[AMaViS-user] mynetworks from file/ldap

2008-02-28 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
My ldap lookups in Postfix are single IP because I haven't figured out a
way to do CIDR lookups. So, my I use cidr:/path/to/access/list also in
postfix for complete subnets...

mx1# cat relay_clients
x.x.x.x/29 OK

From main.cf:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
 permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks,
 check_client_access cidr:/usr/local/etc/postfix/relay_clients,
 check_client_access ldap:/usr/local/etc/postfix/ldap/relay_clients.cf,

mx1# cat ldap/relay_clients.cf 
bind = no
server_host = ldapi:///
version = 3
search_base = ou=Servers,dc=webtent,dc=net
query_filter = ((ipHostNumber=%s)(objectClass=ipHost))
result_attribute = ipHostNumber
result_format = OK

This works great for allowing ldap entries as shown and CIDR networks
from file to relay, but can I use either or both of these same files in
amavisd.conf to set mynetworks for MYNETS policy? Do I just add this to
my amavisd.conf file?

@mynetworks_maps = (read_hash('/usr/local/etc/postfix/relay_clients'), [EMAIL 

Will my postfix file with the 'OK' parameter work or I have to create a
second file with only the CIDR notations?

As far as LDAP lookups for policies, I don't see an example in the
README.ldap specifically for mynetworks. I am currently using
amavisd-maia based on amavisd-new 2.2 and @lookup_sql_dsn for SQL


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Re: [AMaViS-user] Filtering before banned attachments

2008-01-26 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 01:53 +0100, mouss wrote:
 Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
  I see a message get sent through and labeled 'WARNING: contains banned
  part' like it should according to our banned policies as it scores zero
  in SA. I am assuming zero means that SA didn't even scan the content? If
  I take the source of the message without the attachment, it scores
  plenty high enough to kill.

 if the attachment is large, it will be skipped. The size is 
 configurable, but spending cycles on huge messages is generally not 
 worth the trouble. Up so far, spam rarely comes in large messages.

The whole message is less than 30K and contains usually video.zip and is
a virus. We use ClamAV with SaneSecurity, the first one we got with
Trojan.Pandex Virus was not found in the ClamAV db, anyone else picking
these up? We're starting to get more and more of these.


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[AMaViS-user] Filtering before banned attachments

2008-01-25 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I see a message get sent through and labeled 'WARNING: contains banned
part' like it should according to our banned policies as it scores zero
in SA. I am assuming zero means that SA didn't even scan the content? If
I take the source of the message without the attachment, it scores
plenty high enough to kill.

My question, is there a way for amavis to filter with SA and only send
through according to banned policies if CLEAN?


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[AMaViS-user] Quarantined header clean message

2007-08-29 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
We quarantine all messages for a few days with the following setup in
our amavisd.conf file. However, the X-Quarantine-ID header seems to get
the message blocked at the final destination sometimes if the receiving
mail server chooses. And we're finding some that do block due to this.
Is there a way to make the header something different for clean

$clean_quarantine_method = 'local:clean-%m.gz';
$clean_quarantine_to = 'clean-quarantine';


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[AMaViS-user] Maia mailguard

2007-04-28 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I have maia installed and ready to go, just need to finish setting up 
amavisd.conf and start the amavisd-maia. I have some questions for 
anyone out there that has setup maia. When comparing my running 
amavisd.conf 2.4.5 to the suggested one from maia, I see a list of 
supporting programs such as gzip, bzip2, file, etc. I don't have these 
specified in my running conf, it seems amavis loads those present on 
startup. I do see decoders in my current conf file. Doing a quick 
whereis on each of these I only see dspam missing from my system, is 
this required or needed? On our FreeBSD system, the port wants MySQL 5 
to install. Also, like I mentioned, now running 2.4.5 and the install 
doc mentions using their amavisd-maia in place of amavisd 2.2, I assume 
this still needs to be done for our version. Will this amavisd-maia 
support my 2.4.5 settings. I went through the current conf file and do 
not see anything that would be effected.

