tapetype & DLT8000

2001-11-27 Thread Mihai Lozoveanu


Does anybody know why tapetype outputs:

define tapetype dlt8000 {
comment "just produced by tapetype program"
length 38323 mbytes
filemark 29 kbytes
speed 2097 kps

when run on a Sun DLT8000 tape  attached to an e250  with solaris 8 ?  The speed
should  be around 6MB/s.   I ran it  with compress  switch turned  off and using
/dev/rmt/1n.  The  st.conf says that  no  special parameters are needed  for  st
driver for this tape to work fine.

Please reply to me (too) for I'am not a list member yet.

Thanks for any help,

Ps: I found the correct tapetype from the list but I guess it will not do simply
setting it up.

strange amanda failure

2001-12-04 Thread Mihai Lozoveanu


Does anybody have any idea why I got this amanda failure:

driver: adding holding disk 0 dir /mnt/SCSI4/am_hold size 12167192
reserving 12167192 out of 12167192 for degraded-mode dumps
driver: start time 1332.502 inparallel 4 bandwidth 600 diskspace 12167192 dir OBSOLETE 
datestamp 20011204 driver: drain-ends tapeq
 LFFO big-dumpers 1
driver: result time 1332.502 from taper: TAPER-OK
driver: send-cmd time 1332.517 to dumper0: FILE-DUMP 00-1 
/mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/ra._etc.1 ra /etc 1 2001:11:28:23:25:26 
1073741824 GNUTAR 96 |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;
driver: send-cmd time 1332.517 to dumper1: FILE-DUMP 01-2 
/mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/obelix._lib_modules.1 obelix /lib/module
s 1 2001:11:28:23:48:16 1073741824 GNUTAR 96 |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;
driver: send-cmd time 1332.517 to dumper2: FILE-DUMP 02-3 
/mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/mr-big._etc_amanda.1 mr-big /etc/amanda 
1 2001:11:28:23:25:24 1073741824 GNUTAR 96 |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;
driver: send-cmd time 1332.517 to dumper3: FILE-DUMP 03-4 
/mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/bernard._var.1 bernard /var 1 2001:11:28
:23:25:24 1073741824 GNUTAR 192 |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;
driver: state time 1332.517 free kps: 531 space: 12166712 taper: idle idle-dumpers: 0 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 18 roomq: 0 wakeup: 15 d
river-idle: not-idle
driver: interface-state time 1332.517 if : free 531
driver: hdisk-state time 1332.517 hdisk 0: free 12166712 dumpers 4
driver: result time 1332.517 from dumper3: FAILED 03-4 [main holding file 
"/mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/bernard._var.1.tmp": No
 such file or directory]
rename_tmp_holding: open of /mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/bernard._var.1.tmp failed: No 
such file or directory
unlink_holding_files: open of /mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/bernard._var.1 failed: No 
such file or directory
driver: send-cmd time 1347.616 to dumper3: FILE-DUMP 03-5 
/mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/bernard._etc.1 bernard /etc 1 2001:11:28
:23:26:15 1073741824 GNUTAR 128 |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;
driver: state time 1347.616 free kps: 534 space: 12166776 taper: idle idle-dumpers: 0 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 17 roomq: 0 wakeup: 8640
0 driver-idle: not-idle
driver: interface-state time 1347.616 if : free 534
driver: hdisk-state time 1347.616 hdisk 0: free 12166776 dumpers 4
driver: result time 1347.616 from dumper0: FAILED 00-1 [main holding file 
"/mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/ra._etc.1.tmp": No such
 file or directory]
rename_tmp_holding: open of /mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/ra._etc.1.tmp failed: No such 
file or directory
unlink_holding_files: open of /mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/ra._etc.1 failed: No such 
file or directory
driver: result time 1362.626 from dumper1: FAILED 01-2 [main holding file 
mp": No such file or directory]
rename_tmp_holding: open of /mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/obelix._lib_modules.1.tmp 
failed: No such file or directory
unlink_holding_files: open of /mnt/SCSI4/am_hold/20011204/obelix._lib_modules.1 
failed: No such file or directory
driver: result time 1377.636 from dumper2: FAILED 02-3 [main holding file 
p": No such file or directory]

The backup user  the amanda  runs  under has all  the  rights to read/write  the
holding disk. I suspected a large file problem that I didn't  solve yet, but the
files in question  are not too  big. Not  even  the 20011204 directory  has been

Thanks for any help,

taper tunning to achieve tape streaming

2001-12-12 Thread Mihai Lozoveanu


Does anyone know how to  modify the buffering ot the  taper so that I can achive
tape streaming. I'm using an dlt8000 tape on an enterprise e250 sun server. When
write the same files to the tape  using tar with blocking factor  126 or 256 the
tape gets into full streaming.

The tapebufs parameter seems to  control the shared memory  buffers to taper and
not from taper to tape driver.

Thanks for any help/ideas,

Re: taper tunning to achieve tape streaming

2001-12-14 Thread Mihai Lozoveanu

> "Mitch" == Mitch Collinsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yes, I'am using 20G for holding  disk.  I had two files  produced by amdump each
one 9G.  The taper doesn't  achieve streaming when write  them to the tape  (and
the rate is around 4MB/s instead of 5.9MB/s which is nominal).  I tried to write
them manually with tar  on the tape (aside  from  amanda). Tar behaves the  same
unless I increase  the bloking factor to  128/256 when it reaches full streaming
and the rate gets to 5.6MB/s.

I  also tried to  increase  the number of  tapebufs  (more than  20) (altough  I
realized that it doesn't buffer the  communication between taper and tape device
drive) and  I   got an  error.   I believe   that it  comes from  shared  memory
allocation  that has reached  its per process limit (640K  - which  I think it's

Thanks for any help,

<<>> Does anyone know how to  modify the buffering ot the  taper so that I can achive
<<>> tape streaming. I'm using an dlt8000 tape on an enterprise e250 sun server. When

<> Are you using a holding disk?  Or backing up direct to tape?

<> -Mitch