May i solicit your confidencia in this transaction,

 I am PRINCE JOHNSON KABILA , a cousin to the late LAURENT DESIRE KABILA the president 
of the Congo democratic (CDR) who was assassinated on the 16th January 2001 in 
Kinshasa. We were all held in the city of Lubumbashi in the Southeastern province of 
Katanga. Lived with the late LAURENT DESIRE KABILA in the Hilltop palace in Kinshasa 
until his untimely death, which resulted, to serious confusion in the Hilltop.

During the confusion that ensued in the Hilltop palace, My Mother (MRS MARY KABILA 
JOHNSON was privileged to remove one of the three (3) trunk boxes which was meant for 
the Three Countries (Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia) helping late PRESIDENT LAURENT 
DESIRE KABILA to fight the rebels in the Northern province of CDR. Each boxes contain 
Thirty Two Million United States Dollars (U$32M).

The money is for the purchase of Military Hardware and for the Up-Keep of the Foreign 
Soldiers helping Late LAURENT DESIRE KABILA in the Civil War. At my mother disposal 
now she has one Trunk Box, which contains Thirty Two million United States Dollars 
(U$32M) in the Security vault for safe keeping in Accra Ghana.

The money was the proceed of Diamond Sales which the rebels group has been fighting to 
gain access which resulted in the Killing of innocent citizens and destruction of 
properties.Please if you can assist us in safeguarding and investing this money in any 
profitable business under your strict supervision, please send your reply to the above 
address and please also include your Telephone number for easy contact, we are 
presently living in Accra Ghana as apolitical asylum.

Your benefit and entitlement will be discussed and agreed upon.
Waiting for you as safekeeping of the money has become very cumbersome on us.

Yours Faithfully,

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