[AMRadio] 40-Meter AM OPeration (EPILOGUE)...

2003-12-13 Thread Eddy Swynar
Well, I got on the air a little after 0400 UTC last night,  found that
7295-KHz was reasonably clear here...called CQ for about 15 minutes, or so,
to no avail...

Guess everyone's attention was otherwise diverted, alhough I DID hear
another very weak station calling CQ on AM as well...

C'est la vie, I guess...!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

Re: [AMRadio] 40-Meter AM OPeration (EPILOGUE)...

2003-12-13 Thread W7QHO
In a message dated 12/13/03 6:25:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Well, I got on the air a little after 0400 UTC last night,  found that
 7295-KHz was reasonably clear here...called CQ for about 15 minutes, or so,
 to no avail...


Listened for you but didn't hear anything.   Did call CQ on 7295 a couple of 
times and maybe that is what you heard.   VOA was going strong on 7290 up 
through 0500 UTC and for some time thereafter.   Then, a strong broadcast 
(Canadian, I think) came up on 7295 from about 0530 on.

Would be glad to try again.   I run about 375 watts out here from a military 
T368.   Antenna is an end-fed full wave wire.   Worked across the continent on 
40M several times last winter with this setup.


Dennis D.   W7QHO
Glendale, CA

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