Re: What timeout controls the scripts

2014-09-26 Thread Olivier Nicole
>>> There is no parameter for that timeout. It is a constant in the program.
>>> CONNECT_TIMEOUT in the server-src/chunker.c file
>>> Running the script on the client might fix the issue
>>> execute-where client
>> Even runing on the client it will take more than 300 seconds, would the
>> chunker wait on the script to finish on the client?
> If run on the client, the socket will be opened before the script are run.
> So it should not timeout on 'accepting header stream'.
> But it might timeout on 'accepting data stream', I'm not sure, you 
> should try.

For some reason, the script was not running on the client. I changed the
timeout in chunker.c and it does the trick.

But I am wondering why the chunker is starting so early and not at the
same time as the tar/dump (when the script is finished).

Best regards,


> Jean-Louis
>> Thank you,
>> Olivier
>>> Jean-Louis
>>> On 09/24/2014 12:04 AM, Olivier Nicole wrote:

 For one specific DLE, I need to do a snapshot, through a pre-del-backup
 script. But the script takes quite some time to complete (up to a
 couple of hours). What timeout should I define to make Amanda wait for
 the end of the script before it can chunk the result?

 Example for the DLE amanda /virtual/mybackups/st106808

 chunker.20140924001916.debug times out after 300 seconds:

 Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: pid 86096 ruid 10014 
 euid 10014 version 3.3.2: start at Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014
 Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: pid 86096 ruid 10014 
 euid 10014 version 3.3.2: rename at Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014
 Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: getcmd: START 
 Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: getcmd: PORT-WRITE
 11-00015 /holding/20140924000501/amanda._virtual_mybackups_st106808.0
 amanda 9efefbff1f /virtual/mybackups/st106808 0
 1970:1:1:0:0:0 10485760 GNUTAR 500064 |;auth=bsd;srvcomp-best;index;

 Wed Sep 24 00:24:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: stream_accept: timeout 
 after 300 seconds
 Wed Sep 24 00:24:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: putresult: 11 TRY-AGAIN
 Wed Sep 24 00:24:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: critical (fatal): 
 startup_chunker failed: error accepting header stream: Operation timed out

 and driver.20140924000501.debug, the script takes 45 minutes to complete:

 Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: Spawning 
 "/usr/local/libexec/amanda/application/vmware vmware PRE-DLE-BACKUP 
 --execute-where server --config normal --host amanda --disk 
 /virtual/mybackups/st106808 --level 0" in pipeline
 Wed Sep 24 00:19:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: zorglub
 Wed Sep 24 00:19:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: PRE-DLE-BACKUP 
 Wed Sep 24 00:19:18 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: We need to 
 backup that one st106808
 Wed Sep 24 01:05:54 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: 2014-09-23 
 18:05:52 -- info: == ghettoVCB LOG END 
 Wed Sep 24 01:05:54 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script:
 Wed Sep 24 01:05:54 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: VMware snapshot 
 OK for st106808

 Thank you,




trouble with DLE include/exclude

2014-09-26 Thread Michael Stauffer
Amanda 3.3.4


I'm having some inconsistencies with include/exclude in DLE lists.

For example, these are some of the enteries in my dislist file:

cfile-local jag-0-e /jag {
   # Also get everything starting with numerals
   include "./*"
   exclude "./[f-zF-Z]*"
   exclude "./bbcp"
   exclude "./cnds"
cfile-local jag-f-j /jag {
   include "./[f-jF-J]*"
   exclude "./jonghoyi"

The DLE jag-f-j turns out fine, but the DLE jag-0-e ends up including most
everything under /jag instead of stopping after /jag/[jJ]*, and it does not
exclude /jag/bbcp even though that's explicitly excluded. Interestingly,
/jag/bbcp *is* excluded.

I should mention in case this is somehow related, I have a disklist file
that includes other disklist files like so:

includefile "disklist.cfile-jet"
includefile "disklist.cfile-jag"

It recognizes all the DLE's defined in both files, not sure if this method
somehow screws with the file inclusion/exclusion.

Is there a way to get amanda to run estimates on DLE's without running
amdump? That would be helpful.

Any suggestions? Thanks!


Re: trouble with DLE include/exclude

2014-09-26 Thread Nathan Stratton Treadway
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 16:30:28 -0400, Michael Stauffer wrote:
> cfile-local jag-0-e /jag {
># Also get everything starting with numerals
>include "./*"
>exclude "./[f-zF-Z]*"
>exclude "./bbcp"
>exclude "./cnds"
> cfile-local jag-f-j /jag {
>include "./[f-jF-J]*"
>exclude "./jonghoyi"
> The DLE jag-f-j turns out fine, but the DLE jag-0-e ends up including most
> everything under /jag instead of stopping after /jag/[jJ]*, and it does not
> exclude /jag/bbcp even though that's explicitly excluded. Interestingly,
> /jag/bbcp *is* excluded.

I believe you need to add the "append" keyword to your "exclude" lines;
see the "man amanda.conf" section:

   exclude [ list|file ][[optional][ append ][ string ]+]
   With the append keyword, the string is appended to the current
   list, without it, the string overwrites the list.


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -
 GPG Key:   ID: 1023D/ECFB6239
 Key fingerprint = 6AD8 485E 20B9 5C71 231C  0C32 15F3 ADCD ECFB 6239

Re: trouble with DLE include/exclude

2014-09-26 Thread Nathan Stratton Treadway
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 18:02:45 -0400, Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 16:30:28 -0400, Michael Stauffer wrote:
> > cfile-local jag-0-e /jag {
> >gui-base
> ># Also get everything starting with numerals
> >include "./*"
> >exclude "./[f-zF-Z]*"
> >exclude "./bbcp"
> >exclude "./cnds"
> >}
> > The DLE jag-f-j turns out fine, but the DLE jag-0-e ends up including most
> > everything under /jag instead of stopping after /jag/[jJ]*, and it does not
> > exclude /jag/bbcp even though that's explicitly excluded. Interestingly,
> > /jag/bbcp *is* excluded.
> I believe you need to add the "append" keyword to your "exclude" lines;
> see the "man amanda.conf" section:

Hmmm, I just noticed that you say bbcp is excluded and cnds is not, but
it would seem like the lack of the "append" keyword would cause the
opposite to be true. 

You might get some useful information about how the "exclude" lines are
being processed by looking at the .exclude files that Amanda builds and
then passes to tar.  On my Ubunutu systems those are created under
/tmp/amanda/ ; if yours aren't there, you should be able see where they
are created by looking for the "/bin/tar" line in e.g. the
/var/log/amanda/client/[CONF]/runtar*.debug log file.


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -
 GPG Key:   ID: 1023D/ECFB6239
 Key fingerprint = 6AD8 485E 20B9 5C71 231C  0C32 15F3 ADCD ECFB 6239