[AMRadio] Collins Collectors Association First Wednesday AM Night Nov 5th

2003-11-02 Thread Larry Saletzki
FIRST WEDNESDAY AM NIGHT !!! Sponsored by the Collins Collectors

Cedar Rapids, Iowa (QRZ) - Wednesday Nov 5th  on 3880 kcs at 8PM local time
marks the start of the latest chapter of  First Wednesday AM Night, drawing
hundreds of vintage stations from across the country.

The event is anchored by a "tall ship" AM station in each time zone, who
runs the gathering for an hour, starting at 8PM in each time zone and
starting on the East Coast. Stations check-in using Collins and other
transmitters with AM capabilities, new and old. The idea is to revel in this
nostalgic mode, enjoy giving vintage equipment a "run," and sharing some
storytelling about classic vacuum tube homebrew and commercial designs.

In months past, anchor stations have included those running the beautiful
Collins 300-G, pictured below, as well as those running the amateur KW-1 and
other noted models.


LISTEN for these anchors and stop by to say hello, won't you?  You don't
have to be running Collins or vintage gear to be welcomed into the group.

8P-9P East Coast Anchor:  Joe N3IBX (Washington Crossing PA)

8P-9P Midwest Anchor:  Tony W9JXN  (Illinois)

8P-9P Rocky Mountain Anchor: Jim WA0LSB (Colorado)

8P-9P West Coast Anchor:  Bill, N6PY  (California)

comments please to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [AMRadio] FW: Homebrew receiver

2003-11-02 Thread Donald Chester

My favorite style was the Collins 75a series

I use a 75A4, which is often bashed by the AM folks, but I find it to be 
about the best receiver I have ever tried.  If I find a truly superior 
receiver to the A4, I'll retire mine and change over to that.

The main deficiency of the A4 is the audio.  I use an outboard AF amp (an 
old 50's vintage 10w hi-fi amplifier using a pair of 6V6's in pushpull).  I 
changed the .01 mfd coupling caps in the low level audio stages of the 
receiver to 0.1.  Actually, I just bridged the .1's across the originals, to 
minimise melted plastic insulation on the wiring in the receiver.  I pulled 
out the original 6AQ5 to save unnecessary drain on the power supply and to 
reduce heat generation.  I also clipped out a couple of 510 pf mica caps 
that were added in later models to attenuate the high frequency response.  
From the diode detector to the audio output, the frequncy response is now 

almost flat from 30~ to about 5000~.

On one of my A4's I added an outboard box with additional mechanical 
filters.  The stock 3 selectivities is not enough if you want cw, ssb plus 
optimum AM under a variety of band condx.


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RE: [AMRadio] FW: Homebrew receiver

2003-11-02 Thread Donald Chester

I am not sure how much the RF amp adds to the noise level.
A well designed rf amp section can actually reduce noise levels.
Noise mostly comes from mixers, and overall tube counts.
All mixers add some noise, some designs are much better than others,
and the more there are, the more noise you get.

I used single conversion, with a quiet mixer setup, and
used two tuned circuits of very high Q in the input,
along with resonant dipole antennas for 80 and 40 meters,
so I don't get any images or other problems, as signals
out of band are attenuated very much before making it to
the mixer.

I think the best mixer designed ever developed used the 7360 or similar beam 
deflection tube.  I'd like other opinions on the subject, if anyone thinks 
there is anything else that actually surpasses the performance of these 
tubes in mixer service?


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