Re: re-labelling or duplicating a tape?

2005-01-04 Thread pll+amanda

In a message dated: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 16:49:47 EST
Jon LaBadie said:

As an alternative, couldn't you change the human aspect of the problem?

Sure, and that was my fall back plan in case a techical solution 
wasn't feasible.  But I felt it was at least worth asking about :)


GPG Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Re: re-labelling or duplicating a tape?

2005-01-04 Thread pll+amanda

In a message dated: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 09:17:19 +0100
Gerhard den Hollander said:

2) even easier and cheaper
when you store the tape, in the tape box (and on the tape and on the paper
insert that comes with the tape) simply write that this set only has one

This is what my fall back plan was :)


GPG Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Re: re-labelling or duplicating a tape?

2005-01-03 Thread pll+amanda

In a message dated: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:03:47 +0100
Gerhard den Hollander said:

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 10:3
6:51AM -0500)

 Is there an easy way to change the amanda label of a tape that's been 
 written to?  Short of that, is there an easy way to recover the 
 contents of the tape in amdump form, then re-label the tape and use 
 amflush to get the contents on the newly/properly labelled tape?

yes there is,
but why would you want to do that ?

Amanda will still think that tape with the old (now overwritten ) label is
the one that has the data on it.
so if you relabel the tape, amanda doesn;t know anything about it anymore
at all ..

I mis-labelled a tape.  This tape is never really used in a sequence, 
it's strictly an archival tape that gets put in off-site storage 
indefinitely.  I want to remove the tape entirely from amanda's 

If I could just change the label name, and somehow update amanda's database,
that would be fine.  I suspect, however, that it's easier to just 
restore the tape to disk and flush to the next new tape and 
amrmtape the mislabelled one.  But I'm not sure how to restore the 
tape to chunks that amflush will recognize.

GPG Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Re: re-labelling or duplicating a tape?

2005-01-03 Thread Gene Heskett
On Monday 03 January 2005 11:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:03:47 +0100

Gerhard den Hollander said:
 2005 at 10:3 6:51AM -0500)

 Is there an easy way to change the amanda label of a tape that's
 been written to?  Short of that, is there an easy way to recover
 the contents of the tape in amdump form, then re-label the tape
 and use amflush to get the contents on the newly/properly
 labelled tape?

yes there is,
but why would you want to do that ?

Amanda will still think that tape with the old (now overwritten )
 label is the one that has the data on it.
so if you relabel the tape, amanda doesn;t know anything about it
 anymore at all ..

I mis-labelled a tape.  This tape is never really used in a
 sequence, it's strictly an archival tape that gets put in off-site
 storage indefinitely.  I want to remove the tape entirely from
 amanda's knowledge.

Relabeling the tape will destroy all of amandas knowledge of whats on 
that tape.  What you want to do I'd think, is to mark it 'no-reuse' 
in amanda's database.  That will not destroy the info, and the tape 
could then be brought back onsite and read quite some time later.

Amanda will then skip over that label and use the next one in the 
order in which they were labeled sequence.  The only one the least 
bit upset by this might be you because your very carefully labeled 
tape for Tuesday will now be used on Monday, and amanda won't let you 
make another Tuesday tape.  It seems like everybody has to try it at 
least once though. :-)  Most of us just enumerate the number on the 
label and ignore the day of the week.  Its far less headache in the 
long run to just let amanda handle it as amanda is quite competant to 
do so.

If I could just change the label name, and somehow update amanda's
 database, that would be fine.  I suspect, however, that it's easier
 to just restore the tape to disk and flush to the next new tape
 and amrmtape the mislabelled one.  But I'm not sure how to restore
 the tape to chunks that amflush will recognize.

Cheers, Gene
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.31% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attorneys please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2004 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

Re: re-labelling or duplicating a tape?

2005-01-03 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 10:36:51AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 Is there an easy way to change the amanda label of a tape that's been 
 written to?  Short of that, is there an easy way to recover the 
 contents of the tape in amdump form, then re-label the tape and use 
 amflush to get the contents on the newly/properly labelled tape?

Quick answer is sure, just overwrite the 32KB first file on the tape.

Longer answer dependes on what you want to do with the tape and how
much you expect amanda to remember about the tape, its contents, and
its new label.

