Re: Tape DDS-3 values

2002-09-12 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Kablan BOGNINI wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using HP DDS-3 tapes for my backup. I've tried to
> get the correct values for my tape. But tapetype gives
> this result:
> define tapetype HP-DDS3-DAT {
> comment "just produced by tapetype program"
> length 9860 mbytes
> filemark 0 kbytes
> speed 840 kps
> }
> I think this is not correct because I've a DDS-3 125M
> tape with 12GB.

Nope, they are not correct. The reason is that you probably have hardware
compression on which actually expands the data Amanda uses to determine
tapesize which in turn gives a smaller length.

However, you are in good company since, even though I have only been on
this list for a short time, this seems to be one of the most frequent
questions here.

I had the same problem and I solved it by removing the drive from it's
drivebox and changing a dip-switch. Some OS:s seems to allows you to
change if the drive should use compression with the mt command (I have not
found it in Solaris 8 though).

Also, tar+gnuzip gives you alot better compression than the internal
hardware of the drive, at least from what I've read on this list.

> Could someone give me more accurate values for this
> tape or point me to doc ?

I use the following tapetype:

define tapetype HP-C1554a {
comment "just produced by tapetype program"
length 10075 mbytes
filemark 0 kbytes
speed 872 kps

Perhaps the length could be a bit larger, but better safe than sorry. If
you change the drive to default to hardware compression off you can rerun
tapetype to get more accurate values.

Hope it helps!

Conny Gyllendahl

Don't try to have the last word -- you might get it.
-- Lazarus Long

Re: Configuration help?

2002-08-20 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Jon LaBadie wrote:

>  Alternatively, files_to_dump can identify individual
>  files or  directories.  ...  This dump is equivalent
>  to a level 0 dump of the indicated portions of the
>  filesystem ...
> It looks like by naming a directory you do a level 0 each time unless
> (perhaps?) that directory is the mount point.

Looks like it, though I cannot speak for its behaviour if I specified a
mount-point. Either way, through sheer luck, it works just like I wanted
it to (ie: doing level 0 dumps all the time).


Re: Configuration help?

2002-08-20 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Jay Lessert wrote:

> You say "ufs(dump)", so I'm assuming recent Solaris.  The calculation
> is different for Linux.

Correctamundo! Solaris 2.8 to be precise.

*snip great list of pros and cons*

Thanks for the input!

Conny Gyllendahl

It is not enough to have great qualities,
we should also have the management of them.
-- La Rochefoucauld

Re: Configuration help?

2002-08-20 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> Tread lightly -- thar be dragons here.  :)  They both have their pros and
> cons, and it can be a matter of deep seated religous belief for people.
> FS specific dump programs can back up things that tar doesn't know about
> (e.g. ACLs), and can sometimes be faster.  But they're limited to
> partitions only, and require that the recovery machine have them
> installed.  Tar can do subdirectories and doesn't care about OS/FS (and
> thus you can recover on just about any machine).

Hmm.. odd, I have been using a dumptype using ufsdump for just
subdirectories and it appears to be working. Or maybe amanda is smarter
than me, notices it and switches them to using tar instead. :)

Conny Gyllendahl

His mind is like a steel trap: full of mice.
-- Foghorn Leghorn

Re: Configuration help?

2002-08-15 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:


1000 x thanks for the help! I have Amanda up and running and backing up
our three servers just the way we wanted it now.

Now for my last question for this time: what are the pros and cons, if
any, for using tar or (ufs)dump? Are there any reasons or situtations
for choosing one over the other?


Configuration help?

2002-08-14 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

Hello again everyone!

Now that I have sorted out my tapetype issue I kindly ask for some help on
configuring Amanda.

What I would like to do is:

- full backups every weekday (mon-fri)
- use 5 tapes (possibly 6)
- backup the following filesystems

host: louie filesys: /export/home/htdocs
host: louie filesys: /export/home/htdocs-utv
host: bagheera (win2k server) \\bagheera\misc

The questions is, how to I write the disklist and amanda.conf correctly (I
have succeded in doing a small test to just backup a unix partition).

Should I have:
dumpcycle 1 week
runspercycle 5
tapecycle 5
and force all backups to be full backups?

Or maybe I could have
dumpcycle 1 day
runspercycle 1
tapecycle 5
and use cron to schedule it on weekdays only?

I am a bit unsure about how to set the parameters so any pointers would be
most appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Re: Tapetype claims tape is 8.5 GB when it should be 12 GB

2002-08-14 Thread Conny Gyllendahl


Thanks to everyone who replied! Well, a while after sending the mail I
found the model number faintly written on the back of the drive and after
browsing HP's website for a while I found some information on the
dipswitch settings.

So, as Kevin suggested, I dug out the screwdriver and opened it up. And I
am sure you can guess the picture, yup, it was set with hardware
compression on and no host control. So I flipped it to default off with
host control on and ran tapetype again and got a lot better numbers this


Tapetype claims tape is 8.5 GB when it should be 12 GB

2002-08-13 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

Hi all!

I have been trying to set up Amanda to back up our Solaris 8 boxes and one
of the first steps was to get a tapetype for our tapes.

The taper is reported as "HP DDS-3 4MM DAT" (by `mt status`). I don't know
any additonal data about this drive since it is in an unmarked case
(unless I crack it open and look around).

The tapes are "Sony DGD125M", 125 metres with a native capacity of 12 GB.

However, after running tapetype I get a tapetype with a capacity of around
8.5 GB (86xx-87xx mbytes), also with different values for filemarks. Also,
the first time I ran it using /dev/rmt/0bn I got a type with a large value
for filemark (around 1 mmb) and when running it twice with /dev/rmt/0n I
got either 0 or 32 kb (the first one when specifying estimated size to 12
GB and the latter without specifying any estimated size).

So, anyone know why I am not getting the expected size?