On 04/20/2011 08:04 AM, Trever L. Adams wrote:
> I have a setup. Using user-tar from the templates (maybe only Fedora
> supplied, I don't know) as the base for my backup, things work fine and
> tar runs as root.
> When changing to a type amgtar and dt_amgtar (again templates on my
> system) things do not work. tar runs as user 33 (amandabackup). uid and
> euid are 33. Please, see attached log files for the information.
> Thank you for any help on figuring this out and fixing things.
> Trever
This bug appears to have been a Fedora packaging bug.

Whether or not it is the right solution, amgtar has been setuid root and
only allowed to be run by root and disk group (which amandabackup user
is part of).

Thank you for all who have been involved in fixing the problem.

"All who joy would win Must share it -- Happiness was born a twin." --
Lord Byron

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