[AMRadio] ARRL vs FCC over BPL

2008-07-17 Thread VJB
I check the FCC's online filing system from time to time just to keep tabs on 
what the ARRL is not telling us, and have found a document that describes a 
recent meeting between League people and the FCC.

I wrote up this story that will soon appear on QRZ.com.  It's also worth 
passing long here since I refer to the dreaded bandwidth controversy as among 
the risks to goodwill the League has staged in recent years.

Note, too, that the IARU's top leadership is liable to move to Germany the next 
round. The two candidates announced to replace Larry Price and the 
second-in-command are both German licensees. This initially may prove to be a 
good thing, if purging onetime League staffers can mean something good at 
repairing the Regional Band Plans that are damaging to AM.


ARRL managers, lawyer meet with FCC on Powerline Internet Matter

WASHINGTON -- Representatives of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) met 
with officials at the FCC July 9 to discuss a recent court ruling about the 
Commission's standards for allowable RF emissions from powerline-based 
distribution of internet service, nicknamed broadband over power lines, or 

The method delivers data through overhead utility lines and residential 
electrical wiring, and must radiate to some extent as a radio signal, 
potentially causing unintentional digital interference to primary reception by 
licensees in the Amateur Service and other users of shortwave spectrum.

Of the two general types of BPL delivery systems, one uses in-house electrical 
wiring with limited potential to interfere beyond the home, while another 
method uses the elevated outdoor powerlines that can act as an antenna to 
transmit digital interference over a greater distance.

Despite a lack of market enthusiasm for BPL technology caused partly by a rise 
in popularity of wi-fi, satellite, cellular, and other wireless digital 
methods of delivering internet service, the League, a non-profit publishing and 
subscription membership company, has spent considerable effort highlighting 
what it once portrayed as a grave threat to radio hobbyists.

The ARRL's campaign included a controversial lawsuit filed against the FCC 
accusing the agency of failing to abide by rules mandating the disclosure of 
studies and deliberations affecting public rulemaking. A federal court in 
Washington agreed that the FCC was not completely candid in describing how it 
arrived at its standards for allowable RF emissions from BPL, and in June 
published an order to the agency to revisit the matter.

But the League failed to convince the court to go further and force the FCC to 
accept outside studies the ARRL contends are valid in any review of potential 
interference. The FCC has said its rules use a standard of preventing 
interference from BPL that is actually harmful to communications, a prospective 
situation that has not been fully demonstrated by the ARRL. Otherwise, the 
agency asserts BPL emissions fall within longstanding limits imposed on other 
devices such as in-home remote controls, carrier current broadcast stations, 
and control signals used for energy conservation by the power companies.

The club now acknowledges that the industry itself has refined modems and 
delivery infrastructure to voluntarily reign in the chance for interference. It 
is not yet clear whether there is permanent damage to a previously cooperative 
relationship between the FCC and the ARRL in the aftermath of litigation the 
group had filed.

Controversy over the club's decision to sue the agency included complaints by 
subscribers that they were not consulted before League officials decided to 
risk goodwill and the standing of the Amateur Service among FCC staff. The ARRL 
had recently suffered an embarrassing series of foul-ups in front of the FCC 
and eventual failure of its threatened proposal to have mandatory government 
segregation of HF activities by bandwidth instead of the longstanding, popular 
system of organizing activities by mode.

Creating a separate controversy over that matter, the League instead persuaded 
the International Amateur Radio Union to adopt similar segregation-by-bandwidth 
protocols, again without the support of U.S. licensees it was supposed to 
represent at the IARU. The ARRL staffer who proposed rigid bandwidth 
restrictions has since left the ARRL, and candidates announced to replace 
onetime ARRL officials now heading the IARU do not include any additional 
League staffers.

