Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Jim Wilhite

I was confused, Ron... no the screen doesn't need to be 
resonant.  It's merely a control voltage.

Now, there -is- a need to modulate the screen of the 


The best way to do that is put a choke in the screen lead. 
Or drop the B+ through a big resistor if you run 2 KV on the 


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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

K3PID wrote:

Geoff, I can't imagine why you would want a resonant screen supply. Is there 
any reason to? Isn't the screen supposed to be steady state? Would there be any 
advantage to having it vary with the plate? How would you synchronize them?

73 K3PID
Ron H.

I was confused, Ron... no the screen doesn't need to be resonant.  It's 
merely a control voltage.

Now, there -is- a need to modulate the screen of the final.


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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread K3PID
Geoff, I can't imagine why you would want a resonant screen supply. Is there 
any reason to? Isn't the screen supposed to be steady state? Would there be any 
advantage to having it vary with the plate? How would you synchronize them?

73 K3PID
Ron H.

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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Ed Berbari

Here goes - don't tell this one often, but it is true.

I am 58 (not the story), and took my general test in December of 1964 at the 
Federal Building in Cleveland.  I was pacing in the hallway with about 50 
other people waiting for the examiner to let us in.  As we were milling 
around an older fellow seemed to stumble into me and instead of rebounding 
with the apologies he kept sliding down my chest then onto the floor.  His 
glasses broke and there was a small pool of blood.  Others quickly gathered 
and there was a doctor who took over the scene.  The examiner came out and 
ushered us all into the room.  Passed the code -flunked the theory (retook 
it in February and passed both).  According to the staff in the building the 
gentleman apparently did not survive.


- Original Message - 
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

On 7/24/07, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know Todd - you seemed a lot older when I met you, but then
again, I was probably suffering from the contest/DX party time from the
night before. According to the AMFone birthday announcements, I turned
107 on May 28th.

107, huh? You're even better preserved than John! I had people
swearing I was just out of college when I was in my mid-late 30s, one
programmer here at work even asked to see my driver's license, he
thought I was a summer student worker. Not sure what happened to speed
up the aging process, no doubt related to women, booze, and exposure
to RF. My knees feel like they're 80, at least.

Of course, the guys at Dayton with me were roughly a decade older, so
maybe that was it? Yeah, that's the ticket...

~ Todd  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] Re: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

A.R.S. - WA5AM wrote:


Don't forget Mr. Lum/K5AYD still on just about every day and late
night from Cache, OK.  Lum is, or will be 87 this year, born in 1920.
WWII vet, etc.  BTW, I think Perry IS on this list, however he hasn't
posted anything yet.

This thread really makes me feel like a youngster.  I'll be 50 in a
few months, and now it won't bother me so much...

Well, I hadn't forgotten about Lum, but certainly he's worthy of 
How many more of the Channel 90 bunch, other than Jim/K5BAI are 70+?

50, eh?  Well, you've only got -a- year on me, Brian :-)

I'll be 49 (I can hear the scuffaws, and the throat clearings, now!) in 
December of this year.

And, you know.. in this thread, I need to tell this story, about the 
last time the FCC was at Brooks AFB...

I had gotten my Novice from (and I can't believe I don't remember his 
name - but I can see his face, and know where he and his wife live) the 
guy who was giving Ham Radio Classes, via the San Antonio Radio Club.  
He was an Advanced, and his wife was a General.  After the first class 
(once a week, and thanks, Dad, for sending me!) I went home and got out 
my old J-38 on a peice of 1x6 that I built as a Cub Scout project, when 
I was 8 years old.  Hmmm... seems to me that's also the time I was 
introduced to threaded screws, vs using nails on lumber.  You think it 
was in preservation of the J-38? HA)  Got Dad interested in helping me 
build the code practice oscillator, and started going through what I 
remembered from learning the code some 18 years prior.  After the next 
'class', I told the code instructor I wanted to take the Novice test.  
We set up for the following Friday night, I went over, he and his wife 
administered the test, and I PASSED!  I missed 'one' question on the CW 
test (5wpm) and 2 on the written test, and that was only because a 
couple of rules had changed on the frequency allocations less than a 
year prior.  I don't remember exactly, but it was something to do with 
the novice sub-band on 15m, I think (at least that was -one- of the 
questions, and I didn't care about 15m... I wanted to work 40m CW, just 
like my ol' man!) 

