Since we are on the subject of satellite equipment, I have a question: 

I was on AO51 a bit ago, and I was able to get in okay at the beginning using 
the THD7A for transmit, but as the pass went on it was impossible for me to get 
in, even when there was dead silence.  I tried the D7 afterward (using the 
Arrow like I would for a pass) on a couple local repeaters, and I was having a 
hard time getting into them, when usually I could hit them with a duck.  I 
pulled the Arrow off and stuck the duck on, and I can get into all the 
repeaters fine.  Keeping all of that in mind, I went back to the Arrow and put 
a THG71A on in place of the D7 (same battery that was in the D7), and I could 
hit the repeater okay.  I put the D7 faceplate back on, and it would not work.

With the above information, I am getting indications of both an issue with the 
radio and/or Arrow.

Any ideas as to what the issue might be????

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