Question:       amadmin <config>  due
doesn't give the "due" dates that I expect.   What am I doing wrong?
Am I mis-interpreting some of the basic params regarding
dumpcycles, etc.?

Config values are at bottom, since lengthy.

I started a new config and all new tapes on Monday.  Did an amdump on
Monday and Tuesday  (2, two!).  Each took only 1 tape,  not 2 as allowed
(but not required).
Today is Wednesday,  so I expect "due" to
tell me they are due in 5 days  (by next Monday), since dumpcycle=1 week=7 
Filesystem   luthor.../export/home2   (*)  behaves as expected.

One dump was promoted and done early, to start things becoming balanced.
So  luthor.../export/home1  (**)  is not due for 6 days ... also as expected.
All good, so far.

The other file systems are not doing what *I* expect.    After 1 day,  they
said "due in 9 days".   After 2 days, they say "due in 8 days".  It almost
seems that they are starting from  (runspercycle * runtapes)  rather
than the "dumpcycle"  value.

Or am I just losing my mind??



$ amadmin daily due
Due in  8 days: bdback.FQDN:/var
Due in  6 days: luthor.FQDN:/export/home1    **
Due in  5 days: luthor.FQDN:/export/home2    *
Due in  8 days: luthor.FQDN:/export/home1/neuffer
Due in  8 days: luthor.FQDN:/export/home1/syphers


dumpcycle 1 week        # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 5         # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
runtapes 2         #  some jobs take 2 tapes so allow up to 2 every day
tapecycle 50 tapes      # the number of tapes in rotation

----> do comments on the line cause problems???

# these 5 dumptypes are in a "global" file (configMAIN.include)
# which is included in each config's   amanda.conf
#   via     includefile "/usr/local/etc/amanda/configMAIN.include"

define dumptype BDglobal {
     comment "Global definitions"
     index yes
     record yes
     priority medium
     compress client fast
define dumptype with-tar {
     program "GNUTAR"
define dumptype BDtar {
     maxdumps 2
define dumptype BDnormal {
     record yes
define dumptype amanda_server {
     priority high
     #   so the amanda server backup is FIRST/EARLY on the tape

# in this config's amanda.conf

define dumptype luthor-home1 {
     exclude list "/usr/local/ap/var/amanda/home1.exclude"
define dumptype luthor-home2 {
     exclude list "/usr/local/ap/var/amanda/home2.exclude"
define interface localdisk {
     comment "a local disk"
     use 1000 kbps

# disklist

bdback.FQDN /var  amanda_server -1 localdisk

luthor.FQDN  /export/home1              luthor-home1  1
luthor.FQDN  /export/home2              luthor-home2  2

luthor.FQDN  /export/home1/neuffer     BDtar  1     #100059
luthor.FQDN  /export/home1/syphers     BDtar  1     #95773

--->  Are my comments re: size  causing problems?   But the first one
--->  bdback... /var    also doesn't work right, and it doesn't have
--->  a comment on the line.

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