Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-17 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 03:48:53PM +0300, Alexey I. Froloff wrote:
> * Gavin Henry  [041116 15:35]:
> > /bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7 -exec
> > rm{}\;:
> > No such file or directory
> Er... I'm not sure this will ever work.  find() accepts one real
> (not shell pattrn) argument for PATH.  Furthermore, you may want
> to use something like this:

No, find will accept multiple starting points.
I don't even think they have to be directories.
But of course you can't decend recursively
very far below an ordinary file :))

I think the shell, /bin/sh, may have been reporting the output
of the find command and find was saying "no such ...".
I.e. it tried to find a command "rm{}" (the curly braces
are valid file name characters) and that of course was
not found.  As someone else noted, you need spaces.

If the shell was unable to locate a command, most shells
have traditionally said "not found".  In intro unix or
shell classes I take advantage of that particular message
to emphasize the first word on a line is the command name.
I let the students know that "every unix" contains a command
called jimmy hoffa.  And if you run the command it tells
you something about him.  After all the questions about
one or two words or caps or ...  the student run something
and get a message something like:

   jimmy: not found

which of course is true, so it does tell you something about JH.

Apologies to the youngsters or non-US people who don't know JH.

As most shells say something similar, i.e. "not found" vs. "no such
file or directory", when they can't locate a command I think the
message came from find.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-16 Thread Kevin Dalley
"Alexey I. Froloff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> * Gavin Henry  [041116 15:35]:
>> /bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7 -exec
>> rm{}\;:
>> No such file or directory
> Er... I'm not sure this will ever work.  find() accepts one real
> (not shell pattrn) argument for PATH.  Furthermore, you may want
> to use something like this:

The standard find takes multiple directories for path.  The shell
pattern substitution in this case is done by your shell, in this case

Kevin Dalley

[FIXED] Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda [FIXED]

2004-11-16 Thread Gavin Henry
Dear all,

You won't believe why I wasn't getting any e-mails, even though the crons
were working!!!

I had the -m option for amcheck to e-mail, but because everything was OK,
I wasn't getting any mails.

Changed to -a so everything gets sent regardless, so that way the client
gets feedback everyday.

How annoying simple

>> Also there should be spaces around the braces:  "... rm {} \;", but that
>> should give the above error.

This fixed it, cheers.

Kind Regards,

Gavin Henry.
Managing Director.

T +44 (0) 1467 624141
M +44 (0) 7930 323266
F +44 (0) 1224 742001

Open Source. Open Solutions(tm).

Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-16 Thread Gavin Henry
Paul Bijnens said:
> Gavin Henry wrote:
>> /bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7
>> -exec
>> rm{}\;:
>> No such file or directory
> This seems like there are quotes around the whole command, or something
> with a similar effect.  Maybe $IFS got screwed up when cron runs?
> (run a little shell script which prints out the cron environment).
> Verify you do have spaces 0x20 and not no-breakspace 0xA0 instead.

Good point.

> Also there should be spaces around the braces:  "... rm {} \;", but that
> should give the above error.


>> P.S> I know this makes me look quite unprofessional, but I'm sure we've
>> all hit some kind of stupid brick wall. "Can't see for looking", as the
>> saying goes here in Scotland.
> Yes, had it way too often :-)
> As workaround, you can create little shell scripts that are invoked by
> the cron, and don't need spaces.

That was my next move.

> --
> Paul Bijnens, XplanationTel  +32 16 397.511
> Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUMFax  +32 16 397.512
>  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ***
> * I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
> * quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
> * stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
> * PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
> * kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
> * ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *
> ***

Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-16 Thread Gavin Henry
Alexey I. Froloff said:
> * Gavin Henry  [041116 15:35]:
>> /bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7
>> -exec
>> rm{}\;:
>> No such file or directory
> Er... I'm not sure this will ever work.  find() accepts one real
> (not shell pattrn) argument for PATH.  Furthermore, you may want
> to use something like this:
> find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2 -mindepth 2 -mtime +7 -delete
> mindepth is needed when you really want to search subdirecrories
> inside /u01/app/oracle/archdest2 only.

OK, I will check this out, thanks.

>> /bin/sh: line 1: /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m learnit-dbserv-db-warm: No
>> such file
>> or directory
> This error message is very similar to prevoius.  Are you sure
> you're not quoted this line in crontab?

I think I might have tried "" marks, I don't think they are needed though.

> --
> Regards, Alexey I. Froloff
> ---
>   Inform-Mobil, Ltd. System Administrator
> Tel: +7(095)504-4709, Fax: +7(095)513-1006

Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-16 Thread Alexey I. Froloff
* Gavin Henry  [041116 15:35]:
> /bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7 -exec
> rm{}\;:
> No such file or directory

Er... I'm not sure this will ever work.  find() accepts one real
(not shell pattrn) argument for PATH.  Furthermore, you may want
to use something like this:

find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2 -mindepth 2 -mtime +7 -delete

mindepth is needed when you really want to search subdirecrories
inside /u01/app/oracle/archdest2 only.

> /bin/sh: line 1: /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m learnit-dbserv-db-warm: No
> such file
> or directory

This error message is very similar to prevoius.  Are you sure
you're not quoted this line in crontab?

