RE: Frontend , UI for amanda ?

2003-03-31 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 14:00, Thomas Hu wrote:

> Amanda is client-server based product. This means, while its client
> might be in "bare" OS, amanda server is not. The server has to be fully
> functioning to provide the data recovering/restoring service. 

More heretical musings :-)

More and more, as my servers improve in horsepower, I'm moving from
command-line minimalist environments to GUI.  I mean, having X sitting
there doing nothing takes a pretty light toll on a 3GHZ server with 1GB
or more DDR...

Much of my day-to-day admin *is* in fact done via SSH and a console
window, but when I go to the server-room, it's a lot friendlier and
nicer to have a full-blown GUI...  Indeed, there are times I Ctrl-Alt-F2
to a console view, as an option.

Imagine having a GUI view, when the heat's on, to drag-and-drop restore
a user's files.  Imagine having a graphical tool to show you clients,
directories, scheduled times, etc.  Kind of like a commercial Windows
backup tool, except that it works :-)

> I am not initiating a fire. Forgive me if it would irritate some of you.

I am not intending to diminish the huge efforts of the Amanda
developers either... it must be a good tool - I'm using it both at home
and at work.

    But I am looking at Bacula now also...

Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.268.7509 | Amateur Radio:  VA7SFU, VA7GP

Re: tape drive opinions

2003-03-29 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 19:58, Jeremy L. Mordkoff wrote:
> I need a 80 GB+ tape drive for a Dell Poweredge 2500 running Redhat 8.0
> and Amanda

> Any suggestions? 

Here's my $0.02:

HP 230E Ultrium LTO.  This gives 100GB before compression, and is
SCSI-attached.  Roughly $5,000, with each tape ~$60 I think.


RE: Pornography

2003-03-20 Thread Gordon Pritchard

On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 05:43, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 at 8:02am, Martinez, Michael - CSREES/ISTM wrote
> > I think you should implement a spam prevention policy and a moderated list.
> Are you volunteering to be moderator?

My $0.02:  unmoderated.

I very clearly hear and understand the concerns of those worried about
their employer reaction...  However, on other moderated lists I'm on, I
find that the response-time is 'way slow (if the admin
gathers/vets/approves all postings before they go out), and there is
notably less open discussion.

Also, as pointed out, the claim on the moderator's time can be *huge*.

I really, really hate spam, but I think this "cure" may be even


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.268.7509 | Amateur Radio: VA7SFU

Re: raw device ownership & permissions on SGI machine

2003-03-12 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 03:02, Harri Haataja wrote:

> I believe the /hw filesystem is created on the fly like /proc or a
> devfs.

> Nice to know this. I have not used amanda and dump on Irix so I haven't
> come across this.

I use amanda to back up Irix clients (Onyx racks).  However, I have
chosen to back up filesystems, not devices:

b52 /data/cvsroot/  nocomp-user eth0
b52 /etc/   nocomp-user eth0
b52 /usr/people/nocomp-user eth0

It works fine, although I couldn't get the SGI freeware working right,
so I compiled from source.


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

Re: Xinetd not starting amanda

2003-03-10 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 06:44, Mozzi wrote:
> Hallo all
> when checking if amanda is listening on the correct ports.
> netstat -a | grep -i amanda
> any ideas how I can trouble shoot further?
> According to me evereything there must work

Here are some thoughts - I hope they help you.  I'm making many rash
assumptions here, like your operating system (!) and exactly *what* your
problem is!!!  It would be helpful to have had a bit more info to go

1)  First, compare your xinetd startup-file with mine (I'm using
RedHat8.0, and my file is /etc/xinetd.d/amanda):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/root-> cat /etc/xinetd.d/amanda 
# default: on
# description: Amanda tape backup
service amanda
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol= udp
user= amanda
group   = backup
server  = /usr/local/libexec/amandad
wait= yes

2)  Restart xinetd, mostly just for good measure.  As root, on my
RedHat8.0 system, this goes like:

/sbin/service xinetd restart

If you issue "ps aux" (again, RH8.0 and similar) you should see a line
that looks something like:

root   544  0.0  0.3  2100  912 ?SMar04   0:00 xinetd
-stayalive -reuse -pidfile /var/run/

This shows that xinetd is running.  Remember, xinetd is a
'super-server', which launches other programs (like amandad).   Your
"netstat" command will NOT show amanda listening, because it's not; it's
xinetd that listens and starts amanda.

3)  Verify that xinetd is able to "see" your amanda.  For me, I invoke a
console-based configuration tool, and simply see that amanda shows up in
the listing:


4)  At this point, you should be ready to try amcheck.  Read the
documentation.  Find where your amanda logs are stored and read them. 
On my RH8.0 system, my amandad lives in /usr/local/libexec, and I find
it handy to use this to see if amandad is getting started by xinetd:

ls -ul /usr/local/libexec/amandad

The time that shows will be the last access-time; if it doesn't match
when you just tried your amcheck run, then it's not amanda that's
failing - it's not even getting started!  Check (or temporarily remove)
firewalling.  If you're using tcpwrappers, take those out of the picture
too (ie blank /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny).

There - I've tried to help you.  But again, it's hard when you don't
provide your OS, and your problem!!  Usually I would simply hit "delete"
upon seeing a posting like yours...


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

Re: Re-registering?

2003-02-18 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 06:58, Potts, Ross A. wrote:

> Has anyone else already on the list gotten the message that "Someone
> (possibly you) has requested that your email address be added"?
> It is dated today.

I got this also (timestamped 3:28am).  I'm ignoring it, because I am
continuing to receive postings (presumably from my orig. 'subscribe').



Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

html reports (Was: columm widths)

2003-01-30 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 09:47, Don Carlton wrote:

> Has anyone changed the mail report to produce html?

Now, this is interesting!

Currently, I'm e-mail bound, so currently when I have html reports, I
used wget and sed/awk to reduce the data to an email.

However, we're moving to a web-info page, which will be loaded with
tons of mrtg graphs and all sorts of GUI info-at-a-glance.  So, in 6
months time, amanda with html out, or snmp capability, would be cool!


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

Re: columm widths in daily mail report

2003-01-30 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 08:46, stan wrote:

> I remember getting an answer on it, but unfortunately, I can't
> find the answer :-(
> I've got a situation where some of the fields reported in the daily mail
> report, are bigger that there is space for. I need to know how to make
> these columns wider.

I am also interested in this.  Much of the data (statistics) smush the
'time' into the KB/s field; my mail-client will accept *much* longer
lines (although the stock width is probably an excellent default).


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

Re: Problem with /etc/xinetd.d/amanda

2003-01-29 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 23:14, Jeff Borders wrote:
> # /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
> #
> # default: off
> #
> # description: Part of the Amanda server package
> service amanda
> {
>   socket_type = dgram
>   protocol= udp
>   wait= yes
>   user= amanda
>   group   = disk
>   server  = /usr/local/libexec/amandad
> }

For comparison, Jeff, here's my /etc/xinetd.d/amanda file.  Note the
key line disable=no; I wonder if this is the root of your trouble?  My
system is RedHat 7.3.

[gordonp@oilslick gordonp]$ cat /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
# default: off
# description:  The client for the Amanda backup system.\
#   This must be on for systems being backed up\
#   by Amanda.
service amanda
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol= udp
wait= yes
user= amanda
group   = backup
server      = /usr/local/libexec/amandad 

Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186