FATAL taper

2012-09-05 Thread Pieter Bowman
I just received a fatal taper error in last night's backup.  The error is:

Wed Sep  5 08:59:23 2012: thd-840d870: taper: critical (fatal): Part numbers do 
not match! at /local/amanda/amanda-3.3.2/lib/amanda/perl/Amanda/Taper/Scribe.pm 
line 877

'Amanda::Xfer::Msg=HASH(0x89e5ca0)', 'Amanda::Xfer::Xfer=SCALAR(0x89515c4)') 
called at /local/amanda/amanda-3.3.2/lib/amanda/perl/Amanda/Taper/Scribe.pm 
line 855

'Amanda::Xfer::Msg=HASH(0x89e5ca0)', 'Amanda::Xfer::Xfer=SCALAR(0x89515c4)') 
called at /local/amanda/amanda-3.3.2/lib/amanda/perl/Amanda/Taper/Worker.pm 
line 680

'Amanda::Xfer::Msg=HASH(0x89e5ca0)', 'Amanda::Xfer::Xfer=SCALAR(0x89515c4)') 
called at /local/amanda/amanda-3.3.2/lib/amanda/perl/Amanda/Xfer.pm line 655
'Amanda::Xfer::Msg=HASH(0x89e5ca0)', 'Amanda::Xfer::Xfer=SCALAR(0x89515c4)') 
called at /local/amanda/amanda-3.3.2/lib/amanda/perl/Amanda/MainLoop.pm line 790
eval {...} called at 
/local/amanda/amanda-3.3.2/lib/amanda/perl/Amanda/MainLoop.pm line 790
Amanda::MainLoop::run() called at 
/local/amanda/amanda-3.3.2/libexec/amanda/taper line 74

>From the looks of what was going on, I suspect that one DLE finished
at the end of the first tape (of two) and the next DLE was due to
start writing at the beginning of the next tape.  What are the chances
of that happening?  Pretty good.

This is with amanda 3.3.2.

If more information is needed, please let me know.


Re: MAC Amanda client backup

2011-07-07 Thread Pieter Bowman

>> ...
>>I did installed 2.5.0p2 client with same options that mentioned above
>> wiki page. Then I started the launch daeomns for bsdudp, For some reason I
>> am seeinng follwing error in logs on
>>com.apple.launchd[1] org.amanda.amandad.basdudp getpwnam("amandabackup")
>> failed
>>com.apple.launchd[1] org.amanda.amandad.bsdudp  Exited with exit code 1.
>> Any inputs how to fix this.
>> ...

You need to create the user amandabackup.  You can do that via System


Re: MAC Amanda client backup

2011-07-06 Thread Pieter Bowman

>> ...
>> > > I have downloded the tar file and built myself. i didnt find any
>> > > xinetd.files, I created one directory by myself xinetd.d and created file
>> > > for amanda
>> ... does your OS use a different mechanism for this ?
>> Solaris uses /etc/inetd.conf, I thought MAC used xinetd services
>> but if you aren't finding an /etc/xinet.d directory
>> Is there such a service installed on your particular machine ?
>> Could that package have been removed or not been installed ?
>> there is something odd here that we haven't quite gotten to yet
>> ...

You may be able to find all your MacOS X questions answered here:


Specifically look at the section about LaunchDaemons.


RE: Cannot alloc contig buf for I/O error.

2011-03-01 Thread Pieter Bowman

>> ...
>> I have resolved the problem but not sure how.
>> I changed 
>>  device-property "BLOCK_SIZE" "1024k"
>> to
>>  device-property "BLOCK_SIZE" "1 mbytes"
>> and I rebooted the system.
>> My amflush is running with out the errors.
>> ...

I did a little checking, but the only related thing I found was on a
page talking about "Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS
Limitations".  The advice suggested is:

The current workaround is to increase the system memory to at least 4 gigabytes.

This problem is being tracked under Solaris bug 6334803. 

