I seem to be stuck with permission issues here. I'm setting up a new server and have created the appropriate directories and set (what i believe are) the appropriate permissions. When I run amlabel as the amanda user, I get the following:

$ /usr/sbin/amlabel DailySet1 DailySet101 slot 1
labeling tape in slot 1 (file:/backup0/amandadumps):
amlabel: tape_rewind: tape open: file:/backup0/amandadumps: Permission denied

ls output shows the following
$ pwd ; ls -l
total 4
drwxrwx---  10 amanda disk 4096 Dec  6 14:29 amandadumps

Amanda is also a member of the disk group. As the amanda user I can actually touch the amandadumps folder as well as go into that folder and touch other files and folders but none of the amanda utilities seem to work. This is amanda 2.4.4 I don't get what the heck is going on here. Ideas?

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