On Sun February 23 2003 08:23, Carsten Rezny wrote:
>Thanks for your reply, Jay.
>On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 21:57, Jay Lessert wrote:
>> [Posted and Cc'ed]
>> On Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 08:09:16PM +0100, Carsten Rezny wrote:
>> > I have installed Amanda 2.4.2p2 on a SuSE 8.0 box. The machine
>> > is server and client.
>> >
>> > When I run amcheck I get the following result
>> > ERROR: /dev/nst0: no tape online
>> >        (expecting tape maphy-d05 or a new tape)
>> I assume you understand this and will fix it, right?
>Right, that's not the problem.
>> > --------------------------------
>> > WARNING: localhost: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
>> > Client check: 1 host checked in 30.006 seconds, 1 problem
>> > found
>> You always hate to see "localhost" here, so many ways that can
>> go wrong.
>> Change the DLE (disklist entry) from "localhost" to the true
>> hostname, double check ~amanda/.amandahosts according to
>> docs/INSTALL, and try again.
>OK, I replaced localhost with the real hostname, checked
>~amanda/.amandahosts and still get the same result. Here is what I
> think is the problem:
>[amandad debug file]
>got packet:
>Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 000-20B90708 SEQ 1046003786
>SERVICE selfcheck
>sending ack:
>Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-20B90708 SEQ 1046003786
>amandad: dgram_send_addr: sendto( failed: Invalid
> argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ amandad: sending
> REP packet:
>Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 000-20B90708 SEQ 1046003786
>ERROR [addr hostname lookup failed]
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>It looks like amandad doesn't know the server's IP address. Both
> client and server run on the same machine and the machine knows
> its hostname. Any more ideas?
>Thanks, Carsten

First off, 2.4.2p2 is pretty ancient these days.  Second, this looks
as if it wasn't told the host machines address when it was

There have been some changes since 2.4.2p2, most notably in how
excludes are handled, and in the support for backups to disk, but
you should probably goto the amanda.org site, and down near the
bottom of the page you'll see a link to snapshots, follow it and
get 2.4.4b1-20030220.  Then follow the build it directions.  They
are basicly, become the user amanda after making amanda a member of
the group disk(or some other equally high ranking group), unpack it
in /home/amanda (makes perms easier to track), cd into the
resultant directory and configure and make it.  Then become root,
and install it.

As one needs an anchor point so that a newer version can be built to
the same configuration as the older one, thereby maintaining
continuity of its characteristics, I've been using a script to do
that configuration, one that gets copied to each new incarnation of
amanda as I unpack it.

At risk of boring the rest of the list, here it is again, modify to
suit where needed of course but read the docs for the details,
always a good idea.

------------gh.cf, run as "./gh.cf" after setting execute perms---
# since I'm always forgetting to su amanda...
if [ `whoami` != 'amanda' ]; then
        echo "!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!"
        echo "Amanda needs to be configured and built by the user amanda,"
        echo "but must be installed by user root."
        exit 1
make clean
rm -f config.status config.cache
./configure --with-user=amanda \
        --with-group=disk \
        --with-owner=amanda \
        --with-tape-device=/dev/nst0 \
        --with-changer-device=/dev/sg1 \
        --with-gnu-ld --prefix=/usr/local \
        --with-debugging=/tmp/amanda-dbg/ \
        --with-tape-server= \
        --with-amandahosts \
By using this script, I have built and used with only a couple of
problems, nearly every snapshot released since 2.4.2p2, probably
close to 40 snapshots since I started using amanda.

If you installed from rpm's, remove all traces of the rpm's first
before installing the tarball built version.  I'd found that when
using RH's up2date, if it thought there was a fingerprint of amanda
installed, it would cheerfully proceed to update it, thoroughly
mucking up your carefully crafted local install.  I'd expect
something similar might occur with Suse's update tool if given half
a chance.

Does your distribution use inetd, or xinetd?


Cheers, Gene
99.23% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
Deb Baddorf         [EMAIL PROTECTED]              840-2289
"You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old."
- George Burns                                          <IXOYE><

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