My other questions were about whether I should have maia system default 
user catch mail for non-local domains. Our servers are transport 
gateways for the most part using Postfix transport to destination 
off-server and off-network mail servers. I do have some local users 
setup for testing and may decide to put some local domains on the 
servers in the future. If I don't allow the system default for non-local 
users, then where would the mail end up for users at domains in the 
transports? Or do I need to put all these domains in local_domain_maps?

Finally, I see directly in the Pgsql db we setup for maia that things 
like enable_virus_filtering and enable_spam_filtering with 'Y' as their 
value. But if I go into Maia via the web and click on the System Default 
User, these settings are disabled. Are that not one and the same? I 
guess not, what does the db settings control?

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to post as many of my question 
about config at once, so I tried to cover the entire config where I have 
questions. Like I mentioned, this is a running amavisd switch to maia, I 
want it to be as seamless as possible. My biggest concern is changing 
any amavisd settings/rules without my realizing it and customers 
complaining come Monday morning. Looks like a great program. Thanks for 
the help! Any suggestions or things to look out for are appreciated.


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[AMaViS-user] Spam tag subject line

2007-04-22 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Still haven't been able to get multiple select domains to tag the 
subject line. Here is all my related settings, can someone suggest why I 
cannot get subject line tagging for example.com and example2.com? Do I 
have my arrays setup correctly?

@local_domains_maps = ( [.$mydomain, .example.com, .example2.com] );
@spam_kill_level_maps = (
  { '.example.com' = , '.example2.com' = ,  },
$sa_tag_level_deflt  = -999;
$sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5.0;
$sa_kill_level_deflt = $sa_tag2_level_deflt;
$sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 9;# spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent
$sa_mail_body_size_limit = 64*1024; # don't waste time on SA if mail is 
$sa_local_tests_only = 0;# only tests which do not require internet 
$sa_auto_whitelist = 1;


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Re: [AMaViS-user] Tagging spam

2007-04-19 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Thu, 2007-04-19 at 11:33 -0600, Gary V wrote:
 Robert wrote:
  I am trying to let through spam for one domain as Gary had kindly
  suggested on how to do below. Spam messages are making it through for
  that domain, but no ***SPAM*** tag on the subject line of those
  messages. I have the $sa_spam_subject_tag set as shown below. What am I
  doing wrong?
  @spam_kill_level_maps = (
{ '.example.com' = , },
  $sa_spam_subject_tag = '***SPAM*** ';
 The recipient domain must be considered local (in @local_domains_maps
 or other similar mechanism). Subject line should be rewritten at
 $sa_tag2_level_deflt. What is that set to? Also:

Ah yes, I read right over that in your first response, thanks. The
server is a Postfix+Amavisd+SA transport gateway that passes on to the
destination mail server. If I include this domain in local_domain_maps,
will it interfere with normal delivery?


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[AMaViS-user] PgSQL storage doc clarification

2007-04-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I am trying to setup storage in our PgSQL database using the following
doc, but I am not sure which schemas are to be loaded in which
databases. I assume I am to cut/paste the necessary CREATE TABLE
sections as the schema to use? But which tables should be created in
mail_logs and which for mail_prefs?



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Re: [AMaViS-user] PgSQL storage doc clarification

2007-04-17 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 19:56 +0200, Mark Martinec wrote:
  I am trying to setup storage in our PgSQL database using the following
  doc, but I am not sure which schemas are to be loaded in which
  databases. I assume I am to cut/paste the necessary CREATE TABLE
  sections as the schema to use? But which tables should be created in
  mail_logs and which for mail_prefs?
 Yes, you can cut/paste the schemas as-is from this readme file.
 The database in @lookup_sql_dsn needs the read-only tables,
 i.e. the users, mailaddr, wblist, policy.
 The database in @storage_sql_dsn needs the read/write tables,
 i.e. the maddr, msgs, msgrcpt, quarantine.
 Both the @lookup_sql_dsn and the @storage_sql_dsn may point
 to the same database, so in this case you would place
 all tables in the same database. Name it whatever you want.

Thanks, that clarified a lot, and WORKS! I had one other question. I see
it logs the from address and client ip, but is there any way to get it
to log recipient server and e-mail address?


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[AMaViS-user] BDB issue?