To overwrite it, do a dd if=tapedevice of=sometmpname bs=32k.
Maybe make a copy of sometmpname so if you mess up you can restore it.
Next edit the file sometmpname to change the tape name. Then
rewind the tape and do the same dd command with 'if' and 'of' reversed.

Note, after doing this amanda has an invalid concept of what is on the
tape.  It still thinks the other tape exists and has valid contents.
Depending on what new tape name you choose, the modified tape is either
not known by amanda's index (a new tape name) or does not match the
index's listing of the contents.

So depending on what you plan to do with the modified tape this is may
or may not be a reasonable thing to do.  If you don't need to use the
index (i.e. use amrestore and not amrecover) then fine, modify it and
amrmtape the original name.  Otherwise a different action may be the
wisest choice.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: re-labelling or duplicating a tape?

2005-01-03 Thread pll+amanda

In a message dated: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 13:14:02 EST
Jon LaBadie said:

Quick answer is sure, just overwrite the 32KB first file on the tape.

Longer answer dependes on what you want to do with the tape and how
much you expect amanda to remember about the tape, its contents, and
its new label.

To overwrite it, do a dd if=tapedevice of=sometmpname bs=32k.
Maybe make a copy of sometmpname so if you mess up you can restore it.
Next edit the file sometmpname to change the tape name. Then
rewind the tape and do the same dd command with 'if' and 'of' reversed.

Note, after doing this amanda has an invalid concept of what is on the
tape.  It still thinks the other tape exists and has valid contents.
Depending on what new tape name you choose, the modified tape is either
not known by amanda's index (a new tape name) or does not match the
index's listing of the contents.

Hmm, okay.  Ideally I'd like amanda's knowledge of what's on the tape 
to change with the tape label.

This is the problem:  I have a configuration called 'archive', the 
sole purpose of which is be stored off site indefinitely.  There a 
no-reuse policy on these tapes.  The tape labels are of the form
'-Q[1-4]-Tape-X/Y'  This way,  I need only know from which 
quarter I need to restore from should I ever need to pull one of 
these tapes from storage.  Last week I ran this configuration and 
labelled the tape as 1/2, but we only used 1 tape, not 2.

What want to accomplish is changing this tape to be 1/1 instead of 1/2.
So, I can either edit the tape header and the amanda database, or 
dump the tape to disk, then flush it to a new tape, which actually 
sounds easier.  

So, how would I extract the contents of a tape so I could flush it to 
another tape?


GPG Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Re: re-labelling or duplicating a tape?

2005-01-03 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 03:28:03PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 13:14:02 EST
 Jon LaBadie said:
 Quick answer is sure, just overwrite the 32KB first file on the tape.
 Longer answer dependes on what you want to do with the tape and how
 much you expect amanda to remember about the tape, its contents, and
 its new label.
 Hmm, okay.  Ideally I'd like amanda's knowledge of what's on the tape 
 to change with the tape label.
 This is the problem:  I have a configuration called 'archive', the 
 sole purpose of which is be stored off site indefinitely.  There a 
 no-reuse policy on these tapes.  The tape labels are of the form
 '-Q[1-4]-Tape-X/Y'  This way,  I need only know from which 
 quarter I need to restore from should I ever need to pull one of 
 these tapes from storage.  Last week I ran this configuration and 
 labelled the tape as 1/2, but we only used 1 tape, not 2.
 What want to accomplish is changing this tape to be 1/1 instead of 1/2.
 So, I can either edit the tape header and the amanda database, or 
 dump the tape to disk, then flush it to a new tape, which actually 
 sounds easier.  
 So, how would I extract the contents of a tape so I could flush it to 
 another tape?

I know of no way to accomplish what you are looking to do.  Doesn't mean
it can't be done, I just don't know of any and I can see lots of potential
problems trying to accomplish it.

Perhaps for a future version of amanda someone could write a routine to
import a tape(s) into the index and tapelist.  Anyone anxious to do
some coding for the amanda project :)

As an alternative, couldn't you change the human aspect of the problem?
Amanda is quite happy with things the way they are.  It has a label,
has written data to a tape of that label, has an index of the contents,
doesn't know (or care) that you expected to need two tapes.  There might
be an extra tape labeled ...2/2, but that can be rmlabel'ed and relabeled. 
Seems the only one with problems is the humans involved.  Couldn't they
find a way to note that the second tape was not used for this archive?
Maybe even an empty tape box or slot with a note in it?

Just my one fiftyith of a dollar.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)