So, the wait was on.  And, it was 3 weeks to the day, on Friday, when I 
got the ticket from the FCC - KA5THB.  In the mean time, I had gone out 
and created an operating position.  National NCX-3, borrowed/handed down 
from Dad (then W5OMR -R.I.P.).  After a frustrating night of calling CQ 
and not getting any answers on the 40m Novice frequency of 7.110, I 
started tuning around... and listened to someone called 'ME'!  I got him 
at a comfortable tone, and answered.  It was W5OMR (at a different 
location), but when he came back, he wasn't the perfect 800Hz he had 
been, before.  That's when we discovered that the National NCX-3 didn't 
have a 'shift' for CW.  So, my solution to that was, use a different 
receiver and a TR relay.  Out comes the Heathkit Twins... Commanche and 
Cheyanne, mobile radio.  We're in business.

That was February of 1984.  That Fall, in September of 1984, was the 
last time the FCC came to San Antonio.  I took the General test, CW and 
Written.  Nervous as I could be, we were seated in a -huge- auditorium, 
with no good way to write on a table or desk-top, and the CW test was 
given via 2 big speakers on the stage.  Echo, reverberation, acoustical 
bouncing, etc... I managed to miss -1- too many, BUT, I *ACED* the 
written test. 

Back then, going from Novice to Technician, meant passing merely the 
General Written Test.  Got that.  General Class?  No.. I missed 1 too 
many questions on the 13wpm test.  Drat.  When I got home, dad asked 
"Well, is it this? (with a hand stuck out for a congratulatory 
hand-shake) or This?" (and he doubled up his fist, with the same hand).
I said... 'somewhere inbetween'.  He looked confused and I explained 
what happened.  After consternation, he finally said "well, at least 
you're moving up".  :-)

Indeed!  the follow January, the Austin Radio Club had their very first 
VE session.  Brian Battles, N5BB, Dave Wall/NV5I signed my Certificate 
of Successful Completion Exam, for having passed the 20wpm code test.  I 
only -went- there for the code test.  They handed me the advanced test 
material (which I had never looked at prior) and got half of those 
right, simply by -guessing-.  Got the upgrade to General, by passing the 
20wpm code test.  To this day, I've never taken the 'official' 13wpm 
test again. 

I kept KA5THB, from Novice, to Technician, to Advanced (1988, I believe 
with Danny/then N5CED now KE5ZS), to Extra (with Randy, then WA1GZV and 
Jerry, then KG5EJ (sk)) in 1992, and didn't change calls until the two 
year grace period expired on upgrading calls for W5OMR (who went SK on 
me, in September of 1988).

Enough outta me... I need to get something accomplished today.


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Re: [AMRadio] Re: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Bill Fondren
Brian I'll toss my hat in as well as K5BAI's (no computer).  I'll be 76 in  
Oct and Jim is 78.  Both of us are on AM each morning from north Texas.  I well 
remember when I got my First Class ticket.  Kansas City the day before 
Thanksgiving way back when.  I show up and only one  inspector was there, no 
one else. They only give the test on certain days but because I had come from 
Springfield (200 mile away) and he wanted company I guess, he gave me the test, 
graded it and I went home with a First Class License.  Found out later he was 
from Springfield.  Maybe that helped.Good to read all the stories.My 
story is on QRZ.   Bill  K5PML

"A.R.S. - WA5AM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Geoff,

Don't forget Mr. Lum/K5AYD still on just about every day and late
night from Cache, OK. Lum is, or will be 87 this year, born in 1920.
WWII vet, etc. BTW, I think Perry IS on this list, however he hasn't
posted anything yet.

This thread really makes me feel like a youngster. I'll be 50 in a
few months, and now it won't bother me so much...

