I lived in NYC close to the World Trade Center during September of 2001. 

For me, the matter was settled during the 9/11 attack. I was on the 
communications team supporting the Red Cross in response to the aftermath where 
I witnessed firsthand, the necessity for hams to be a part of the 
communications system. 

When the Twin Towers collapsed, the local cell phone infrastructure went with 
them. Mobile phones were useless for quite a while and landlines were 
overloaded--making calls in or out of the area nearly impossible. ALL of our 
public services (PD, Fire, EMS, etc.) were completely overwhelmed and focused 
on ground zero where firemen, cops, civilians., etc. where dying by the scores; 
jumping out windows to escape the inferno inside the building and crushed under 
fallen debris....chaos on the public service freqencies and those outside the 
city couldn't communicate with family members and friends scrambling from what 
had already happened...and what might happen next.

Ham radio was critical in the coordination of rescue and relief efforts. 
Operators halled car batteries on luggage carts, antennas stuck to anything 
metal (tables, chairs, bookcases, file cabinets) stationed at high school gyms, 
makeshift shelters, on ambulances, at ground zero, etc. We kept our cool, 
remained organized and efficiently assisted in any way we could--it worked 

Something like that fatefull day on a warm, clear day in September will 
probably happen again. I'm ready and willing--even if I have just a wet noodle, 
my trusty Clegg HT with one crystal and a bag full of D cell batteries.

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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