strange dump summary

2003-09-02 Thread Ben Elliston

I recently upgraded a system from RHL8 to RHL9 and am seeing the
following errors from Amanda's mailed backup report.  I'm not sure if
it's Amanda or some of the underlying tools like dump(1) involved

  localhost  feff9f0 lev 0 ERROR [not in disklist]
  localhost  feff9f0 lev 0 ERROR [not in disklist]
  localhost  feff9f0 lev 0 ERROR [not in disklist]
  localhost  feff9f0 lev 0 ERROR [not in disklist]
  localhost  feff9f0 lev 0 ERROR [not in disklist]
  localhost  feff9f0 lev 0 ERROR [not in disklist]
  localhost  feff9f0 lev 0 ERROR [not in disklist]
  localhost  feff9f0 lev 0 ERROR [not in disklist]

The dumping and taping seems to proceed correctly in spite of these
strange errors.  Has anyone seen this before?

Thanks, Ben

Description: PGP signature

next tape selection?

2002-03-16 Thread Ben Elliston


How does Amanda decide which tape to use next -- such as when mentioning 
it in mailed backup reports?

  The next tape Amanda expects to use is ..

I ask because I have labelled a dozen tapes and, after the first dump is
complete, Amanda says The next tape Amanda expects to use is Daily12.  
Why isn't it asking for a new tape?

Can someone help explain this, or perhaps explain the selection algorithm?

Thanks, Ben

re-doing bad tapes

2002-01-26 Thread Ben Elliston

On Friday, amdump wrote my dump images to a tape successfully, but a 
subsequent amverify showed that the tape is defective.  Now, my dumps have 
been removed from the holding disk, but I don't think the images on the 
tape are usable.

Is there any way to re-do this backup onto a good tape or am I hosed?


CD-RW taper

2002-01-08 Thread Ben Elliston

Has anyone successfully used the Tivano CD-RW taper replacement with
Amanda?  After installing it, I get fatal errors from amdump about
Connection reset by peer.  If anyone has it working, could you please 
contact me so that we can compare setups?  Thanks,


Re: Amanda Newbie

2001-03-12 Thread Ben Elliston

 "Casey" == Casey Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Casey Hi all. I am new to Amanda, so please forgive the newbie question.
  Casey How do I blank a tape? amlabel -f ?  When I attempted my first real
  Casey backup, it finished sucessfully but was a mix of Level 0 and 1.
  Casey Shouldn't all be Level 0 on the first backup to a tape?

Is it possible that you had done test runs beforehand that included
some real level 0 dumps?  There is an FAQ item on clearing Amanda's
databases before starting with production runs.  I followed these
steps and my first backup included solely level 0s dumps.


Re: Amanda Newbie

2001-03-12 Thread Ben Elliston

 "Casey" == Casey Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Casey Does doing amlabel -f reset the tape? I only have one tape right now,
  Casey and I have completed the procedure for flush out the database. I would
  Casey like the tape to be reset also

You can relabel the tape if you want.  Just to be sure, you can `rm'
the tapelist file also when starting afresh.


Re: start

2001-03-12 Thread Ben Elliston

 "Alain" == Alain Muls [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Alain 2. how to do tests to check whether the configuration is
  Alain working?

Once you've configured Amanda, you run `amcheck conf' to test the
configuration.  This is documented in the `amcheck' manual page.

To *really* test the configuration, of course, you should do a few
backups, verifies and try to recover some data from the tapes.


Re: hostname lookup failed

2001-03-12 Thread Ben Elliston

 "David" == David Lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  David If that doesn't work, try dig

dig -x is less of a mouthful. :-)


Re: Backup time

2001-03-07 Thread Ben Elliston

 "Olivier" == Olivier Collet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Olivier I have a doubt. I launched the backup yesterday at 18:00 and today it is
  Olivier 10:35 and it is still not done! I have put 'only' three servers in this
  Olivier backup as a test. Is it normal it is so slow ? How can I tell the backup
  Olivier is still going on ?

You can run `amstatus' (see `man amstatus' for details).