I checked the Oracle knowledge-base, but can't find anything related.
I suspect the reboot was the thing that did the trick.  You might also
need to get any OS patches (if you can).


amanda timeout Solaris 10/x86

2011-01-25 Thread Pieter Bowman
I have setup a test configuration because of the issue I'm seeing on a
Solaris 10/x86 amanda 3.2.1 server/client.  Auth is set to "local".

The error from the amanda report is:

  planner: ERROR xxx.math.utah.edu NAK: timeout on reply pipe

The test configuration has 11 DLEs.  If I let the sendsize/calcsize
run to completion, they may take about 30 minutes.  However, the
timeout happens after about 2 minutes.  The etimeout value is set to
1800 seconds.

There are PREP packets being seen until the ~2 minute period has
passed.  At which point sendbackup starts dumping the DLEs which have

My best guess is that the problem is between amandad and the sendsize
processes.  This problem also happens when a 2.6.1 server tries to
backup the 3.2.1 client.

I have compiled amanda 3.2.1 with both gcc and cc, with no change in

Any ideas on where to look for the problem?



Re: Zmanda Windows Client

2010-02-25 Thread Pieter Bowman

>> ...
>> We just tried it for the first time and saw the same thing.
>> What is your disklist config?
>> ...

The disklist looks like:

host.math.utah.edu  "C:/Documents and Settings"   zwc-compress 1

The amanda.conf has (among other settings):

define dumptype global {
index yes
maxdumps 4
tape_splitsize 1 Gb

define dumptype zwc-compress {
   auth "bsdtcp"
   compress client fast
   program "DUMP"
   maxdumps 1


Zmanda Windows Client

2010-02-24 Thread Pieter Bowman
I've got ZWC installed on a couple of Windows XP boxes.  The one thing
I notice is that the level zero and level one backups are always about
the same size and the file counts are approximately the same.  This
leads me to believe that I am getting full dumps every time.  Any
hints on what might be going on?  The server is running 2.6.1p2, the
ZWC is, 8th January 2010, 20180.



Re: Amanda and ZFS

2008-04-25 Thread Pieter Bowman

>> ...
>> The gtar devs finally accepted something to help with this problem:
>> --no-check-device.
>> ...

Thanks, I hadn't caught the addition of that option.  That also
reminds me that the problem isn't the inode number, but the device
number which was the problem.


Re: Amanda and ZFS

2008-04-25 Thread Pieter Bowman
I started using ZFS in a big way over a year ago on our main file
server.  Since there is no ufsdump replacement to use with ZFS, I
elected to use GNU tar.  I know this doesn't yet cover backing up
things like ACLs, but we don't use them in our very heterogeneous
environment.  The main idea I had was to take a snapshot and point tar
at the snapshot so it had a nice static, read-only copy of the
filesystem to work from.

I created a shell script to run as a cron job, just before amdump is
run, which cleans up the previous snapshots and takes new snapshots of
each of the pools (effectively):

zfs destroy -r [EMAIL PROTECTED]
zfs snapshot -r [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fortunately, amanda has a nice way to specify that the filesystem name
is something like "/local", but the point to have tar start at is a
different location.  A disklist entry such as:

foo.math.utah.edu /local /local/.zfs/snapshot/AMANDA user-tar

The final issue I found was that the inode numbers in the snapshots
change each time a new snapshot is created.  This is a problem with
GNU tar's listed-incremental facility.  To work around this I ended up
hacking GNU tar to make it ignore the inodes stored in the listed
incremental files.  This was just a simple change, to have ZFS
filesystems treated the same as NFS.  The patch was submitted to the
GNU tar developers, but was rejected.  Here is the patch as applied to
GNU tar 1.16 (this patch also contains what I consider a fix for an
actual coding bug):