Regards, Alexey I. Froloff
  Inform-Mobil, Ltd. System Administrator
Tel: +7(095)504-4709, Fax: +7(095)513-1006

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-16 Thread Gavin Henry
Dave Ewart said:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday, 16.11.2004 at 12:13 +, Gavin Henry wrote:
>> Dear guys,
>> THis simple error is doing my head in, so I'm going to ask and risk
>> looking like a fool, but anyway...
>> We normally install our Amanda crons in /etc/cron.d/suretec on client
>> servers (we are using amanda and custom scripts to backup
>> - a very high profile 2 x SUSE Ent 8 servers).
>> I keep getting e-mails from crond with errors, e.g.
>> /bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7
>> -exec
>> rm{}\;:
>> No such file or directory
>> AND
>> /bin/sh: line 1: /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m learnit-dbserv-db-warm: No
>> such file
>> or directory
>> My cron.d entries look like:
>> 0 3 * * 1-5 amanda /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m blah.blah
>> I'm pretty so amcheck is in her path and anyway, I have defined the
>> absolute path, also cron.d entries can take arguments.
>> What stupid typo have I made.
>> P.S> I know this makes me look quite unprofessional, but I'm sure we've
>> all hit some kind of stupid brick wall. "Can't see for looking", as the
>> saying goes here in Scotland.
> Do you actually have 'find' where you say it is?  (/usr/bin/find)

I'm sure I checked that. Back on site tonight, so will check again.


> Dave.
> - --
> Dave Ewart
> Computing Manager, Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
> Cancer Research UK
> PGP: CC70 1883 BD92 E665 B840 118B 6E94 2CFD 694D E370
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFBmfOwbpQs/WlN43ARArLHAJ0YeVw0iT2IZ/l5MbmMn8IHwcG/UwCgkA++
> 13NEeJ9B/hWE4NPPZ0KiMQ0=
> =uRnG

Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-16 Thread Gavin Henry
Stefan G. Weichinger said:
> Hi, Gavin,
> on Dienstag, 16. November 2004 at 13:13 you wrote to amanda-users:
> GH> I keep getting e-mails from crond with errors, e.g.
> GH> /bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7
> -exec
> GH> rm{}\;:
> GH> No such file or directory
> GH> /bin/sh: line 1: /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m learnit-dbserv-db-warm:
> No
> GH> such file
> GH> or directory
> Look for the EOL. Maybe you have a DOS-type file. This has bitten me a
> few times already.
> Just a quick guess

Will do. Back on site tonight.

> --
> best regards,
> Stefan
> Stefan G. Weichinger

Re: [OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-16 Thread Dave Ewart
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, 16.11.2004 at 12:13 +, Gavin Henry wrote:

> Dear guys,
> THis simple error is doing my head in, so I'm going to ask and risk
> looking like a fool, but anyway...
> We normally install our Amanda crons in /etc/cron.d/suretec on client
> servers (we are using amanda and custom scripts to backup
> - a very high profile 2 x SUSE Ent 8 servers).
> I keep getting e-mails from crond with errors, e.g.
> /bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7 -exec
> rm{}\;:
> No such file or directory
> /bin/sh: line 1: /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m learnit-dbserv-db-warm: No
> such file
> or directory
> My cron.d entries look like:
> 0 3 * * 1-5 amanda /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m blah.blah
> I'm pretty so amcheck is in her path and anyway, I have defined the
> absolute path, also cron.d entries can take arguments.
> What stupid typo have I made.
> P.S> I know this makes me look quite unprofessional, but I'm sure we've
> all hit some kind of stupid brick wall. "Can't see for looking", as the
> saying goes here in Scotland.

Do you actually have 'find' where you say it is?  (/usr/bin/find)

- -- 
Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Cancer Research UK
PGP: CC70 1883 BD92 E665 B840 118B 6E94 2CFD 694D E370

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


[OT] cron.d entries for Amanda

2004-11-16 Thread Gavin Henry
Dear guys,

THis simple error is doing my head in, so I'm going to ask and risk
looking like a fool, but anyway...

We normally install our Amanda crons in /etc/cron.d/suretec on client
servers (we are using amanda and custom scripts to backup - a very high profile 2 x SUSE Ent 8 servers).

I keep getting e-mails from crond with errors, e.g.

/bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/find /u01/app/oracle/archdest2/* -mtime +7 -exec
No such file or directory


/bin/sh: line 1: /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m learnit-dbserv-db-warm: No
such file
or directory

My cron.d entries look like:

0 3 * * 1-5 amanda /opt/suretec/sbin/amcheck -m blah.blah

I'm pretty so amcheck is in her path and anyway, I have defined the
absolute path, also cron.d entries can take arguments.

What stupid typo have I made.

P.S> I know this makes me look quite unprofessional, but I'm sure we've
all hit some kind of stupid brick wall. "Can't see for looking", as the
saying goes here in Scotland.

Kind Regards,

Gavin Henry.
Managing Director.

T +44 (0) 1467 624141
M +44 (0) 7930 323266
F +44 (0) 1224 742001

Open Source. Open Solutions(tm).