2006-02-09 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Been having issues with amavisd-new 2.3.3 shutting down on us mainly in 
the middle of the night, I restart amavis and all is well until the next 
night. We are not doing anyting on the server (backups, etc.) at night 
than we have since before the issue arose. I found the following error 
in the logs just prior to amavis shutting itself down.

Feb  8 23:04:26 esmtp amavis[53810]: (53810-03) TROUBLE in check_mail:
update_cache FAILED: BDB C db_cursor: Locker does not exist,
Interrupted system call. at (eval 52) line 122.
Feb  8 23:04:26 esmtp amavis[53810]: (53810-03) TROUBLE in process_request:
register_proc: BDB N db_cursor: Locker does not exist,
Interrupted system call. at (eval 51) line 174.

I have disabled bayes in SA last week sometime and I don't believe I 
have DCC or razor enabled. Although I have score RAZOR2_CHECK 2.500 in 
the local.cf and both of these installed, I don't see them enabled or 
can find any reference to them in the logs. I ask this because I found this:

From http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/:

   * OpenBSD and NetBSD have a pretty low default setting for max open
 files. To increase it for the default login group edit the
 /etc/login.conf, or add the user vscan to the daemon login group
 which has higher settings. Exceeding the limit can lead to
 spinning amavisd child processes or Berkeley db 'running out of
 lockers', often associated with Razor2, Bayes or DCC checks. With
 debug logging the problem possibly reported as:

 CALLING NoMailAudit::check
 Cannot open bayes databases /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes_* R/O:
   tie failed: Too many open files
 razor2 check skipped: Too many open files IO::Socket::INET:
   Bad protocol 'udp' at .../perl5/.../Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 409

   * With earlier version of Berkeley db library (libdb) (e.g. V3.3)
 the following or similar error is sometimes reported:

 TROUBLE in check_mail: virus_scan FAILED:
   BDB db_cursor: Successful return: 0, . at ...amavisd line 5162.

   * Namely, a bdb operation fails, but the reported error is
 'success'. The problem goes away by upgrading libdb to 4.x.

I am running FreeBSD 5.4 and my libdb version is 4.2, any ideas what is 
causing the issue or where I should look? I am running with Postfix 
2.2.8 and SA 3.0.1.


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Re: [AMaViS-user] slow processing after upgrade to 2.3.3

2005-12-15 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 02:27 +0100, Mark Martinec wrote:
   I will note that a number of amavisd users including me saw their
   average message processing times go up from (e.g.) 2 seconds to 10-12
   seconds on upgrading from amavisd 2.2.x and SpamAssassin 3.0.x to
   amavisd 2.3.3 and SpamAssassin 3.1.0.  ... I mention it so that if
   you see this you will recognize it as now relatively normal; Mark's
   systems apparently did not experience this.
  Indeed I haven't noticed such an increase. If the set of SA checks
  on upgrading SA 3.0.x to 3.1 did not change much, the time for
  a check should be about the same. But there are lots of knobs
  in SA, and the default list of RBL, DNS, SPF, ...
 To my previous post I should add that I've switched bayes to SQL
 long time ago. Bayes on a non-SQL database may well be the culprit
 after upgrade to SA 3.1 (as just being discussed on the SA list).

My issue finally resolved last night down to duplicate .cf files in my
spamassassin config folder. I run RulesDuJour and it puts the files in a
sub folder, but there were duplicates in the config folder. Thing is,
why did this not cause an issue using SA 3.0?

Once I disabled dns and bayes, things worked, but still the dups were
processing. I removed the dups and whala! Once I got that done, it runs
fine with dns and bayes enabled. I even took amavis back up to
max_server of 10. But I will change to MySQL. Thanks for the help!