You might be having the same problem I did as a new Amanda user -- I
was backing up the holiding disk!  Check to make sure this is not the


Re: amandad failing

2001-03-07 Thread Ben Elliston

 "John" == John Jolet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  John i have an intel-based server running solaris x86 8.  inetd
  John causes it to listen on the amanda port, until you do an
  John amcheck or amdump or something on the server.  then it stops
  John listening on that port. this is what is in the syslog:
  John inetd[182]: [ID
  John 667328 daemon.error] amanda/udp server failing (looping),
  John service terminated.  We've reinstalled amanda, and are
  John reluctant to strip the machine and start over (especially
  John without a backup!).  Any ideas what could be going wrong?

What do you have in inetd.conf?  I bet your `amandad' service is using
the `nowait' option.


Re: Don't open attachment!!!

2001-03-01 Thread Ben Elliston

 "Jonathan" == Jonathan Dill [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Jonathan In case you haven't heard, don't open that Snow White attachment!  I'll
  Jonathan send more details shortly so you know this isn't a hoax...

I would have thought that by now, users would have been sufficiently
slapped around the head with a wet fish to make your suggestion a
given.  Obviously not! :-(


Re: PowerVault 100T

2001-02-26 Thread Ben Elliston

For anyone interested--and for the purposes of archiving for the next
poor b*stard--I solved my problem with the Dell PowerVault 100T
producing excessive soft errors with DDS4 media (but working fine with
DDS, DSS2 and DDS3).  It turns out to be a bug in the drive's firmware
which is present in revision 8071 and is solved by upgrading to rev.


Soft errors with PowerVault 100T

2001-02-23 Thread Ben Elliston

Apologies for the semi-off-topic posting, but this no doubt reaches
many people with experience in tape drives.  My Dell PowerVault 100T
(an Archive Pyton) has developed a strange problem where it reports
excessive soft errors for perfectly good, brand new DDS4 tapes (having
now tried five in a row from a fresh box).

This leads to a) terrible throughput as the drive farts around
retrying and b) failure via I/O errors once it all gets a bit too
much.  It's also concerning that the LED is indicating this.  The
drive has been replaced once with no improvement.

What could be the problem here?  I've checked cabling, termination,
tapes, etc.  I'm running `mt setblk 32768; dd if=/dev/zero
of=/dev/st0` and provoking the problem this way.

Any pointers would be *much* appreciated!

Cheers, Ben

Re: Soft errors with PowerVault 100T

2001-02-23 Thread Ben Elliston

  Ben Apologies for the semi-off-topic posting, but this no doubt reaches
  Ben many people with experience in tape drives.  My Dell PowerVault 100T
  Ben (an Archive Pyton) has developed a strange problem where it reports
  Ben excessive soft errors for perfectly good, brand new DDS4 tapes (having
  Ben now tried five in a row from a fresh box).

I should add that I don't see these problems when using plain old DDS
90m tapes.  I'm stumped! :-(


forcing level 0 backups

2001-02-22 Thread Ben Elliston

Is there any easy way to force a level 0 backup of every disk in the


Re: Need help...

2001-02-22 Thread Ben Elliston

 "John" == John R Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  John You must have some kind of hostname lookup problem, which is unrelated
  John to Amanda.  Amanda tried to look up "master" and "localhost" and got
  John an error.  Start checking your DNS configuration, /etc/resolv.conf,
  John /etc/hosts, YP/NIS/NIS+ maps, and whatever tells your system how to
  John do lookups.

I wonder if Amanada needs a ``TROUBLESHOOTING'' file like that which
appears in the Samba distribtion?  A lot of these questions seem to be
the same old, same old -- perhaps a document which walks you through
the common problems is in order?

Not that I have time to volunteer, unfortunately.


Re: tweaking the schedule

2001-02-20 Thread Ben Elliston

 "John" == John R Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  John Planner generates the list of what to do based on size, requests for
  John special service (forced full dumps, etc) and so on.  That's a text "file"
  John with one line per disk piped into driver.

Does the planner consider the bandwidth that the tape server has to
each client?  If the estimation says "50 MB" and the link is 14 kbps,
then it should be started first. :-)


tweaking the schedule

2001-02-19 Thread Ben Elliston

I have a couple of machines that are slow and poorly connected to my
tape server.  In every instance, I happen to *know* that if these
machines were to appear first in the backup schedule, the backup would
finish more quickly.

