I have for sale an SSB Electronics SP-2000 Superamp mast-mounted GaAsFET 
preamp, 1 1/2 years old. Rated at 200w VOX, 750w PTT. It has Hi-Q helical coils 
& helical filters and is one of the best preamps for DXing, satellites, meteor 
scatter, and EME. More info at:
Reviews at:
http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/4156 (4.8/5)

The preamp works OK, but for some unknown reason it is rusty. The preamp is 
contained in a weatherproof case but water must have gotten in somehow. I 
cleaned up the circuit board with Q-tips and alcohol.  Photos available.

The SP-2000 sells new for $310 plus shipping. You can have this one for $150 
shipped anywhere USA. Also would offer the SP-2000 plus cash for a 2m preamp 
system capable of handling 1.5 kw. I recently bought a Lunar Link and 
discovered the rust issue when I took the preamp down.

73, Bill NZ5N

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