Brian / wa5am
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Re: [AMRadio] Re: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread KX5KW
I always enjoy listening to Lum and his World-Wide Apache - K5"A"YD!
Besides, he's a fellow old tractor collector!  :)


On Tuesday 24 July 2007 12:02:12 pm A.R.S. - WA5AM wrote:
> Geoff,
> Don't forget Mr. Lum/K5AYD still on just about every day and late
> night from Cache, OK.  Lum is, or will be 87 this year, born in 1920.
> WWII vet, etc.  BTW, I think Perry IS on this list, however he hasn't
> posted anything yet.
> This thread really makes me feel like a youngster.  I'll be 50 in a
> few months, and now it won't bother me so much...
> 73
> Brian / wa5am
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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 7/24/07, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know Todd - you seemed a lot older when I met you, but then
again, I was probably suffering from the contest/DX party time from the
night before. According to the AMFone birthday announcements, I turned
107 on May 28th.

107, huh? You're even better preserved than John! I had people
swearing I was just out of college when I was in my mid-late 30s, one
programmer here at work even asked to see my driver's license, he
thought I was a summer student worker. Not sure what happened to speed
up the aging process, no doubt related to women, booze, and exposure
to RF. My knees feel like they're 80, at least.

Of course, the guys at Dayton with me were roughly a decade older, so
maybe that was it? Yeah, that's the ticket...

~ Todd  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] Re: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread A.R.S. - WA5AM


Don't forget Mr. Lum/K5AYD still on just about every day and late
night from Cache, OK.  Lum is, or will be 87 this year, born in 1920.
WWII vet, etc.  BTW, I think Perry IS on this list, however he hasn't
posted anything yet.

This thread really makes me feel like a youngster.  I'll be 50 in a
few months, and now it won't bother me so much...

Brian / wa5am
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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Peter Markavage
I don't know Todd - you seemed a lot older when I met you, but then
again, I was probably suffering from the contest/DX party time from the
night before. According to the AMFone birthday announcements, I turned
107 on May 28th.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:36:50 -0400 "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 7/23/07, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Central Electronics 100V and 200V (50's stuff) transmitters had 
> no
> > transmitter tuning on the front panel. Once you aligned them 
> properly,
> > there was no dip the dipper or peak the peaker or adjust the grid 
> or
> > diddle with the buffer, etc.
> Yes indeed, broadband tuning with what CE referred to as 'set and
> forget' controls under the little front doors. Interesting rigs, a 
> bit
> ahead of their time for sure. And very well made.
> Geez, I'm a pup compared to most of you guys I guess. Just coming 
> up
> on 25 years licensed. Followed a similar route and progression that
> others have mentioned: CW, SSB DX, AM. I still enjoy all three,
> although chasing DX is a bit of a bore with the 'big ego/big guns'
> stepping on everyone, DX cluster and all the rest. I enjoyed 
> stumbling
> across stations while cruising the band, never cared for the
> competitive/rude aspect.
> But with radio time at a premium, AM gets my full attention. The 
> other
> stuff is fine, but AM is the most enjoyable for me.
> John 'AWM - you just turned 70? Congrats, OM. When I saw you at
> Dayton, I would've guessed late 50s/early 60s. I hope I age as
> gracefully!
> ~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Jim Wilhite
Geoff I have never seen a tuned circuit in the screen lead. 
Have you and if you have, I would like to see the diagram 
for interest's sake.


 That brings up a
question... (and I'm asking because I just don't know 
pentodes/tetrodes) should the screen circuit be resonant 
at the operating frequency, as well?

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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

Rick Brashear wrote:

Yep!  You're right, Ron.  I know there was at least one schematic that had
to be drawn and you certainly had to have a working knowledge of current
flow and basic circuit design.  I guess there were more questions then
relating to the type of equipment we used in those days.  When I got my
General there was no such thing as a "no tune" transmitter or amplifier.
You had to know when, how and why to dip!  

Because When Inductive Reactance (X(l)) equals Capacitive Reactance 
(X(c)) you get Resonance!  At least in triodes.  Pentodes need some 
extra work, due to screen voltages/current.  That brings up a 
question... (and I'm asking because I just don't know pentodes/tetrodes) 
should the screen circuit be resonant at the operating frequency, as well?

