Re: server lookup failing

2004-03-03 Thread Jonathan Dill
I have run into this problem before with NIS when "ypbind" crashed on 
some of the clients--this has been a chronic problem for me with Linux 
talking to IRIX NIS servers.  Consequently, I put the amanda host IP, 
amanda user and group IDs in the local files so that ypbind crashing 
would not muck up the backups.

amanda doesn't cache any IPs AFAIK, but the OSes of the clients probably 
do.  Also, special case if you are using NIS--you have to make sure 
"hosts" is updated in NIS and you have re-run ypmake manually, plus in 
IRIX 6.X you may need to do the nsadmin commands on the NIS master.  
Also, check the clients to see what's in /etc/nsswitch.conf if it 
exists--that should tell you what data sources are checked and in what 
order.  It's interesting that "host" works and amanda does not--perhaps 
they use different host lookup mechanisms, and you could get clues from 
looking at the source code of both programs.

As for the clients, it's going to vary depending on the client OS, but 
here are a few I can think of off the top of my head:

# IRIX 6.X
nsadmin flush
nsadmin restart
# Linux with cacheing-nameserver
/etc/rc.d/init.d/named restart
# Linux with tmdns
/etc/rc.d/init.d/tmdns restart
George Kelbley wrote:

After changing the IP on my amanda server, many of my clients fail 
amcheck with "host name lookup fail".  The server is resolved via dns 
(not in /etc/hosts), running "host" on the clients returns the proper 
IP.  Re-booting the client fixes the problem, but I'd rather not 
reboot all my clients.
So, does amanda cache the server IP somewhere that I can flush?  I 
been looking around but have't found anything.


server lookup failing

2004-03-03 Thread George Kelbley
After changing the IP on my amanda server, many of my clients fail 
amcheck with "host name lookup fail".  The server is resolved via dns 
(not in /etc/hosts), running "host" on the clients returns the proper 
IP.  Re-booting the client fixes the problem, but I'd rather not reboot 
all my clients.
So, does amanda cache the server IP somewhere that I can flush?  I been 
looking around but have't found anything.


George Kelbley  System Support Group
Computer Science Department University of New Mexico
505-277-6502Fax: 505-277-6927