Re: Problem backing up the tape host.

2017-10-22 Thread Jobst Schmalenbach
On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 08:45:11AM -0600, Steven Backus 
( wrote:
> Did you put auth "local" in your dumptype?  Here's mine:
> define dumptype comp-integ-root-tar {
> global
> program "GNUTAR"
> comment "root partitions with compression"
> compress client fast
> priority low
> auth "local"
> }


This is not the problem as it worked using the previous incaranation when it 
was located on another server.
However, you put me onto something ... I will report back.


If proof denies faith, and uncertainty denies proof, then uncertainty is proof 
of God's existence.

  | |0| |   Jobst Schmalenbach, General Manager
  | | |0|   Barrett & Sales Essentials
  |0|0|0|   +61 3 9533 , POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia

Re: approaches to Amanda vaulting?

2017-10-22 Thread Stefan G. Weichinger
Am 2017-10-16 um 19:22 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger:
> Am 2017-10-16 um 15:20 schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:
>> Amanda 3.5 can do everything you want only by running the amdump command.
>> Using an holding disk:
>> * You configure two storages
>> * All dumps go to the holding disk
>> * All dumps are copied to each storages, not necessarily at the same
>> time or in the same run.
>> * The dumps stay in holding until they are copied to both storages
>> * You can tell amanda that everything must go to both storage or only
>> some dle full/incr

I now have set up a config like this:

define changer robot {
tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/sg3"
property "tape-device" "0=tape:/dev/nst0"
property "eject-before-unload" "no"
property "use-slots" "1-8"

define tapetype LTO6 {
#comment "Created by amtapetype; compression enabled"
length 2442818848 kbytes # etwa 2.4 TB (sgw)
filemark 1806 kbytes
speed 74006 kps
blocksize 32 kbytes
part_size 200G

define storage myconf {
tapepool "myconf"
tapetype "LTO6"
tpchanger "robot"
labelstr "^CMR[0-9][0-9]*$"
autoflush   yes
#   flush-threshold-dumped 100
#   flush-threshold-scheduled 100
#   lass alles in holding disk
 flush-threshold-dumped 400 # (or more)
 flush-threshold-scheduled  400 # (or more)
 taperflush 400
runtapes 4

define storage archive {
tapepool "archive"
tapetype "LTO6"
tpchanger "robot"
labelstr "^ARC[0-9][0-9]*$"
autoflush   yes
flush-threshold-dumped 100
flush-threshold-scheduled 100
runtapes 4
dump-selection ALL FULL

storage "myconf"
maxdumpsize -1
amrecover_changer "robot"


my goal:

I have to create a set of archive tapes for that customer, every 3
months or so.

With the above setup I now ran "amdump --no-taper myconf" which
collected all dumps on holdingdisk (did an "amadmin myconf force *"
before to force FULLs now).

As I understand that I could now do a plain amflush which should

(a) write to the tapes of tapepool "myconf" and

(b) leave the holdingdisk tarballs where they are, right?

(I am not yet sure about that "400" above, I want to keep data for all 4
tapes in the holdingdisk now and may reduce that to 100 for normal daily
runs without "--no-taper" or so)

After or before I additionally can do something like:

amvault myconf --dest-storage --latest-fulls archive


An additional hurdle is that the customer wants to use WORM tapes for
archive, so I should get that right at the first run to not waste any tapes

thanks for any hints and suggestions,

property append IGNORE regex

2017-10-22 Thread Matthias Teege

I'm using

  property append "IGNORE" "file changed as we read it$"

in my dumptype to suppress some warnins. This works as expected.

Now I have to "ignore" messages about removed files from some cache
directories too and tried:

  property append "IGNORE" ".*/cache2/.*: File removed before we read it$"

which doesnt work. The tar output looks like this:

 File removed before we read it

Dies the regex only matches after the ":"? Who can I suppress unnecessary