Is there a way I can push them to the front?


Re: RedHat7.0 and Xinetd

2001-02-15 Thread Ben Elliston

 "Sergio" == Sergio Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sergio Hi folks, I'm trying to use AMANDA 2.4.2p1 but some
Sergio problems are happening.  So, first of all I need to know
Sergio how can I call amandad, amindexd and amidxtaped on xinetd

Here's my files, which work for me.



# default: on
# description: The AMANDA backup client.
service amanda
socket_type = dgram
wait= yes
user= amanda
server  = /usr/local/libexec/amandad


# default: on
# description: The Amanda indexer.
service amandaidx
socket_type = stream
wait= no
user= amanda
server  = /usr/local/libexec/amindexd


# default: on
# description: The Amanda index/tape server.
service amidxtape
socket_type = stream
wait= no
user= amanda
server  = /usr/local/libexec/amidxtaped

slightly altering dump sizes?

2001-02-04 Thread Ben Elliston


I'm about to try and wedge a program into the AMANDA pipeline that will
encrypt a dump image as it's being written to tape.  Due to a couple of
complications with the algorithm I'm using, the size of the file in the
holding disk may be increased by up to 10 bytes when it's written to tape.
Will this upset AMANDA?


Re: Error msg interpretation

2001-01-29 Thread Ben Elliston

 mars sda7 lev 3 FAILED [data timeout]

   It means dumper on your server stopped getting data for 30 minutes (or
   whatever you set dtimeout to in amanda.conf).

That's interesting, considering `mars' is the tape server.


Re: Estimates

2001-01-24 Thread Ben Elliston

jrj wrote:

   When amstatus reports on estimates, are these supposed to be the estimates
   for the volume of data dumped at the specified dump level?  ...

   Yes.  They are the estimates for the level Amanda picked to be done.

   Every day when
   Amanda runs, I see the same huge estimates for disks that, once backed up,
   only had a few hundred KB of incrementals to do.

   You might poke through the amdump.NN files.  The first part is the
   estimating phase and it's not too hard to see the results coming back.
   If those are really wrong, the next place I'd look is a typical
   /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug file on a client and see what's going on in

In the case of the full dump only two days into the cycle, it seems that
dump on that workstation reported an identical size for levels 0 and 1, so
of course, Amanda decided that level 1 was unwise and did a level 0.

Today, it did a realistic level 1 of 700KB.  Why should I be seeing this
strange behaviour early on when Amanda has little backup history?  Does it
keep this backup history over many dump cycles?


Hostname lookup failed?

2001-01-24 Thread Ben Elliston

I just got a note from amcheck about a problem with one of my client

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: metro: [addr hostname lookup failed]
Client check: 5 hosts checked in 1.692 seconds, 1 problem found

This is nonsense -- I can ping the host, so my resolver is not broken.
What else can cause this?

Thanks, Ben

Re: self check request timed out

2001-01-24 Thread Ben Elliston

jrj wrote:

   The only things I can think of to try at this point are a complete
   rebuild of Amanda (blow away all traces of the build area you used
   before), or upgrading to the latest gcc and building that for the
   specific host, or making sure you have all the latest Solaris patches.

You might like to try building without any -O optimisation flags, just to be
sure GDB isn't being confused by optimised code and reporting something
altogether different when you print values.



2001-01-24 Thread Ben Elliston

I see that it's possible to encrypt client/server traffic with Kerberos 4.
Might it be possible to implement a simpler, less onerous security scheme
such as the private key CAST-128 algorithm?

I'd be prepared to have a shot at implementing it, if my patches have some
chance of being accepted. :-)


Re: Hostname lookup failed?

2001-01-24 Thread Ben Elliston

   Is it possible that the error message could be improved?

   Sure.  Do you have a suggestion?

For starters, it should state that the error is coming from the client, not
from amcheck on the tape server.  Something like:

"Client-side error: unable to perform reverse lookup on IP".


Re: Problem with amverify

2001-01-22 Thread Ben Elliston

jrj wrote:

   (** Cannot do /usr/bin/gtar dumps)

   This says that GNU tar is installed in /usr/bin/gtar on the client,
   but since amverify runs on the server, it is apparantly not in that
   same location, so it could not run it.