I guess progress has moved the test beyond the need for such knowledge, but I 
can't help but believe it was
a good thing to know then and would be a good thing to know now. 

If you're a home brewer, or old-radio restorer, it is (in my opinion) 
something you -must- know!


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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread W4AWM
In a message dated 7/24/2007 9:37:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> John 'AWM - you just turned 70? Congrats, OM. When I saw you at
> Dayton, I would've guessed late 50s/early 60s.

Wow!  Thanks, Todd.  You made my week!


John,  W4AWM

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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

On 7/23/07, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Central Electronics 100V and 200V (50's stuff) transmitters had no
transmitter tuning on the front panel. Once you aligned them properly,
there was no dip the dipper or peak the peaker or adjust the grid or
diddle with the buffer, etc.

Yes indeed, broadband tuning with what CE referred to as 'set and
forget' controls under the little front doors. Interesting rigs, a bit
ahead of their time for sure. And very well made.

Geez, I'm a pup compared to most of you guys I guess. Just coming up
on 25 years licensed. Followed a similar route and progression that
others have mentioned: CW, SSB DX, AM. I still enjoy all three,
although chasing DX is a bit of a bore with the 'big ego/big guns'
stepping on everyone, DX cluster and all the rest. I enjoyed stumbling
across stations while cruising the band, never cared for the
competitive/rude aspect.

But with radio time at a premium, AM gets my full attention. The other
stuff is fine, but AM is the most enjoyable for me.

John 'AWM - you just turned 70? Congrats, OM. When I saw you at
Dayton, I would've guessed late 50s/early 60s. I hope I age as

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ
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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-24 Thread John Dilks K2TQN

At 08:30 PM 7/23/2007, kenw2dtc wrote:
Since we are going down memory lane, I thought I would put in my 2 
cents worth:



You're fortunate to still have the photos, and so many of them.  For 
whatever reason my parents didn't have a camera, but I did (one year 
for Christmas) and then I didn't take any photos of my station 
either.  My oldest photos are during the late 1960's, while in the AF.

73, John Dilks, K2TQN 

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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread kenw2dtc

You were very lucky to start out with good equipment.  Great photos and 
history narritive.


Dave N7RK

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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread David Hollander
Good evening - I have really enjoyed reading this thread. I have 
subscribed to this reflector for a couple of years but rarely post as I 
am a boatanchor collector who very rarely works AM. I do enjoy reading 
what's posted here.

I am presently 55 and one of the younger of my local DX and boatanchor 
ham friends  who are mostly late 50's and early 60's with a few older.

I was licensed in 1963 at age 11 while in junior high school in southern 
California. Have been pretty much active the entire 44 years with a few 
breaks of maybe 6 months at a time. I am still very active with 
boatanchor collecting, chasing DX on CW and phone and some casual 

Here is a bit of my history in photos:


Dave N7RK
Dave  N7RK  Boatanchors Home Page:
Phoenix, Arizona *DXCC Honor Roll**WAZ#22 - 75 Meter SSB*


Boatanchor and Antique Radio Collector

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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread J.D. Mac Aulay, WQ8U
  Very well done - thanks for sharing the trip.
  I got my Novice ticket in 1954 when I was a freshman in highschool and got my 
First Class Radiotelephone ticket when I graduated.  We had a lot of common 
experiences whithout ever meeting.
  Again, thanks for the great presentation.

kenw2dtc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Since we are going down memory lane, I thought I would put in my 2 cents 


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Hillsborough, NC
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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread Jim Wilhite
That was interesting reading Ken.  Up until you started with 
high power, I was with you.  I licensed in late 1955 and got 
on 80 meter CW as a Novice about 6 months later.  My parents 
would not let me order anything until I knew I had passed 
the test.  ARC equipment followed for about a year and a 
half.  I did not have a high power AM signal until 1992 when 
I found this Globe King 500A.

I do wish I had  my old Novice license, but I know that is 
long gone.  The best I can do is a QSL card from my elmer 
dated early 1957.  You have made me wonder if anyone here 
has a QSL from KN5MDQ or K5MDQ, especially the Novice one. 
I would like to find a copy.


