Exactly, Don.... this is the issue in a nutshell... you have 
to remember. That is something that us senior citizens are 
not too good at!

Just look at all of the dupes we get from AM Radio and 
on Glowbugs!

It's not a huge issue, but Outlook does put that limitation on 
us because it only gives two choices - REPLY or 
So it is extra work for one Outlook user to delete the 
excess addresses on one end, OR extra work to delete 
the excess messages for several hundred people on 
the other end, hi hi.

Don, K4KYV writes:
> I seem to recall that most lists, when you hit "Reply," the message goes
> to 
> the sender of the message only.  When you hit "Reply All" it goes to the
> sender AND to the list, so the sender gets two duplicate messages.  To
> avoid 
> that, you have to delete the sender, so that it just goes to the list.  If
> there are other addressees on the original message, the "Reply all"
> message 
> goes to each of them as well.
> I have inadvertently sent what was intended to be a private response to
> the 
> entire list more than once.  It can be embarrassing.  It could conceivably
> bring on legal liability as well.
> Don k4kyv

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