Ladies and Gentlemen, please take the time to pull down the ARRL's annual 
financial report, read the numbers and then you will understand.
1. The ARRL is a publishing Company and derives a significant percentage of it 
annual operating revenue from the sale of books.
2. The ARRL is also a CO-OP advertising channel for manufactures of 
communications equipment.
3. The ARRL is a lobby group which spends exhorbitant amounts of money on 
travel to IARU functions.
4. The ARRL is also a lobby group with paid legal counsel to the FCC.
We may have been the reason the organization was founded, but "we" are held in 
contempt when we raise any significant question or issue with them.
5. We are small potatos to them, the individual Ham no longer has significance 
to the ARRL.
6. All this while Sumner takes his $150K annual salary plus travel expense and 
Publication of more books leads to a larger market share, which attracts more 
CO-OP dollars from the manufacturers which underwrites the lobby efforts with 
the IARU and FCC.
The Lobby efforts attract more manufactures which want more spectrum to sell 
more equipment.
The By Laws are very simple and clear, if we don't like it, we can petition to 
recall many of them, but alas, it seems we prefer to vent, instead of take 

Ron Weaver - W6OM
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