Mark - Sounds like a great plan.  I will be there on 15 this weekend; lets hope 
others do
too...1500 EDT...2000 GMT.  21.425 or so....73, Larry, KC8JX

--- Mark K3MSB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Those of us that like 10 and 15 meter AM know that a) the bands aren't
> great this time of the cycle and that b) when they are decent nobody's
> on AM as they don't think the band's open!
> This is evident during contests when there's CW or SSB activity but
> you can go hoarse calling CQ on the AM calling freqs!!    Monitoring
> those frequencies is OK, but that's not practical for me over anything
> but short periods of time.
> To facilitate activity on 10 and 15, what y'all think of establishing
> a weekly activity time? Say 3 PM EDT Saturdays and Sundays on 10 and
> 15  (29.0 and 21.425)?
> Nothing formal, no net control nonsense etc.  Just a time when folks
> would know there's a higher probability of catching a fellow AM'er on
> the band?
> Comments welcome.
> 73 Mark K3MSB

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