I have just installed Amanda 2.4.2p1 on SuSE 7.0. I have troubles with
I am sure, that my index file is:
When I write in AMRECOVER :
amrecover> setdisk /dev/ida/c0d0p4
Scanning /var/amanda...
200 Disk set to /dev/ida/c0d0p4.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator
When I write wilfully incorrect:
amrecover> setdisk /dev/ida/c0d0p5
501 No index records for disk: /dev/ida/c0d0p5. Invalid?
I conclude, that I can correctly reach directory, but cannot reach index

cat  /tmp/amanda/amindexd.debug       gives:

amindexd: debug 1 pid 16111 ruid 37 euid 37 start time Mon Mar 19 13:03:12
amindexd: version 2.4.2p1
< 220 linux1 AMANDA index server (2.4.2p1) ready.
bsd security: remote host linux1.local user root local user amanda
amandahosts security check passed
< 200 Access OK
> DATE 2001-03-19
< 200 Working date set to 2001-03-19.
> SCNF csd
< 200 Config set to csd.
> HOST linux1
< 200 Dump host set to linux1.
> DISK /
< 501 No index records for disk: /. Invalid?
> DISK root
< 501 No index records for disk: root. Invalid?
> DISK /dev/ida/c0d0p4
< 200 Disk set to /dev/ida/c0d0p4.
> OISD /
< 500 No dumps available on or before date "2001-03-19"
> OISD /
< 500 No dumps available on or before date "2001-03-19"
> DISK /dev/ida/c0d0p5
< 501 No index records for disk: /dev/ida/c0d0p5. Invalid?
> DISK /dev/ida/c0d0p4
< 200 Disk set to /dev/ida/c0d0p4.
> OISD /
< 500 No dumps available on or before date "2001-03-19"
> OISD /
< 500 No dumps available on or before date "2001-03-19"
< 200 Good bye.
If I debug amrecover, in set_commands.c

       if (server_happy())
        {   /*  Here goes after test in server_happy()*/
            printf("No index records for cwd on new date\n");
            printf("Setting cwd to mount point\n");
            disk_path = newstralloc(disk_path, "/");    /* fake it */

inside server_happy() I see: server_line[0]=53'5', which is ( I hope) error
code, but what does it mean?.

Do You have any idea ? Thank You in advance.

Martin Novacek

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