[amsat-bb] K2M on SO50 13 colonies special event for PA - not able to be heard.

2013-07-02 Thread transb...@gmail.com
We suffered an epic fail on getting heard on this morning's 7:15 am pass of
SO50.  Using an HT and Arrow II.  I heard K2A, K2J and K2D, but nobody was
able to hear my call.  My PL is correct and I hope that it is just the
clouds and lousy weather.  Will try again for this evening's pass if not
rained out.  Thank goodness for Richard K2M on the linear birds!

If I am able to get my signal out please look for me on the higher passes.


Betsy (Elizabeth)
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[amsat-bb] ISS digital packets

2013-03-13 Thread transb...@gmail.com
Hello all

I have recently been unsuccessful in sending digital packets to the ISS
since the change in radios on the station.

I use an Elk with my Yaesu VX8DR and the path I use is ARISS. I have
recently tried adding a WIDE to that path to see if I could get gated, but
have been largely unsuccessful except for one day, but haven't been able to
get back on, even with a relatively high pass.

Does anybody know if the path has changed since they are now using the
Ericsson instead of the Kenwood, or if there are any significant changes I
can make?. It could possibly be just the 5 watt HT can't do the job with
the Ericsson.

Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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[amsat-bb] Re: RE NO-44 worked with HT and Elk

2012-10-26 Thread transb...@gmail.com
Hi Greg

Thanks for the congrats and the great advice..  I have done the email from
the ISS, but I have to pre input the message on my HT.  When making a
contact via the ISS, while the bird is overhead, while holding the yagi and
the HT means stopping, responding, hitting xmit and hoping that the bird is
still overhead enough to get the contact through.  I have been successful a
few times but usually I'm  not fast enough to get another packet in.  I'll
keep working on it though.  I have to say it still makes me giddy.  Ya
gotta love this stuff!

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[amsat-bb] RE NO-44 worked with HT and Elk

2012-10-25 Thread transb...@gmail.com

This is for Wayne, W9AE

I apologize if I was a bit vague, but I was dancing around my living room
and quite excited.

I worked NO-44 by digipeating packet data to the satellite and got a
confirmation on the sat board that it heard me.  I can't seem to get a
solid ack back from it so I did not send a message to another user.
However,  I saw that somebody sent me a message but it didn't come
through...my radio never heard it.  I am only working 5 watts with an HT.

I hope this clears things up a bit.  I'm new at this myself so that was my
first NO-44 contact.  Still dancing around and have made two more contacts
since then.

Elizabeth (Betsy)
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[amsat-bb] NO-44 SATPC worked today with an HT and Elk.

2012-10-23 Thread transb...@gmail.com
Hi all

I just wanted to share my excitement that I worked NO-44 at 14:47 today,
10/23, with my Yaesu VX8DR HT with a five element Elk, for the first time.
 I have been trying for awhile and didn't expect much in the way of results.

Now, I can proceed to jump around my living room.


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[amsat-bb] Pennsylvania/K2M 13 colonies

2012-07-07 Thread transb...@gmail.com
Does anybody else need PA for the 13 colonies?  I have had no takers in two
days and will be going to DE to help get
some contacts this afternoon.  If anybody still needs PA please let me know
and I will be there if needed.

73,  Elizabeth
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[amsat-bb] K2e De ssb and fm 13 colonies

2012-07-07 Thread transb...@gmail.com
Radio trouble on ssb in Delaware..will work ao27 at 2:10 and fo29 attempt
at 2:25  local time.  73 kb2m
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