Re: Recovering tapeless amanda server

2004-07-14 Thread Ralph at yahoogroups
On Web, 14 Jul 2004 at 13:47 Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
> Nope -- I've just never used virtual tapes.  ;)  That's what I get for
> giving advice on an aspect of amanda I've never used...

The advice was good.  Thanks very much.  (Although I admit I scratched my
head a for a couple of minutes before I realised that the .0 file created
by "amrestore" was more suitable for "tar" than the "restore" suggested by
docs/RESTORE.  My configuration, mea culpa.)

Thanks again for the help.

Best regards, Ralph.

Recovering tapeless amanda server

2004-07-13 Thread Ralph at yahoogroups
We've just had a disk crash on our Amanda 2.4.3 server on RedHat 7.3
Linux.  I had it configured to do tapeless backups onto a different
fileserver (via chg-multi (I think) and the file tapetype.  However, I was
shortsighted enough to backup the Amanda config files with Amanda herself.
 So, now I am left with a load of "tape" files but don't know how to get
at their contents.

Can someone, please, point me in the right direction?

Best regards,