Representing the club in Newington before the FCC has been Chris Imlay, a 
Maryland-based communications lawyer whose clients also include Kenwood, the 
Society of Broadcast Engineers, and a number of commercial radio and television 
stations. Imlay filed a summary of last week's meeting with the FCC and 
revealed that his client is willing to settle for the tighter technical 
standards against interference that BPL providers have voluntarily begun to 
implement, that are beyond those imposed 

Re: [AMRadio] ARRL vs FCC over BPL

2008-07-17 Thread Peter Markavage
Wow! I only had to get to your 1st paragraph to find inaccurate

From the ARRL home page dated July 15, 2008:

And, in your 3rd paragraph, more inaccurate reporting. Here's the real

The Administrative Council (AC) of the International Amateur Radio Union
(IARU) held its Annual Meeting on June 24-25, 2008 in Konstanz, Germany.
Topping the agenda was the consultative process leading to nominations
for IARU President and Vice President for the five-year term beginning on
May 9, 2009. Current IARU President Larry Price, W4RA, announced in 2007
that he was not available to serve an additional term. The AC agreed that
Vice President Tim Ellam, VE6SH, and Region 1 President Ole Garpestad,
LA2RR, are suitably qualified to serve as IARU President and Vice
President, respectively. Their nominations will be offered to the
Member-Societies for ratification. The ARRL serves as the International
Secretariat of the IARU.

You can read the IARU news release, dated June 26, 2008: 
Tim is from Canada and Ole is from Norway.

Great fictional writing in the rest of your blurb; you should be doing

Note: watch the wrap-arounds with the links. You can also go directly to
the ARRL home page and IARU home page and click on the links directly.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 08:27:27 -0700 (PDT) VJB [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I check the FCC's online filing system from time to time just to keep 
 tabs on what the ARRL is not telling us, and have found a document 
 that describes a recent meeting between League people and the FCC.
 I wrote up this story that will soon appear on QRZ.com.  It's also 
 worth passing long here since I refer to the dreaded bandwidth 
 controversy as among the risks to goodwill the League has staged in 
 recent years.
 Note, too, that the IARU's top leadership is liable to move to 
 Germany the next round. The two candidates announced to replace 
 Larry Price and the second-in-command are both German licensees. 
 This initially may prove to be a good thing, if purging onetime 
 League staffers can mean something good at repairing the Regional 
 Band Plans that are damaging to AM.
 ARRL managers, lawyer meet with FCC on Powerline Internet Matter
 WASHINGTON -- Representatives of the American Radio Relay League 
 (ARRL) met with officials at the FCC July 9 to discuss a recent 
 court ruling about the Commission's standards for allowable RF 
 emissions from powerline-based distribution of internet service, 
 nicknamed broadband over power lines, or BPL.
 The method delivers data through overhead utility lines and 
 residential electrical wiring, and must radiate to some extent as a 
 radio signal, potentially causing unintentional digital interference 
 to primary reception by licensees in the Amateur Service and other 
 users of shortwave spectrum.
 Of the two general types of BPL delivery systems, one uses in-house 
 electrical wiring with limited potential to interfere beyond the 
 home, while another method uses the elevated outdoor powerlines that 
 can act as an antenna to transmit digital interference over a 
 greater distance.
 Despite a lack of market enthusiasm for BPL technology caused partly 
 by a rise in popularity of wi-fi, satellite, cellular, and other 
 wireless digital methods of delivering internet service, the League, 
 a non-profit publishing and subscription membership company, has 
 spent considerable effort highlighting what it once portrayed as a 
 grave threat to radio hobbyists.
 The ARRL's campaign included a controversial lawsuit filed against 
 the FCC accusing the agency of failing to abide by rules mandating 
 the disclosure of studies and deliberations affecting public 
 rulemaking. A federal court in Washington agreed that the FCC was 
 not completely candid in describing how it arrived at its standards 
 for allowable RF emissions from BPL, and in June published an order 
 to the agency to revisit the matter.
 But the League failed to convince the court to go further and force 
 the FCC to accept outside studies the ARRL contends are valid in any 
 review of potential interference. The FCC has said its rules use a 
 standard of preventing interference from BPL that is actually 
 harmful to communications, a prospective situation that has not been 
 fully demonstrated by the ARRL. Otherwise, the agency asserts BPL 
 emissions fall within longstanding limits imposed on other devices 
 such as in-home remote controls, carrier current broadcast 
 stations, and control signals used for energy conservation by the 
 power companies.
 The club now acknowledges that the industry itself has refined 
 modems and delivery