Hey, Gang.

I have fallen victim to the old QRZ.com logbook call sign change
Houdini problem.

I changed my call from K3UAZ to KK6L in February/March-ish after
moving to California, and I had my entire satellite logbook online at
QRZ.com with no consolidated paper log.

Of course, the whole thing went *POOF* when my new call arrived, and I
had no paper copies.

I do have cards for some of those QSO's, but if any of you could
search through your logs and look for either K3UAZ or KK6L and drop me
an e-mail with the QSO information, it would be a great help in
rebuilding my log. I worked exclusively on the FM Sats from about
Thanksgiving through now from FN10 and CM88.


- Jake, KK6L
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