Hey everyone,

I'll be making a quick trip to North Dakota tomorrow (Sunday, March 14), and 
have the possibility of operating portable from DN96.

However, the only satellite pass that I know with certainty that I can work is 
the 0345-ish UTC Monday (Sunday evening in North America) pass of HO-68, which 
has a maximum elevation of almost 70 degrees to my location in DN96. 

Alan Kung has asked that the orbit in question be reserved for packet in his 
latest schedule - and this is where I'm writing to seek input from the 
operators who will be in the footprint during this orbit.

First and most importantly - does anyone need North Dakota and/or DN96?

Second - if there IS interest in FM voice contacts during that particular 
orbit, will any packet operators reading this please respond with your thoughts 
about having roughly 10 minutes of voice contacts - maximum - during that orbit?

I am not checking luggage, so will be carrying only my HT and a whip antenna. 
Given HO-68's outstanding performance and the path of this pass, I believe I 
should be able to work the satellite consistently on that handheld station from 
roughly 0345 UTC to 0355 UTC. 

I will be happy to activate North Dakota and DN96 if there is interest, and if 
the packet operators who plan to use HO-68 are OK with this 10-minute window of 
FM voice operation on Sunday evening.

I'll also be happy to avoid the pass if there are major concerns. 

There is one AO-51 pass, during the 1300 UTC hour on Monday morning, that I may 
be able to work - but I'm not confident that will be the case. I expect to be 
in meetings by then, which makes the HO-68 pass in question the only one I am 
certain I'll be able to work.

Please post any input to the BB so that everyone can see any feedback I get. 

Thanks in advance for your time and thoughts. 

73 to all,

Tim - N3TL
Athens, Ga. - EM84ha
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