amdump: port 1026 not secure.
Hi, The AMDUMP returns this error: FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY: backupsrv /opt/dirmo lev 0 FAILED [backupsrv: [host port 1026 not secure] I had a similar problem with amcheck and I´ve solved with permission/owner settings. Does anyone have any idea?
Storagetek (sorry I forgot the OS)
Sorry guys, I forgot to tell, the OS is Linux. -Original Message- From: Otavio Fernando Moraes To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Sent: 26/03/03 11:26 Subject: Storagetek Hi, Does anybody have any idea of how to setup the Library StorageTek L20 (with Quantum SDLT 320) to work with Amanda? Regards, Otavio Moraes
Hi, Does anybody have any idea of how to setup the Library StorageTek L20 (with Quantum SDLT 320) to work with Amanda? Regards, Otavio Moraes