Hi My backupserver backups itself and a client. The client is resolved using /etc/hosts, and I can ping the name. The client has a amanda user, has the amanda package installed and configured, and has a correct .amandahosts.
I'm running amanda under inetd on the client. I try to do a amcheck and I get this: [snip] Amanda Backup Hosts Check ------------------------- WARNING xen.eduline.be: selfcheck request timed out. Host down? Client check: 2 hosts checked in 30.042 seconds, 1 problem found (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2) [/snip] after 5 minutes, my inetd on my client goes to 70% of cpu power and I hear my harddrive writing/reading every 2 mins or so... Any ideas/thoughts? Thank you Kind regards Tom Van de Wiele -- Tom Van de Wiele System Administrator Eduline Colonel Bourgstraat 105a 1140 Brussel http://www.eduline.be