Re: Query about full backups

2007-01-30 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 01:16:34AM -0600, Frank Smith wrote:
> Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:
> > --- Frank Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:
> >>> Hi All,
> >>>
> >>> As per the AMANDA faqs, "AMANDA spreads full
> >> backups
> >>> along the dumpcycle, so you wont' have any
> >> full-only
> >>> or incremental-only runs." 
> >>>
> >>> What I understand from this is that if you have
> >>> multiple filesystems on multiple hosts to be
> >> backed up
> >>> in an AMANDA dumpcycle, AMANDA will take care of
> >>> spreading the full backups of different
> >>> areas/filesystems on different days so that it is
> >> not
> >>> overloaded on weekends for doing the full backups
> >>> (Correct me if I am wrong). However in my case, I
> >> have
> >>> only one area or one filesystem on one host to be
> >>> backed up. Data created by all users which needs
> >> to be
> >>> backed up is stored by them under one directory on
> >> a
> >>> central file server, which will be backed up by
> >>> AMANDA. Now in this case, how will AMANDA spread
> >> the
> >>> full and the incremental backup load (because it
> >> has
> >>> only one area to be backed up in the whole
> >> dumpcycle)?
> >>
> >> Yes, if you have only one DLE Amanda obviously can't
> >> spread
> >> its full dump over several days.  You could use tar
> >> instead
> >> of dump, and make each subdirectory a separate DLE,
> >> then the
> >> fulls could be spread out.
> > 
> > Thanks for the reply. So if I only have one DLE, will
> > the full backup always take place on a particular day
> > and will only incremental backups be taken on the
> > remaining days? Or will it be handled in some
> > different way?
> dumpcycle is just the maximum time between fulls.  Amanda
> often schedules them sooner if it thinks it will level out
> daily tape usage.  I don't know how it handles a single
> DLE, as that is not really what it was designed for.
>If you really want it to always be the same day, you
> might be able to force it with a maxpromoteday setting,
> but it may be easier to just use two configs, an always-full
> one that runs on the prefered day, and an incremental-only
> one that runs on the other days.

I'm nearly certain that an amadmin "force" will override
the increment only setting.  Given that, you could have
a single config that does increment only and a cronjob
that once a week does the amadmin force to generate
the full dump on the day desired.

The main problem with such schemes is the lack of a
full dump if the system was down when it was desired.
Normal amanda scheduling would realize one was missed
and automatically schedule the full dump on a
"non-standard" day of the week.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: Query about full backups

2007-01-24 Thread Dave Ewart
On Tuesday, 23.01.2007 at 22:01 -0800, Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:

> > If the original poster's full backup fits on to a single tape, and
> > backs up in a reasonable period of time, you could just do a full
> > backup every day, perhaps?
> At the moment, full backup of my data fits on a single tape, but it
> may not fit, over a period of time.


In that case, I'd suggest following the advice about splitting the
backup job into a handful of separate disklist entries, using the
appropriate exclusions, as suggested elsewhere in this thread.



Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
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N 51.7518, W 1.2016

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Re: Query about full backups

2007-01-23 Thread Yogesh Hasabnis

--- Dave Ewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday, 23.01.2007 at 01:16 -0600, Frank Smith
> wrote:
> > > Thanks for the reply. So if I only have one DLE,
> will the full
> > > backup always take place on a particular day and
> will only
> > > incremental backups be taken on the remaining
> days? Or will it be
> > > handled in some different way?
> > 
> > dumpcycle is just the maximum time between fulls. 
> Amanda often
> > schedules them sooner if it thinks it will level
> out daily tape usage.
> > I don't know how it handles a single DLE, as that
> is not really what
> > it was designed for.
> That's correct: although AMANDA is still a
> convenient tool to use in
> this context.
> If the original poster's full backup fits on to a
> single tape, and backs
> up in a reasonable period of time, you could just do
> a full backup every
> day, perhaps?

At the moment, full backup of my data fits on a single
tape, but it may not fit, over a period of time.




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Re: Query about full backups

2007-01-23 Thread Dave Ewart
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, 23.01.2007 at 01:16 -0600, Frank Smith wrote:

> > Thanks for the reply. So if I only have one DLE, will the full
> > backup always take place on a particular day and will only
> > incremental backups be taken on the remaining days? Or will it be
> > handled in some different way?
> dumpcycle is just the maximum time between fulls.  Amanda often
> schedules them sooner if it thinks it will level out daily tape usage.
> I don't know how it handles a single DLE, as that is not really what
> it was designed for.

That's correct: although AMANDA is still a convenient tool to use in
this context.

If the original poster's full backup fits on to a single tape, and backs
up in a reasonable period of time, you could just do a full backup every
day, perhaps?

