
I'm trying to set up amanda, struggling a bit.
(My fault, I suspect, nothing to do with the software!)

Here's the current error :-

$amtape Daily reset
amtape: no tpchanger specified in "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf"

Here is the relevant section of the amanda.conf file :-

#runtapes 1                        # number of tapes to be used in a single
run of amdump
#tpchanger "chg-manual"            # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "/dev/rmt/1n"                # the no-rewind tape device to be used
#rawtapedev "/dev/null"            # the raw device to be used (ftape only)
changerfile "/usr/local/share/amanda/Daily/chg-multi.conf"
#changerfile "/usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/changer-status"
#changerfile "/usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/changer.conf"
#changerdev "/dev/null"

Assuming that I need to uncomment the tpchanger line, what should I point it
Am I right customising and using chg-multi.conf?

Any thoughts/guidance appreciated.


Nigel Barker - Technical Support Engineer - Cambridge, UK
Applied Psychology Research http://www.youmeus.com

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