   Version 2.4.2 tries to handle this better by looking for a basename
   match as well as a complete match, i.e. if the basename of the version
   of GNU tar on your server is "gtar", amverify would have used it.

Why does it try to match the name at all?  If you know the file on tape is a
tar file, why not just run the designated tar command on the tape server?


Re: Problem with amverify

2001-01-22 Thread Ben Elliston

   I'll ask again, how do you do that in a shell script?  And remember
   that it has to run on every flavor of Unix in the world, not just
   Linux or Solaris, so no cheating and using other than the most generic
   commands and options :-).

I believe this is quite portable:

dd bs=1 skip=257 count=5 if=/dev/tape of=/some/tmp/file
if test `cat /some/tmp/file` = ustar ; then
  : This is a tar file.


Re: Problem with amverify

2001-01-22 Thread Ben Elliston

I believe this is quite portable:
   dd bs=1 skip=257 count=5 if=/dev/tape of=/some/tmp/file
   if test `cat /some/tmp/file` = ustar ; then
 : This is a tar file.

   But wait...  You just threw away the first 257 bytes from stdin. Now
   what are you going to put into stdout for tar to read?

Err, rewind to the beginning of the file? ;-)



2001-01-20 Thread Ben Elliston

amstatus says that one of my partitions has been dumped to 110%.  Then it
just sits there, never writing the dump to tape (there are no tapers

  scooby:sda5  0  127811k dumping   141056k (110.36%)

What's up with this?  I'm running CVS Amanda on the tape server now.

Thanks, B.

Re: 110%?

2001-01-20 Thread Ben Elliston

   It means the estimate (127811k) was wrong and the filesystem is larger
   than the estimate. It must be dumping something, look for process
   activity on your client and server.

There are five concurrent dump processes running for /dev/sda5:

  404 ?S  0:00 dump 0usf 1048576 - /dev/sda5
  408 ?S  0:00 dump 0usf 1048576 - /dev/sda5
  409 ?S  0:01 dump 0usf 1048576 - /dev/sda5
  410 ?S  0:01 dump 0usf 1048576 - /dev/sda5
  412 ?S  0:01 dump 0usf 1048576 - /dev/sda5

They don't seem to be doing much:

[root@scooby /root]# strace -p 404
wait4(-1,  unfinished ...
[root@scooby /root]# strace -p 408
read(19,  unfinished ...
[root@scooby /root]# strace -p 409
pause( unfinished ...
[root@scooby /root]# strace -p 410
write(1, "%\317\301[\4\364s\6\227\245\312\250\307-\354\247\2\225"..., 6144
unfinished ...
[root@scooby /root]# strace -p 412
pause( unfinished ...

Processes 408 and 410 *are* in read/write calls, but they're not doing much.
Is something wedged, and if so, why?


Holding incrementals on disk

2001-01-19 Thread Ben Elliston


You wrote in the Amanda FAQ:

``This can be wasteful, specially if you have a small amount of data to back
up, but expensive large-capacity tapes. One possible approach is to run
amdump with tapes only, say once a week, to perform full backups, and run it
without tape on the other days, so that it performs incremental backups and
stores them in the holding disk. Once or twice a week, you flush all backups
in the holding disk to a single tape.''

Can you expand on this?  What should I use for the cycle parameters in
amanda.conf?  How should I flush the incrementals in the holding disk to
tape?  Thanks,


Never-ending dump

2001-01-19 Thread Ben Elliston

I've been running an `amdump' for about 16 hours now -- the following dump
(a level 0, as it happens) keeps happening over and over again.  When I
reach 100%, it starts again!

dublin:sda4  0 1878319k dumping  1679872k (89.43%) 

This file system is too large for the holding disk, if that makes any
difference.  Any idea what's going on here?  I've just had to abort the



Re: Never-ending dump

2001-01-19 Thread Ben Elliston

cmarble wrote:

Is this 2.4.2?  If so, there's a known bug that we think is fixed in the
latest CVS sources.  If you can't or don't want to get them, there will
be a 2.4.2p1 shortly, or ask me offline and I'll send you the patch.

   Will I only have to update my 2.4.2 installation on my Amanda server
   or will the clients need the new version too?