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Re: [AMaViS-user] slow processing after upgrade to 2.3.3

2005-12-14 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 18:39 +0100, Mark Martinec wrote:
  I will note that a number of amavisd users including me saw their
  average message processing times go up from (e.g.) 2 seconds to 10-12
  seconds on upgrading from amavisd 2.2.x and SpamAssassin 3.0.x to
  amavisd 2.3.3 and SpamAssassin 3.1.0.  ... I mention it so that if
  you see this you will recognize it as now relatively normal; Mark's
  systems apparently did not experience this.
 Indeed I haven't noticed such an increase. If the set of SA checks
 on upgrading SA 3.0.x to 3.1 did not change much, the time for
 a check should be about the same. But there are lots of knobs
 in SA, and the default list of RBL, DNS, SPF, etc. checks is
 changing from version to version. Also the SARE rules are evolving
 all the time.
 On the amavisd-new side, there shouldn't be much change in speed
 between 2.2.x and 2.3.3. Actually the 2.3.3 brought several
 optimizations, so several operations are now faster - see
 RELEASE_NOTES for 2.2.3 in the OPTIMIZATION section. Most
 noticeable speedup is probably the 35% percent gain in receiving
 mail from MTA, and a factor of 4 speedup in forwarding mail
 header (noticeable on mail with large headers).

I took a look at debug-sa and could find any complaints other than not
having pyzor installed and sa trying to use and disable usage. But seem
to skip right over that with no delay. Can someone share with me how to
track a message all the way through with amavis, clamav, sa and postfix?
Even if I need to grep several times to see all steps, I can't seem to
find every step pertaining to a message. I have amavis log set to 2.


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[AMaViS-user] amavis-stats rrd_graph error

2005-12-14 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Trying to setup amavis-stats on server running amavisd-new 2.3.3 and
getting errors when trying to browse. Can anyone tell me what this

amavis-stats::error: rrd_graph(): Garbage ':30:00 2005 \r' after
command: COMMENT:Wed Dec 14 23:30:00 2005 \r

The php scripts seems to work fine, the files build anyways:

esmtp# /usr/local/sbin/amavis-stats /var/log/maillog
amavis-stats: First Time Run
amavis-stats: New id (#1, Passed) seen at 1134536420
amavis-stats: New id (#2, Infected) seen at 1134536774
amavis-stats: New id (#3, Worm.Sober.U) seen at 1134536774
amavis-stats: New id (#4, Exploit.HTML.IFrame) seen at 1134542344
amavis-stats: New id (#5, Worm.SomeFool.P) seen at 1134542344
amavis-stats: New id (#6, Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1) seen at 1134542532
amavis-stats: New id (#7, HTML.Phishing.Bank-60) seen at 1134549279
amavis-stats: New id (#8, HTML.Phishing.Bank-1) seen at 1134552009
amavis-stats: New id (#9, Worm.Mytob.DK) seen at 1134569419
amavis-stats: New id (#10, HTML.Phishing.Pay-51) seen at 1134573619
amavis-stats: New id (#11, HTML.Phishing.Pay-33) seen at 1134573743
amavis-stats: New id (#12, Worm.Bagle.BL) seen at 1134574406
amavis-stats: New id (#13, HTML.Phishing.Bank-285) seen at 1134576953
amavis-stats: New id (#14, Worm.Mytob.JM) seen at 1134595688
amavis-stats: New id (#15, Worm.SomeFool.I) seen at 1134605655
amavis-stats: New id (#16, HTML.Phishing.Bank-49) seen at 1134608860


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[AMaViS-user] slow processing after upgrade to 2.3.3

2005-12-13 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
On my FreeBSD 5.4 server, I have upgraded to v2.3.3 from 2.2.x and the
CPU now has no idle time with less than 400 messages in the queue.
Messages are taking several minutes to process.

I dug around and realize that my amavisd.conf file is drastically
different than the new default file installed by the port package
system. The new default does not even have ClamAV setup for uncommenting
like the old. Is this contributing to my problem? And where can I find a
doc to set this up properly with Postfix, SpamAssassin and ClamAV?


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[AMaViS-user] Amavis-stats low since upgrade

2005-08-29 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I did a port upgrade on my FreeBSD box from amavisd-new-2.2.? to
amavisd-new-2.3.1,1 and ever since the amavis-stats have been showing
less virus detection. I checked all logs and everything seems to be
processing fine. I am running Postfix 2.2.3 with SpamAssassin 3.0.4. I
don't see where the log format has changed, what should I look for?

If you look at the month chart, you'll notice the big difference after
week 33 - http://esmtp.webtent.net/amavis-stats/


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