Re: [AMRadio] Re: upside down reply buttons, sending to whom, and tops VS bottoms and other non AM tech stuff

2006-06-14 Thread Jim Wilhite

Todd, KA1KAQ wrote:

I belong to

other lists where many folks reply in private because they don't want
to deal with the New Age experts who pick apart everything they say or
insist that a duck be called a non-goose. Many good people want to
help, they just don't want to deal with the list BS as a consequence.

And I wouldn't post advice in private not only because I agree with
you that the purpose of the list is to share, but also because my
advice (like spelling) always benefits from more views and

Thanks for pointing this out Todd.  Many times I send the message privately 
for just this reason.  I have suggested solutions to queries to have 4 or 5 
people tell everyone why I am wrong for not doing it their way.  I don't 
wear my pride on my sleeve, but enough is enough and I have seen threads go 
on and on about trivial such as etiquette or form far too long.
I sometimes get in a hurry because of other chores and my grammar, spelling 
or description of a circuit is off as well.  I find, that in private 
communications, the person will just ask for clarification and not be 
critical my poor choice of words.

I don't always follow the same format for posting either.  One thing some do 
is edit their answers between comments forcing me to read the already read 
message parts again.  I, personally, don't like that, but if the list 
administrator dictates that we do it, I will.  I also don't always follow 
the message parts with my comments preferring sometimes to preface them.

Should each list, of which I am a member, develop slightly different 
protocols, then I will resign from most of them, for I am destined to make 
irretrievable mistakes.  I have already resigned from one list that the 
administrator told me not to even mention eBay but use e-place (now isn't 
that a stupid way to mention the unmentionable); that the rules so stated. 
Following a search of the rules, that I had not viewed in a very long time, 
I didn't find such a rule.  So to avoid a confrontation, I just resigned.

I suggest that since the entire USA is so centered on Political Correctness, 
we should adopt some of it here and be polite to each other and our 
different understandings or interpretations of the operation and restoration 
of boatanchors and AM Radio..

73  Jim

Re: [AMRadio] Re: upside down reply buttons, sending to whom, and tops VS bottoms and other non AM tech stuff

2006-06-14 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 6/14/06, W5OMR/Geoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Todd, KA1KAQ wrote:

You wish that the replies go to the list, because you want everyone to
see/help with advice?

Yes and no. I give credit to the folks who post and share info that
they will continue to do so regardless of how it is set up. If you or
I post a question to the list, I believe 99.9% of those who
participate regularly (meaning, the ones who do more than trying to
slip in an ebay ad, sell their TS-940 or threaten to leave, but are
otherwise inactive) will continue to reply to the list. The fact that
this is a friendly, even humorous list is the reason why. I belong to
other lists where many folks reply in private because they don't want
to deal with the New Age experts who pick apart everything they say or
insist that a duck be called a non-goose. Many good people want to
help, they just don't want to deal with the list BS as a consequence.
This list is inviting, not stifling. We make folks want to chime in,
not fear that they will be rebuffed or humiliated if they do.

And I wouldn't post advice in private not only because I agree with
you that the purpose of the list is to share, but also because my
advice (like spelling) always benefits from more views and
critiques/corrections. My choice of words may have been misleading by
implying that if I was sure of everything I said, I wouldn't bother.
Not so. It's just an added benefit to have others correct me the same
as it is when you correct John's spelling. (o:

So yes - I believe that replying to the list is the 'right' or best
way to participate, but no - I don't think it should be forced. In our
case, I think the forced 'reply' to the list ends up dumping a lot
more unrelated stuff to everyone than it includes. Folks here are just
better than that. AMers love to be heard at least as much as they love
to buzzard away.

73, Todd  KA1KAQ

RE: [AMRadio] Re: upside down reply buttons, sending to whom, and tops VS bottoms and other non AM tech stuff

2006-06-13 Thread John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO)
Thanks for your concern but I did send the message to both you and the list
and it did come back to me from the list.
Thanks anyway because as you know I am just as likely to send it to my
Grandmother, rest her sole.


Re: [AMRadio] Re: upside down reply buttons, sending to whom, and tops VS bottoms and other non AM tech stuff

2006-06-13 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

Interestinghitting 'reply' now sends only to the original sender,
not to the list. Before it sent only to the list and 'reply all' sent
to the list *and* the original poster.

I'd have to disagree with Geoff about the list suffering if set up
like this, *only* because this is such a great (and very 'vocal'
group, through voice or text). I don't disagree with the premise that
private postings can hurt a list, I just don't think most folks here
aren't like that. From what I've seen, the list has suffered more
through folks using the normal or usual approach of hitting 'reply' to
for sale ads, or even to make a quick personal remark to a friend. A
lot of this gets cycled back to the list and causes some frustration
for Brian and probably most others. If someone is truly concerned with
not posting to the list, they could still do so with the list set up
as it was by deleting the list address. But the opposite seemed to be
true (IMO), with more private/non-related replies being posted to the
list and folks trying to remind everyone not to do this.

My reasons for replying to the list with a response are partly selfish
too: having been less active over the past decade, I feel better
knowing that if my assumption or advice is wrong, those who are more
qualified will correct it. This helps not only the original recipient,
but also re-educates me at the same time. Such a deal!

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

RE: [AMRadio] Re: upside down reply buttons, sending to whom, and tops VS bottoms and other non AM tech stuff

2006-06-13 Thread Gary Schafer

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:amradio-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of W5OMR/Geoff
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 10:52 PM
> To: Discussion of AM Radio
> Subject: [AMRadio] Re: upside down reply buttons, sending to whom, and
> tops VS bottoms and other non AM tech stuff
> John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) wrote:
> >This is almost like discussing politics on the air. HIHI
> >But I will make a comment here any way.
> >
> >Dino and Geoff
> >
> [much deleted]
> >Brian
> >
> [... again...]
> John, your comments didn't go unread by me... but the way the list is
> set up now, I'm fairly certain that only *I* got your reply.
> This is what the major crux of the problem is.  Most people, when on a
> list, just hit 'reply', and go.  When the list is setup the way it USED
> to be, the reply would go to the list.  That's the way a Discussion list
> is SUPPOSED to be.. so folks can DISCUSS (in my not so humble opinion).
> When you only reply to the sender, who has put something on the list,
> then everyone else on the list suffers if someone only replies to the
> sender, because the rest of the list can not benifit from the wisdom and
> knowledge of someone's reply to a question.
> It is for that reason, above most all others, that I say leave the reply
> option in the list software, as a reply-to-list function.  If you -need-
> to reply to an individual, then click 'reply to all' and that will THEN
> include the original sender (as well as the list), and then it's a
> simple matter of removing the discussion list address, so that the reply
> only goes to the individual, instead of the whole list.  


The problem is, it does not work that way! The way it was set up before,
hitting "reply" or "reply to all" did exactly the same thing! They would
both reply ONLY to the list. Neither would list the sender if you wanted to
reply only to him.

The way it is now you have a choice.

Gary  K4FMX