I'm currently evaluating the first beta of the 2.4.3beta1 version and i have    
the following problems with the tape changer.                                   
Im under solaris and i use the stc driver with the associate changer script.    
It works quite well on the 2.4.2p2 version but with the 2.4.3b1 version i got   
the following error on the amdump file                                          
driver: hdisk-state time 22984.326 hdisk 0: free 5480521 dumpers 3              
taper: writing end marker. [MCI16 ERR kb 35984768 fm 271]                       
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/local/libexec/stc-changer -info                  
changer: got exit: 0 str: 4 10 1                                                
changer_query: changer return was 10 1                                          
changer_query: searchable = 0                                                   
changer_find: looking for MCI17 changer is searchable = 0                       
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/local/libexec/stc-changer -slot current          
changer: got exit: 0 str: 4 /dev/rmt/0n                                         
taper: slot 4: date 20011214 label MCI16 (active tape)                          
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/local/libexec/stc-changer -slot next             
changer: got exit: 0 str: 5 /dev/rmt/0n                                         
taper: slot 5: date X        label MCI17 (exact label match)                    
taper: read label `MCI17' date `X'                                              
taper: wrote label `MCI17' date `20011214'                                      
driver: result time 23208.351 from taper: QUITTING 00-00549 [writing file: short
driver: driver received unexpected token (2) from taper                         
taper: DONE [idle wait: 7082.735 secs]                                          
taper: writing end marker. [MCI17 OK kb 0 fm 0]                                 
amdump: end at Sat Dec 15 03:25:50 MET 2001                                     
dumper: error [bad command after RQ-MORE-DISK: 1]                               
error [bad command after RQ-MORE-DISK: 1]                                       
dumper: pid 1093 finish time Sat Dec 15 03:37:24 2001                           
Has someone already seen this problem between driver and taper?                 
The output of taper seems ok but not for driver                                 
Neverthless i will go investigate in the source code                            
Thanks in advance for any help                                                  
Eric Doutreleau                                                                 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                     
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