According to John, server only (thank goodness!)


2001-01-18 Thread Ben Elliston

I want to use this template for labels.  I just tried printing the template
(through Ghostscript) and get an empty PCL output file.  Is there something
weird with this PostScript file that I should know about?


Ejecting tapes

2001-01-18 Thread Ben Elliston

Is there a way for Amanda to eject the tape at the end of a run so that I
can simply remove it each day (and to indicate that the tape run has
actually completed)?

Or should I just run `mt offline' myself?



2001-01-18 Thread Ben Elliston

I want to use this template for labels.  I just tried printing the template
(through Ghostscript) and get an empty PCL output file.  Is there something
weird with this PostScript file that I should know about?

   You're supposed to add it to amanda.conf's lbl-templ, so that Amanda
   will print the tape label after each backup, with the complete list of
   each backup that made it to the tape.

As it happens, when I did this and did a backup run, a correct label was

   Without the list of backups, I wouldn't be surprised if you just got
   an empty page :-)

I got *nothing*, yet in Ghostview, I could see the skeleton tape label.  I
don't know why I couldn't print that, but there's no problem after all.



Re: running as user amanda instead of operator?

2001-01-17 Thread Ben Elliston

oliva wrote:

  Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
  ERROR: running as user "amanda" instead of "operator"

   Looks like it is the client that is complaining.  Maybe xinetd is
   still running an older version of amandad, that wants to be started as
   user operator?

xinetd is running /usr/local/libexec/amandad, which I just re-installed to
be certain.  It's from a build tree whose config.status reads:

# ../amanda-2.4.2/configure  --with-fqdn --with-user=amanda --with-group=disk

Any other ideas?


tar 1.12

2001-01-17 Thread Ben Elliston

The docs/INSTALL file says to use GNU tar 1.12 -- is there any reason why a
later version, such as 1.13, could not be used (with the provided patches)?


Reusing tapes

2001-01-17 Thread Ben Elliston

I am in the process of debugging my Amanda setup and wish to reuse the same
tape over and over.  Short of using `mt erase' to completely erase the tape,
is there a way I can prevent Amanda from aborting because it thinks I'm
overwriting a tape from the backup set?



Only one dumper running

2001-01-17 Thread Ben Elliston

I'm doing a test run with about 8 entries in my disklist and Amanda is only
running one dumper.  When I run `amstatus' I see:

3 dumpers idle  : no-diskspace
taper idle
network free kps: 1984
holding space   :   806496k ( 76.91%)

What does `no-diskspace' mean here?  I seem to have free network capacity,
so why aren't up to 4 dumpers (as I've configured) running?


Re: Only one dumper running

2001-01-17 Thread Ben Elliston

   3 dumpers idle  : no-diskspace

A bit of simple arithmetic shows me that there is no room in the holding
disk. :-)  Sorry,


Diagnosing client-side errors

2001-01-15 Thread Ben Elliston

I am trying to back up a single partition having just installed Amanda.  I
thought I'd try with this in my `disklist':

  scooby sda8 always-full

I get the following error, but can't work out what I'm doing wrong.  Any
tips?  In general, how can I diagnose client-side problems?

Thanks, B.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: scooby: [can not access sda8 (sda8): No such file or directory]
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.014 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2)

Re: RedHat 7.0

2001-01-15 Thread Ben Elliston

Anyone got any suggestions?, I am running Amanda v2.4.1

   First, this should probably have gone to amanda-users, and not
   amanda-hackers, but that nit aside, my guess is the upgrade "upgraded"
   your /etc/inetd.conf file and you will need to put back the entries
   for amandad, etc.

Red Hat Linux 7 uses `xinetd', so the format of the configuration file for
the superserver has changed quite dramatically.  You need to create a file
in /etc/xinetd.d/ similar to the other files in that directory.  It should
be fairly self-explanatory.

Cheers, Ben

Re: infamous amcheck selfcheck request timed out problem

2001-01-12 Thread Ben Elliston


   This is what my /etc/inetd.conf looks like:
   amandadgram  udp wait   amanda /usr/local/libexec  amandad

This is incorrect.  The second last argument is a full path to your server
program, not just the directory.  It should be /usr/local/libexec/amandad.
