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Operations; Illegal Equipment es Use  

                            Topic: CB Operations; Illegal Equipment es Use, 
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                    Group: Members
                    Posts: 49
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                    Posted: Aug. 21 2002,16:52    

                    Illegal CB Ops es the proliferation of Illegal equipment 
has not deminished one iota since the last round of discussions Ref: Illegal CB 
Ops in MX es US Truckers.
                    If anything, sales have not been better for the equipment 
in use through out North America es MX.
                    I am going to mention a few sites where anyone may purchase 
equipment targeted for the express use of Illegal CB operations es promoting 
Illegal Ops;

                    http://www.cbcintl.com/, Do not miss this one, it gives you 
your Freq charts to operate with (
                    There are many more.......................

                    A few comments from Hams Ref: above sites;

                    #1 ( Name withheld by author's request )

                    It's worse than you think!

                    In the last few years, a new type of CB activity has become 
very popular - the "Keydown Superbowl".
                    A group, or club of CB'ers will organize a meet where the 
participants get together to compete over who has the biggest linear, with the 
most power.
                    Amps with power levels of anywhere from 10 KW to even 50KW 
are operated,
                    (often into ruggedized vertical antennas).

                    To generate the DC required for these amps, several 72 volt 
railroad alternators are daisy-chained together under the hoods of trucks 
(Chevy Suburbans are popular). 7 alternator power plants are not uncommon. The 
                    goes to large DC regulators, and then to the amps, mostly 
solid state, but occasionally tube amps are used too.  The solid state amps are 
typically multiple "pill" amps - "12 pill",  "24 pill", up to "128" pill or 
                    Most of the amps are custom built by specialty shops, who 
advertise on the web, or at select CB shops.

                    The favorite channel is 27.025, the "superbowl" channel.  
The winner gets a trophy, and sometimes some cash.  Veterans of such 
skill-testing competitions, like to show off large pickle jars filled with 
"dead pills",
                    the blown finals of their own, and competitor's amps.

                    Some of the more technically talented prefer tube-type 
amps, with large broadcast tubes the preferred device. 3CX3000F1, and similar 
are quite popular, in pairs or quads. The amps often occupy most of the cargo 
space in
                    the vehicles, shared with the requisite extra batteries.

                    So, the next time you wonder why the CB band is always 
open, while 10M isn't, consider that these people have the means to make their 
own propagation!  The other issue is not the spectrum polution, from these
                    wickedly dirty often Class-C amps, but from the RF fields 
produced during the competition!  Never mind FCC enforcement, maybe the EPA 
should get involved!

                    #2 ( Name withheld by Author's request )

                    If you want to get a shock, do a serach on the phrase "10 
meter" radios". 
                    These are targeted and being sold to CB'ers, and they all 
operate well above 
                    28 mHz. Just one example, (check out the rebel flag)....


                    Then take a look at this "CB channel chart". 29.655 is 
listed as "channel 40, 
                    band D"!!!......


                    Here's another......

                    ("NEW! Expanded CB Channel & Frequency Chart (14Kb PDF). 
Free 1-page 
                    download covers Ch.1–40 in “legal” FCC band, plus 7 other 
bands, 4 down and 
                    3 up. Total range shown is 25.165–28.755 MHz")

                    #3 ( Name withheld )

                    Myself and others have tried and tried to get some action 
over this. We have sent countless e-mails to the "investigations" unit of ebay. 
No change.  I and others have addressed the ARRL to take some kind of stand or 
action on this problem. They don't even answer email let alone do anything. We 
have sent email and examples of advertising to the FCC with no answer either. I 
guess it's just too much of a problem that all the above cant figure how to 
enforce the laws. When I was driving over the road, it was common knowledge 
                    where you could buy wide band amps up to 500 watts for CB. 
Plug and play, cash only. Under "ham radio" on ebay amps are blatantly listed 
as "base amps", or "ham radio amps". But specific questions to the sellers are 
                    answered. One guy(shack_supplies_plus)imports them from 
Mexico or Spain. He does not allow any feedback to be shown and does not give a 
location. He also has automated e-mail that answers nothing when you send an 
inquirey.  Anyway, I bought one just to make sure I had my facts straight. It 
was set up to transmit about 80 watts AM from about 20 MHz to 25 MHz. The guy 
sent along a piece of paper that gave a web site. That web site shows how to 
move a jumper plug over one pin, and your on the CB band. A check with my stuff 
here and 
                    sure enough, 80 watts from 3 to 4 on 19. Plus all KINDS of 
harmonics up and down the band. This was a little "cheepy" amp, but the guy 
also sold them on 
                    ebay up to 500 watts. You see a lot of the common names 
that everyone KNOWS are CB amps. Star Bright and Palomar are the most common. 
And, this is only 
                    the tiniest tip of the ice burg. I wonder how many hams 
have been ragged because of TVI, BCI, telephone interference and who knows what 
else, by folks 
                    with these amps in the area. They are very cheap and easy 
to make. I don't know how the law is going to do much about it, or they would 
have already by 
                    now. If it were only a few infractions, they could chase a 
couple down and make examples maybe, but I submit that there are THOUSANDS of 
these devices 
                    in use.  Take a look at these items currently selling now 
as we speak on ebay.    1375120931 ,   1374519437  ,1374954044,1374119655 . 
These are ALL CB amps.........

                    Is that enough to get this discussion OFF THE GROUND 

                    All of this will AGAIN be sent to proper folks to deal with.

                    By the way, there are Many CBer's out there that DO Not 
Operate Illegally.....es use the spectrum for good purposes.  This discussion 
is not meant to demean ALL CB Operators ! Just those that BREAK Existing US 
LAWS..........No New Laws needed here. Just Enforce the ones we have.

                    Tom - K0PJG  

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