Tape Open, Input/Output Error

2008-03-21 Thread Tom Herrera

I'm still pretty new to Linux and Amanda.  I'm receiving the following error
during amcheck:

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
WARNING: holding disk /opt/amanda: only 15564476 KB free, using nothing
ERROR: /dev/nst0: tape_rdlabel: tape open: /dev/nst0: Input/output error
   (expecting tape Daily-002 or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 0.648 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 3 hosts checked in 16.401 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4p1)

Recommendations on best way to proceed?  Thanx in advance.

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Re: Tape Open, Input/Output Error

2008-03-21 Thread Tom Herrera
 I'm still pretty new to Linux and Amanda. I'm receiving the following error 
 during amcheck: 
 Amanda Tape Server Host Check 
 WARNING: holding disk /opt/amanda: only 15564476 KB free, using nothing 
 ERROR: /dev/nst0: tape_rdlabel: tape open: /dev/nst0: Input/output error 
 (expecting tape Daily-002 or a new tape) 
 NOTE: skipping tape-writable test 
 Server check took 0.648 seconds 
 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check 
 Client check: 3 hosts checked in 16.401 seconds, 0 problems found 
 (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4p1) 
 Recommendations on best way to proceed? Thanx in advance. 

Jon Labadie wrote:

 I'd start by mimicing amanda's actions manually to narrow where to look. 
 Can you manually read the tape label as the amanda user id? 
 Something like this: 
 $ su - amanda_user 
 $ dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=1 
 The label is text and you should see it on-screen. 

I may have fixed the issue by physical means.  I ejected the tape, turned the 
drive off and on, used a cleaning tape, then reinserted the tape.  amcheck now 
reports all is well, but I'm, well, a little concerned.

When I run dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=1 the response is:
0+0 records in
0+0 records out

When I run amflush Daily the response is:
Scanning /opt/amanda...

Today is: 20080321
Flushing dumps in to tape drive /dev/nst0.
Expecting tape Daily-002 or a new tape.  (The last dumps were to tape Daily-001)
Are you sure you want to do this [yN]? N
Ok, quitting.  Run amflush again when you are ready.

As you can see, there is no text label using the dd command, and I would think 
there ought to be something to flush, since the amreport was screaming:
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [tape_rdlabel: tape open: /dev/nst0: Input/output 
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: Daily-002.

  madison.ch //accounting/Apps lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  madison.ch /opt lev 2 FAILED [can't dump no-hold disk in degraded mode]
  madison.ch /boot lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  nostep.chi /boot lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  tyler.chi. /var lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  tyler.chi. /export lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  tyler.chi. /opt lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  madison.ch /var lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  madison.ch /export/home lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  madison.ch //accounting/Finance lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  tyler.chi. / lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  tyler.chi. /boot lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  madison.ch / lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
  nostep.chi / lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space] 

It doesn't look like I need to run amflush, or should I anyway? Is all of this 
an indication that there may be something wrong with either the tape or drive?  
Or should I just skip over my twitch of paranoia and move on? Thanx.


Re: amreport analysis

2007-12-17 Thread Tom Herrera

Just a quick note to say thanx for the suggestions, and that I'm working on

I have a question which I think is more Linux than Amanda, but it's
affecting Amanda.  On one of the servers I receive the amreport via email
just fine, but on the other I have to manually request it to run.  I checked
the crontab stuff and it seems to be in there okay.  Anyone have a
suggestion on where I should look to clear this up?
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amreport analysis

2007-12-14 Thread Tom Herrera

Quick thanks to Jon, Gene, Chris, and John for assist with my amflush

Am now looking for folks suggestions on whay I'm seeing on my amreport. 
I've copied it below. Since I'm still very new to both Linux and Amanda I'm
wondering which lines I need to be concerned about and which ones I can

Any assistance would be appreciated.

These dumps were to tape Daily-004.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: Daily-005.

  brain.milw / lev 0 FAILED [/bin/gtar returned 2]

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:06
Run Time (hrs:min) 3:45
Dump Time (hrs:min)1:30   1:28   0:02
Output Size (meg)   10241.210241.00.2
Original Size (meg) 16661.716658.73.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)44.4   44.58.4   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped   10  7  3   (1:2 2:1)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  1943.5 1980.22.6

Tape Time (hrs:min)2:21   2:21   0:00
Tape Size (meg) 10241.610241.20.3
Tape Used (%)  51.3   51.30.0   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped10  7  3   (1:2 2:1)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  1235.6 1239.4   13.3