- -- 
Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
PGP: CC70 1883 BD92 E665 B840 118B 6E94 2CFD 694D E370
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N 51.7518, W 1.2016
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Query about full backups

2007-01-22 Thread Yogesh Hasabnis

--- Frank Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > As per the AMANDA faqs, "AMANDA spreads full
> backups
> > along the dumpcycle, so you wont' have any
> full-only
> > or incremental-only runs." 
> > 
> > What I understand from this is that if you have
> > multiple filesystems on multiple hosts to be
> backed up
> > in an AMANDA dumpcycle, AMANDA will take care of
> > spreading the full backups of different
> > areas/filesystems on different days so that it is
> not
> > overloaded on weekends for doing the full backups
> > (Correct me if I am wrong). However in my case, I
> have
> > only one area or one filesystem on one host to be
> > backed up. Data created by all users which needs
> to be
> > backed up is stored by them under one directory on
> a
> > central file server, which will be backed up by
> > AMANDA. Now in this case, how will AMANDA spread
> the
> > full and the incremental backup load (because it
> has
> > only one area to be backed up in the whole
> dumpcycle)?
> Yes, if you have only one DLE Amanda obviously can't
> spread
> its full dump over several days.  You could use tar
> instead
> of dump, and make each subdirectory a separate DLE,
> then the
> fulls could be spread out.

Thanks for the reply. So if I only have one DLE, will
the full backup always take place on a particular day
and will only incremental backups be taken on the
remaining days? Or will it be handled in some
different way?




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Re: Query about full backups

2007-01-22 Thread Frank Smith
Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:
> --- Frank Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> As per the AMANDA faqs, "AMANDA spreads full
>> backups
>>> along the dumpcycle, so you wont' have any
>> full-only
>>> or incremental-only runs." 
>>> What I understand from this is that if you have
>>> multiple filesystems on multiple hosts to be
>> backed up
>>> in an AMANDA dumpcycle, AMANDA will take care of
>>> spreading the full backups of different
>>> areas/filesystems on different days so that it is
>> not
>>> overloaded on weekends for doing the full backups
>>> (Correct me if I am wrong). However in my case, I
>> have
>>> only one area or one filesystem on one host to be
>>> backed up. Data created by all users which needs
>> to be
>>> backed up is stored by them under one directory on
>> a
>>> central file server, which will be backed up by
>>> AMANDA. Now in this case, how will AMANDA spread
>> the
>>> full and the incremental backup load (because it
>> has
>>> only one area to be backed up in the whole
>> dumpcycle)?
>> Yes, if you have only one DLE Amanda obviously can't
>> spread
>> its full dump over several days.  You could use tar
>> instead
>> of dump, and make each subdirectory a separate DLE,
>> then the
>> fulls could be spread out.
> Thanks for the reply. So if I only have one DLE, will
> the full backup always take place on a particular day
> and will only incremental backups be taken on the
> remaining days? Or will it be handled in some
> different way?

dumpcycle is just the maximum time between fulls.  Amanda
often schedules them sooner if it thinks it will level out
daily tape usage.  I don't know how it handles a single
DLE, as that is not really what it was designed for.
   If you really want it to always be the same day, you
might be able to force it with a maxpromoteday setting,
but it may be easier to just use two configs, an always-full
one that runs on the prefered day, and an incremental-only
one that runs on the other days.


> Thanks
> Yogesh
> Want to start your own business?
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Sr. Systems Administrator   Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online   Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Query about full backups

2007-01-22 Thread Frank Smith
Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:
> Hi All,
> As per the AMANDA faqs, "AMANDA spreads full backups
> along the dumpcycle, so you wont' have any full-only
> or incremental-only runs." 
> What I understand from this is that if you have
> multiple filesystems on multiple hosts to be backed up
> in an AMANDA dumpcycle, AMANDA will take care of
> spreading the full backups of different
> areas/filesystems on different days so that it is not
> overloaded on weekends for doing the full backups
> (Correct me if I am wrong). However in my case, I have
> only one area or one filesystem on one host to be
> backed up. Data created by all users which needs to be
> backed up is stored by them under one directory on a
> central file server, which will be backed up by
> AMANDA. Now in this case, how will AMANDA spread the
> full and the incremental backup load (because it has
> only one area to be backed up in the whole dumpcycle)?

Yes, if you have only one DLE Amanda obviously can't spread
its full dump over several days.  You could use tar instead
of dump, and make each subdirectory a separate DLE, then the
fulls could be spread out.
   If the you do that, you might want to also leave the top
level directory as a DLE with an exclude file listing the
subdirectories that are separate DLEs.  That way if a new
subdirectory is created, and you forget to update your config,
the new subdirectory will still be backed up.

> Thanks in advance.
> Yogesh  
> Don't pick lemons.
> See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Sr. Systems Administrator   Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online   Fax: 512-374-4501

Query about full backups

2007-01-22 Thread Yogesh Hasabnis
Hi All,

As per the AMANDA faqs, "AMANDA spreads full backups
along the dumpcycle, so you wont' have any full-only
or incremental-only runs." 

What I understand from this is that if you have
multiple filesystems on multiple hosts to be backed up
in an AMANDA dumpcycle, AMANDA will take care of
spreading the full backups of different
areas/filesystems on different days so that it is not
overloaded on weekends for doing the full backups
(Correct me if I am wrong). However in my case, I have
only one area or one filesystem on one host to be
backed up. Data created by all users which needs to be
backed up is stored by them under one directory on a
central file server, which will be backed up by
AMANDA. Now in this case, how will AMANDA spread the
full and the incremental backup load (because it has
only one area to be backed up in the whole dumpcycle)?

Thanks in advance.



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