Both ends are Linux boxes so I was thinking I could use CIPE and have the
non-NAT end be the server with the NATted end the client.  This works out
nicely since the Amanda server would be the CIPE client and bring up the
tunnel.  I'm about to try this with a test machine but thought I'd also ask
how other people are handling backups through firewalls across the net?

Here's an ASCII-pic of what it looks like...

----------   --------------                  ----------    ----------
| amanda |---| sonicwall  | +++ Internet +++ | Cisco  |----| amanda |
| server |   | SOHO w/NAT |                  | w/ACLs |    | client |
| CIPE   |   --------------                  ----------    | CIPE   |
| client |                                                 | server |
----------                                                 ----------

The sonicwall runs a non-routable network but the cisco protects a routable
network which the CIPE docs say should work.

If someone tells me they have this type of situation running with SSH, SSL
or stunnel if would make me very happy.

Dana Bourgeois

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