Since we are going down memory lane, I thought I would put 
in my 2 cents worth:


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RE: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread Brett gazdzinski
I was real lucky in that when I got my commercial
license (before my general ham ticket), the questions were
all about tube stuff I was interested in building.

The questions were actually very interesting (and easy)!

The general test was also easy (at that time).
I would get about a 50% on the current extra test...


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Brashear
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 7:42 PM
> To: 'Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service'
> Subject: RE: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..
> Yep!  You're right, Ron.  I know there was at least one 
> schematic that had
> to be drawn and you certainly had to have a working knowledge 
> of current
> flow and basic circuit design.  I guess there were more questions then
> relating to the type of equipment we used in those days.  
> When I got my
> General there was no such thing as a "no tune" transmitter or 
> amplifier.
> You had to know when, how and why to dip!  I guess progress 
> has moved the
> test beyond the need for such knowledge, but I can't help but 
> believe it was
> a good thing to know then and would be a good thing to know 
> now.  Of course,
> I'm an old coot and live in the past.
> Rick/K5IAR
> Hey! I'm 62 but whose counting? I seem to recall that when I 
> upgraded my
> Novice license I actually had to draw a Hartley oscillator 
> and label the
> component values There were some multiple guess but they 
> were rules etc
> as I recall...
> K3PID ( was KN3PID at the time..)
> Ron H.
> __
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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread kenw2dtc
Since we are going down memory lane, I thought I would put in my 2 cents 


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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread W4AWM
I gotta get in here, too.  I turned 70 yesterday and my next project, if I 
ever get the time, is to recreate my old P-P 6L6 Novice rig and PS.  I have all 
the parts ready to go, including the exact same power supply trannies that I 
got from an old radio store.

BTW, If anyone had my original rig or PS or any parts thereof, I will  be 
more that happy to buy them from you.  That rig was sold in the early 60s at I 
believe, the Shelby hamfest. The buyer was one Bobby Dees, but I have never 
able to locate him.

If it is still intact, you will know it because it is built on a sheet metal 
8 X 12 X 3. There were 2 chassis, with the PS on the bottom and the RF deck 
on top, separated by Erector Set "L" shaped girders.  The chassis were made of 
heat duct shgeet metal and look like the old furnace duct work.

73 and keep 'em lit!

John,  W4AWM

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Re: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread Peter Markavage
Central Electronics 100V and 200V (50's stuff) transmitters had no
transmitter tuning on the front panel. Once you aligned them properly,
there was no dip the dipper or peak the peaker or adjust the grid or
diddle with the buffer, etc.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 18:41:48 -0500 "Rick Brashear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Yep!  You're right, Ron.  I know there was at least one schematic 
> that had
> to be drawn and you certainly had to have a working knowledge of 
> current
> flow and basic circuit design.  I guess there were more questions 
> then
> relating to the type of equipment we used in those days.  When I got 
> my
> General there was no such thing as a "no tune" transmitter or 
> amplifier.
> You had to know when, how and why to dip!  I guess progress has 
> moved the
> test beyond the need for such knowledge, but I can't help but 
> believe it was
> a good thing to know then and would be a good thing to know now.  Of 
> course,
> I'm an old coot and live in the past.
> Rick/K5IAR
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RE: [AMRadio] RE: Average Age etc..

2007-07-23 Thread Rick Brashear
Yep!  You're right, Ron.  I know there was at least one schematic that had
to be drawn and you certainly had to have a working knowledge of current
flow and basic circuit design.  I guess there were more questions then
relating to the type of equipment we used in those days.  When I got my
General there was no such thing as a "no tune" transmitter or amplifier.
You had to know when, how and why to dip!  I guess progress has moved the
test beyond the need for such knowledge, but I can't help but believe it was
a good thing to know then and would be a good thing to know now.  Of course,
I'm an old coot and live in the past.


Hey! I'm 62 but whose counting? I seem to recall that when I upgraded my
Novice license I actually had to draw a Hartley oscillator and label the
component values There were some multiple guess but they were rules etc
as I recall...

K3PID ( was KN3PID at the time..)
Ron H.

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