/-- brain.milw / lev 0 FAILED [/bin/gtar returned 2]
sendbackup: start [brain.milw.nvisia.com:/ level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/gtar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gtar -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? gtar: ./mnt/cdrom: Cannot savedir: Input/output error
? gtar: ./mnt/cdrom: Warning: Cannot savedir: Input/output error
| gtar: ./lib/dev-state/gpmctl: socket ignored
| gtar: ./lib/dev-state/log: socket ignored
| gtar: ./opt/IBMHTTPServer-V1.x/logs/siddport: socket ignored
| gtar: ./opt/IBMHttpServer/conf/socket.26158: socket ignored
| gtar: ./opt/IBMHttpServer/conf/socket.26307: socket ignored
| gtar: ./opt/IBMHttpServer/conf/socket.26386: socket ignored
| gtar: ./opt/IBMHttpServer/conf/socket.27585: socket ignored
| gtar: ./opt/save-IBMHTTPServer/logs/siddport: socket ignored
| Total bytes written: 3503226880 (3.3GiB, 1.7MiB/s)
? gtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
sendbackup: error [/bin/gtar returned 2]

  planner: Preventing bump of brain.milw.nvisia.com:/ as directed.
  planner: Last full dump of brain.milw.nvisia.com:/mnt/archive_vol/home on
tape Daily-004 overwritten on this run.
  planner: Dump too big for tape: full dump of
brain.milw.nvisia.com:/mnt/archive_vol/home delayed.
  planner: Full dump of was.demo.nvisia.com:/ promoted from 3 days ahead.
  planner: Full dump of was.demo.nvisia.com:/opt promoted from 3 days ahead.
  planner: Full dump of brain.milw.nvisia.com:/mnt/archive_vol/utility
promoted from 3 days ahead.
  planner: Full dump of
brain.milw.nvisia.com:/mnt/archive_vol/cvs_repository promoted from 3 days
  planner: Full dump of brain.milw.nvisia.com:/boot promoted from 3 days
  taper: tape Daily-004 kb 10487360 fm 10 [OK]

-- - 
brain.milw.n /   0 FAILED ---
brain.milw.n /boot   06592   6624   --0:041537.3   0:051318.2
brain.milw.n -xport/home 0 52201925220224   --   47:261834.2  47:271833.9
brain.milw.n -repository 0   38270  30784  80.4   1:05 470.5   0:241267.5
brain.milw.n -repository 1 450 64  14.2   0:39   0.8   0:02  39.9
brain.milw.n -e_vol/home 22110224  10.6   0:38   5.0   0:02 136.5
brain.milw.n -ol/utility 0  124150  39328  31.7   1:18 505.0   0:301298.6
brain.milw.n /usr2   1 470 64  13.6   0:22   1.4   0:23   2.8
was.demo.nvi /   0 1991870 690112  34.6   4:092775.1  34:37 332.2
was.demo.nvi /home   0 74908303354208  44.8  28:031992.7  43:091295.4
was.demo.nvi /opt0 21866401145728  52.4   6:103093.2  14:491289.2

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.3)

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Running amflush to a Separate Tape

2007-12-13 Thread Tom Herrera

I am new to both Linux and Amanda, so please be gentle. I've recently come
over from the dark side of Windoze.

I've inherited a small net from a previous sysop. He was using Amanda on two
servers, and I would like to continue use, but I'm finding it a bit

I've gotten as far as determining there are a large number of Amanda
directories left on the holding disk. I would like to flush those to an
entirely separate tape, outside of my Daily config, but am unsure how to do
this.  I would like to flush those directories today if possible, so that I
can move on to resolving errors on the amreport I receive (and which I will
ask about in a separate email).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Running amflush to a Separate Tape

2007-12-13 Thread Tom Herrera

Gene Heskett wrote:
 Generally speaking, Tom, anything that's left in the holding disk,
 due to a tape error, is still part of the database amanda keeps, so they 
 should be flushed to the next available tape in the rotation.  Otherwise
 are miss-placing valuable info that amanda may need in the future.
 The real question is why they were not properly flushed originally.

Gene and Jon,

Thanks for the quick replies.  I am not at all sure why there are so many
directories to be flushed - they range in age from March thru last week, and
they all, but the last, apply to a time before I became sysop here. So I am
not all that concerned about the ancient ones, I'd just like to flush the
last one (recent) and move ahead.

So it would be okay for me to tar/gzip all the other directories?  If I
remove them Amanda won't get mad at me?  Or do I somehow need to tell Amanad
hey, those aren't so important anymore.

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Re: Running amflush to a Separate Tape

2007-12-13 Thread Tom Herrera

Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
 One other point to check. Since Tom is coming new into an existing 
 setup, and didn't specify in his original post, it's possible those are 
 from another amanda configuration that is not being run. The names of 
 the files should indicate when and what they are from. I mean, if the 
 daily is running and writing a tape, and there are still things being 
 left on the holding disk, then Tom needs to figure out why they are 
 still there. First step is to know for sure where they came from. Then, 
 if they are from the daily that is currently being run, why were they 
 left on the holding disk?

I checked, and all the directories on the holding disk are associated with
the one and only amanda config file on the system, named Daily.  Since I was
not here for the bulk of the directories listed I am not sure why they were
never flushed.

Still curious if it is okay, amanda-wise, to just remove the ancient
directories, or if I have to do something more than that.

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