1" (cronjob) at 3.30am
for instance. So, I always have to check and monitor when the script finish
export databases and the time depends on the size of databases. I have to
change time setting on cronjob as well. Can Amanda trigger that script so
that after exporting databases it will run "amdump DailySet1" automatically?

Just run the script in the same cron command:

0 3 * * *; amdump DailySet1

or if the result of is critical:

0 3 * * * && amdump DailySet1

(Supposed that the script will not trigger some background jobs and exit
before they're finished.)

Best regards from Dresden
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
org:Abamon Technology Sdn. Bhd.
adr:No.9, Jln 16/11;;Unit 611, Block F, Phileo Damansara 1;Petaling Jaya;Selangor;46350;Malaysia
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:System Support

Re: can amanda trigger a script?

2008-03-04 Thread Heiko Schlittermann
fedora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Di 04 Mär 2008 10:26:17 CET):
> Hi Marc/all,
> U have gave me this script to export database to other directory. 
> If I use this script on cronjob to export databases, Amanda does not know
> when will it finishes. Manual way, If let say this script finish exported
> databases at 3am. Then I have to run "amdump DailySet1" (cronjob) at 3.30am
> for instance. So, I always have to check and monitor when the script finish
> export databases and the time depends on the size of databases. I have to
> change time setting on cronjob as well. Can Amanda trigger that script so
> that after exporting databases it will run "amdump DailySet1" automatically?

Just run the script in the same cron command:

0 3 * * *; amdump DailySet1

or if the result of is critical:

0 3 * * * && amdump DailySet1

(Supposed that the script will not trigger some background jobs and exit
before they're finished.)

Best regards from Dresden
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
--  internet & unix support -
 Heiko Schlittermann HS12-RIPE -
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Re: can amanda trigger a script?

2008-03-04 Thread Dave Ewart
On Tuesday, 04.03.2008 at 01:26 -0800, fedora wrote:

> Hi Marc/all,
> U have gave me this script to export database to other directory.
> If I use this script on cronjob to export databases, Amanda does not
> know when will it finishes. Manual way, If let say this script finish
> exported databases at 3am. Then I have to run "amdump DailySet1"
> (cronjob) at 3.30am for instance. So, I always have to check and
> monitor when the script finish export databases and the time depends
> on the size of databases. I have to change time setting on cronjob as
> well. Can Amanda trigger that script so that after exporting databases
> it will run "amdump DailySet1" automatically?

Well, presumably amdump is run from cron too?  Why not just do:

0 3 * * * && amdump DailySet1

or something similar?

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
University of Oxford / Cancer Research UK
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N 51.7518, W 1.2016

Description: Digital signature

can amanda trigger a script?

2008-03-04 Thread fedora

Hi Marc/all,

U have gave me this script to export database to other directory.

If I use this script on cronjob to export databases, Amanda does not know
when will it finishes. Manual way, If let say this script finish exported
databases at 3am. Then I have to run "amdump DailySet1" (cronjob) at 3.30am
for instance. So, I always have to check and monitor when the script finish
export databases and the time depends on the size of databases. I have to
change time setting on cronjob as well. Can Amanda trigger that script so
that after exporting databases it will run "amdump DailySet1" automatically?
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Define what holding disk to use?

2008-03-04 Thread Nicki Messerschmidt
Hash: SHA1

is it possible to define (in a dumptype) what holding disk to use?

I have a server which backups itself and this server has two raid
arrays. I placed a holding disk on each of the arrays. Now amanda
shouldn't use the holding disk on array one while backuping this array...
Is there some configuration option I have missed?


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