diff -r -c tar-1.16/src/incremen.c tar-1.16-local/src/incremen.c
*** tar-1.16/src/incremen.c Fri Sep  8 10:42:18 2006
--- tar-1.16-local/src/incremen.c   Fri Dec  8 14:53:37 2006
*** 71,77 
static char const nfs_string[] = "nfs";
! # define NFS_FILE_STAT(st) (strcmp ((st).st_fstype, nfs_string) == 0)
  # define ST_DEV_MSB(st) (~ (dev_t) 0 << (sizeof (st).st_dev * CHAR_BIT - 1))
  # define NFS_FILE_STAT(st) (((st).st_dev & ST_DEV_MSB (st)) != 0)
--- 71,77 
static char const nfs_string[] = "nfs";
! # define NFS_FILE_STAT(st) (strcmp ((st).st_fstype, nfs_string) == 0 || 
strcmp ((st).st_fstype, "zfs") == 0)
  # define ST_DEV_MSB(st) (~ (dev_t) 0 << (sizeof (st).st_dev * CHAR_BIT - 1))
  # define NFS_FILE_STAT(st) (((st).st_dev & ST_DEV_MSB (st)) != 0)
*** 247,253 
 directories, consider all NFS devices as equal,
 relying on the i-node to establish differences.  */
!   if (! (((DIR_IS_NFS (directory) & nfs)
  || directory->device_number == stat_data->st_dev)
 && directory->inode_number == stat_data->st_ino))
--- 247,253 
 directories, consider all NFS devices as equal,
 relying on the i-node to establish differences.  */
!   if (! (((DIR_IS_NFS (directory) && nfs)
  || directory->device_number == stat_data->st_dev)
 && directory->inode_number == stat_data->st_ino))

I hope this helps other people with using amanda and ZFS.

I'm happy to clear up any unclear issues.


Re: 2.5.2 compilation failure on irix-6.5.x

2007-05-07 Thread Pieter Bowman

>> ...
>> Can you try the attached patch for the vstrallocf problem.
>> ...

That corrected the problem for both IRIX and OSF/1 for me.


Re: 2.5.2 compilation failure on irix-6.5.x

2007-05-07 Thread Pieter Bowman

>> ...
>> cc-1084 cc: ERROR File = /usr/include/sys/socket.h, Line = 66
>>   The indicated declaration has an invalid combination of type specifiers.
>>   typedef int socklen_t;
>> ...

I'm guessing that Jean-Francois' release of IRIX is probably newer
than the one I have (IRIX 6.5.4m here).  The socket.h here doesn't
have a typedef for socklen_t.  This also probably means that defining
INET6 might be a bad idea.  After looking through the amanda source
and /usr/include/netinet/in.h a little more, I've found that:

INET_ADDRSTRLEN is only defined if INET6 is defined.

However, one thing I hadn't looked at is that on our IRIX system,
WORKING_IPV6 is not being defined.

>From the Solaris version of netinet/in.h:

 * Miscellaneous IPv6 constants.
#define INET_ADDRSTRLEN 16  /* max len IPv4 addr in ascii dotted */
/* decimal notation. */
#define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN46  /* max len of IPv6 addr in ascii */
/* standard colon-hex notation. */

This seems to imply that INET_ADDRSTRLEN should not be used on systems
which can't do IPV6.  Or an alternate definition set up.

I was able to complete a build of amanda 2.5.2 on IRIX with the
following addition to amanda.h and using gcc (SGI's cc won't handle
the vstrallocf definition):



Re: 2.5.2 compilation failure on irix-6.5.x

2007-05-07 Thread Pieter Bowman

>> ...
>> First go at amanda-2.5.2 on a system running irix-6.5.x
>> and compile fails with the error:
>> ...

This is the case on both IRIX and OSF/1.  These compilers can't

#define vstrallocf(...) debug_vstrallocf(__FILE__,__LINE__,__VA_ARGS__)

The patch for sockaddr_storage seems to work with the addition of
these two definitions in amanda.h:

/* Needed on SGI IRIX 6.5 */
#define INET6

